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Hot-Swap & Hot-Repair of AWES Tethers
//Re: [AWES] Tether note: "Snap-proof" space tether

The Finnish space-tether work is based on the same principle as AWES multi-line kites being "statistically immune" to runaway.

For the ultimate in AWES tether reliability, imagine a simple capability to hotswap broken lines, which riggers do as a common practice in sailing and similar situations, but only KiteLab Group seems to envision in AWE. The essential requirement is to have redundant lines able to back-up failed lines. These "extra" lines serve as engineered safety-margin for all peak-load conditions.

A novel AWES field-capability would be to melt worn or broken kite line, and re-polymerize and braid it into new line, much as many spiders do. This could solve decay problems, like UV damage or micrometeorites hitting space tethers, and many comparable apps. In principle, a line-renewing carriage can restore a worn line by moving along it while maintaining working tension.

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