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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)   ... open for extending on

Electricity-Generating Kite Systems      EGKS
-- Air kites or underwater kites or hybrids--
-- using kites to generate electricity ---- kite systems generating electricity -- Airtricity -- Kite electricity -- Kite energy -- Energy generating kite systems

Send questions and answers to  
This page is an open-source collaborative project by KITESA* and
by those interested in using kite systems for generating electricity.

Air surrounds us. Water is a bit more challenging to reach, yet is powerful.

Drachen Foundation:
How do you want to be remembered?

Paul MacCready:
It makes no difference to me. The ideas and accomplishments may deserve remembrance, but not who did them.

*File initiated on December 15, 2008 by Kite Information and Technology Exchange Society of America (KITESA) 
Kiteologists and kite enthusiasts from anywhere are invited to generate electricity from kite systems and share learnings with all.