Flying-duck notes (send yours to LIFT)
- Colors
- V formation lessons
- Collisions with human aircraft
- Migrations
- Interface with paragliders and ultralights
- Water takeoffs
- Underwater flight
Bob Lovejoy's Quite Unuusal American Canard Kite pictured in
Popular Science, May, 1974 was a proper kite and proper
paraglider and proper hang glider, as it was a gliding kite.
Caption of photograph in 1974 issue of Popular Science:
"Quicksilver to Q.U.A.C.K. --Bob Lovejoy rearranged the former's parts
to create his "Quite Unusual American Canard Kite."" Horizontal
stabilizer is up front, rudder is on top, wing has fixed leading and
trailing edges, but no ribs."
Was Bob inspired by the Wright Brothers' kiting and canard?