What are some of the variables
(not yet comprehensive)
- Kite system choice
- Control. Is the control automatic and run by expert programs?
- Altitude
- Environmental impact
- Liability profile
- Cost-of-energy (COE)
- Scalability
- Niche application definition
- Operation lessons
- Wear rate
- Duty cycle
- Operational life of parts of the kite system
- UV impact on system
- Flapping wear
- Fatigue
- Robustness
- Output level
- Wind range
- Power transmission
- Social
- Site cost
- Airspace
- Regulation of large installed kite systems to assure safe and
efficient operation
- Wind variability and times of inadequacy
- Generator position
- Energy stored or sent to immediate uses?
- Heavier-than-air or lighter-than-air
- Economies
- Pollution footprint
- Controllers
- Expert algorithms facing changes in the wind, action of the kite
- Degradation of system parts from solar radiation, wear, moisture,
- Human-hour cost to operate and maintain the kite system
- Type of motion
- Application parameters
- Pitch control
- Angle of attack control
- Porosity control
- Shape morphing
- Temporary powering for initial climb
- Keeping generator and conductors on ground while using line tension
and position variability for operating generators
- Icing
- Calms
- Point use
- Grid use
- Storing kite-sourced energy in order to later generate electricity
(e.g., pump water to a head that provides potential energy that later
could drive turbines to drive a electrical generator)
- Territory permissions
- Line handling safety and reliability
- Safety in all parts of the kite system
- Public safety
- Territory occupation
- Intermittency of wind
- Variability of wind
- Availability of wind
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