- [ ] >
Seek and find a volunteer lawyer for the project.
- [ ] >
Collect names of those who were on the hill.
- [ ] >
Collect names of those who were spectators.
- [ ] >
Form list of photographers.
- [ ] >
Form list of those on the hill who have into the Next Thermal.
- [ ] >
Identify if the Plaque could be part of a Federal landmark.
- [ ] >
Identify if the Plaque could be part of a world landmark.
- [ ] >
Identify the steps for a California landmark.
- [ ] >
Identify other landmarks in Orange County.
- [ ] >
Identify opportunities for entrepreneurs related to the Otto Meet 1971
- [ ] >
Give coordinates of the site to every entity that has been receiving
lift from the Meet. c
- [ ] >
Give the coordinates to DS, as he asked. NL was as asked to
forward the matter.
- [ ] >
Receive from BT the 1971 photo of biplane hang glider he mentioned on
May 13, 2010.
- [ ] >
Get list of service orgs in Newport Beach.
- [ ] >
Find all aviation-related clubs based in Newport Beach and Orange
- [ ] >
Find all hang glider pilots who live in Newport Beach.
- [ ] >
Form a PayPal button for Next Thermal Name Sponsoring
- [ ] >
Determine the options for the physical plaque as regards space for
naming aeronaut attendees, at least.
- [ ] >
Generate a comprehensive list (with links) of every HG/PG club and
association on earth.
- [ ] >
Generate a comprehensive list of hang gliding and paragliding
instructors (with links) on earth.
- [ ] >
Generate a comprehensive list of manufacturers (with links) of hang
gliders and paragliders on earth.
- [ ] >
Generate a robust list of suppliers of goods to the HG/PG community.
- [ ] >
Invite every HG/PG entity to be listed on the Otto Meet 1971 Virtual
- [ ] >
Receive and post images, drawings, art, and stories enrich the Otto Meet
as it was and still is.
- [ ] >
Identify other California aviation landmarks. These may guide our
- [ ] >
Identify links for all events that have been affected some by OML.
HG, PG, mixed.
- [ ] >
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- [ ] >