Chris(topher) Vonderwall     EnterData  +  
Location: Elizabeth East
Title: "Cyclops"       Short nickname: cyc   (one-eyed pilot)
Quote: "I will keep an eye out for you."
About:: Born 1949.  "For one reason or another, I don't fly enough; but I will get that sorted."

Flying: (Oct. 22, 2007 update) 58 years old. Has been flying for about 7 years. He flies hang, powered hang (nanolight trike).

Considering:  para and powered para. 

Challenges: 2007:  Recent knee surgery (grounded temporarily).

     "I really enjoy getting out to a hill and catching up on all the gossip and meeting all the new pilots. When I get really desperate for some airtime, I go fly my trike at the airpark halfway between TRURO and BLANCHETOWN."

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