World AWE continental, regional, national,
and scale
representatives and nominees
AWECS at any scale (international or FreeFlight, national, utility, commercial, residential, nomadic, sport, toy, miniature, micro) may have an AWE rep; tell us your interest. Kite energy labs, KiteLab, kite-energy projects, kite-energy installations, area regulations, tether visibility regulations, siting challenges, patents, applications, products, wind resources, efficiency milestones, successes, challenges, accidents, changes, etc. will be reported for publication by active volunteer representatives. As we and AWE mature, election and performance may lead to changes and team groupings to respect regional needs, operation areas, ethnic needs, language needs, scale, markets, and special wind-resource needs. In particular, as AWECS (airborne wind energy conversion system) advances, rep teams for regions or nations may be made up up of reporting specialists where focus is on a particular AWECS scale: utility, commercial, residential, nomadic, sport, toy, miniature, or micro. For example, do you want to volunteer for representing sport-scale AWE in New Zealand? For residential-scale AWECS in Mexico? Let us know about your choice.
China, Japan, India, Korea, and Russia may blossom with airborne wind
energy innovation and installation. Access to the intellectual
property evolution is challenging for those not having mastery over the these
languages. Help is invited for
awareness for this sector of energy kite systems. Regional/Language AWE representatives:
AWEIAnation progress |
Nation/State/Region |
National volunteer AWE reporting representatives To be a volunteer representative, send description of interest to |
National and/or regional wind power orgs |
National MAP |
Notes | |
Afghanistan | AFG |
Language: Swedish
Capital: |
Åland Islands Landskapet Åland (Ahvenanmaan maakunta) |
ALA | Demilitarized. Affinity with Finland. Familiar with sailing. | |||
Albania | ALB | |||||
Aland | ||||||
Algeria | DZA | Search for AWE rep space: Ref1 | ||||
American Samoa | ASM | |||||
Andorra | AND | |||||
Angola | AGO | |||||
Anguilla | AIA | |||||
Antigua and Barbuda | ATG | |||||
Argentina | ARG | Nominated: Juan Salvadori | ||||
Armenia | ARM | |||||
Aruba | ABW | |||||
Australia | AUS |
Nominated for team: Pete Lynn |
Austria | AUT | |||||
Azerbaijan | AZE | |||||
Bahamas | BHS | |||||
Bahrain | BHR | |||||
Bangladesh | BGD | |||||
Barbados | BRB | |||||
Belarus | BLR | |||||
Belgium | BEL | Nominated: Paelinck, Reinhart | ||||
Belize | BLZ | |||||
Benin | BEN | |||||
Bermuda | BMU | |||||
Bhutan | BTN | |||||
Bolivia | BOL | |||||
Bosnia and Herzegovina | BIH | |||||
Botswana | BWA | |||||
Progress | Brazil | BRA | Cristiano Augusto Trein | |||
British Virgin Islands | VGB | |||||
Brunei Darussalam | BRN | |||||
Bulgaria | BGR | |||||
Burkina Faso | BFA | |||||
Burundi | BDI | |||||
Cambodia | KHM | |||||
Cameroon | CMR | |||||
Canada | CAN |
Nominated for team: Harry Valentine |
Cape Verde | CPV | |||||
Cayman Islands | CYM | |||||
Central African Republic | CAF | |||||
Chad | TCD | |||||
Channel Islands | ||||||
Chile | CHL | |||||
China P. R. China | CHN |
Nominated for team: Dr. Hong Zhang E-HAWK |
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China | HKG | |||||
Macao Special Administrative Region of China | MAC | |||||
Colombia | COL | |||||
Comoros | COM | |||||
Congo | COG | |||||
Cook Islands | COK | |||||
Costa Rica | CRI | |||||
Côte d'Ivoire | CIV | |||||
Croatia | HRV | |||||
Cuba | CUB | |||||
Cyprus | CYP | |||||
Czech Republic | CZE | |||||
Democratic People's Republic of Korea | PRK | |||||
Democratic Republic of the Congo | COD | |||||
Denmark | DNK | |||||
Djibouti | DJI | |||||
Dominica | DMA | |||||
Dominican Republic | DOM | Nominated: Hung Vu | ||||
Ecuador | ECU | |||||
Egypt | EGY | |||||
El Salvador | SLV | |||||
Equatorial Guinea | GNQ | |||||
Eritrea | ERI | |||||
Estonia | EST | |||||
Ethiopia | ETH | |||||
Faeroe Islands | FRO | |||||
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) | FLK | |||||
Faroe Islands | ||||||
Fiji | FJI | |||||
Finland | FIN | Nominated for team: Dr. Ivan Argatov, and Joachim Krenciszek of Tampere University of Technology, Finland |
Progress | France | FRA | Pierre Benhaïem | |||
French Guiana | GUF | |||||
French Polynesia | PYF | |||||
Gabon | GAB | |||||
Gambia | GMB | |||||
Georgia | GEO | |||||
Germany | DEU |
Nominee for team: Alex Bormann
German aviation authorities: |
Ghana | GHA | |||||
Gibraltar | GIB | |||||
Greece | GRC | |||||
Greenland | GRL | |||||
Grenada | GRD | |||||
Guadeloupe | GLP | |||||
Guam | GUM | |||||
Guatemala | GTM | |||||
Guernsey | GGY | |||||
Guinea | GIN | |||||
Guinea-Bissau | GNB | |||||
Guyana | GUY | |||||
Haiti | HTI | |||||
Holy See | VAT | |||||
Honduras | HND | |||||
Hungary | HUN | |||||
Iceland | ISL | |||||
India | IND | |||||
Indonesia | IDN | |||||
Iran, Islamic Republic of | IRN | |||||
Iraq | IRQ | |||||
Progress | Ireland | IRL | Nominated: Colm O'G |
Isle of Man | IMN | |||||
Israel | ISR | |||||
Progress | Italy | ITA | Nominated: Mario Milanese | |||
Jamaica | JAM | |||||
Japan | JPN | |||||
Jersey | JEY | |||||
Jordan | JOR | |||||
Kazakhstan | KAZ | |||||
Kenya | KEN |
AfriWEA |
Kiribati | KIR | |||||
Kuwait | KWT | |||||
Kyrgyzstan | KGZ | |||||
Lao People's Democratic Republic | LAO | |||||
Latvia | LVA | |||||
Lebanon | LBN | |||||
Lesotho | LSO | |||||
Liberia | LBR | |||||
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya | LBY | |||||
Liechtenstein | LIE | |||||
Lithuania | LTU | |||||
Luxembourg | LUX | |||||
Madagascar | MDG | |||||
Malawi | MWI | |||||
Malaysia | MYS | |||||
Maldives | MDV | |||||
Mali | MLI | |||||
Malta | MLT | |||||
Marshall Islands | MHL | |||||
Martinique | MTQ | |||||
Mauritania | MRT | |||||
Mauritius | MUS | |||||
Mayotte | MYT | |||||
Progress | Mexico | MEX | Dave Santos | |||
Micronesia, Federated States of | FSM | |||||
Monaco | MCO | |||||
Mongolia | MNG | |||||
Montenegro | MNE | |||||
Montserrat | MSR | |||||
Morocco | MAR | |||||
Mozambique | MOZ | |||||
Myanmar | MMR | |||||
Namibia | NAM | |||||
Nauru | NRU | |||||
Nepal | NPL | |||||
Progress | Netherlands | NLD |
Nominated: Wubbo J. Ockels Nominated:
Bas Lansdorp - Netherlands |
Netherlands Antilles | ANT | |||||
New Caledonia | NCL | |||||
New Zealand | NZL | |||||
Nicaragua | NIC | |||||
Niger | NER | |||||
Progress | Nigeria | NGA | John Oyebanji Hardensoft International Limited Lagos, Nigeria Tel. 08038315886 |
Niue | NIU | |||||
Norfolk Island | NFK | |||||
Northern Mariana Islands | MNP | |||||
Progress | Norway | NOR | ||||
Occupied Palestinian Territory | PSE | |||||
Oman | OMN | |||||
Pakistan | PAK | |||||
Palau | PLW | |||||
Panama | PAN | |||||
Papua New Guinea | PNG | |||||
Paraguay | PRY | |||||
Peru | PER | |||||
Philippines | PHL | |||||
Pitcairn | PCN | |||||
Poland | POL | |||||
Portugal | PRT | |||||
Puerto Rico | PRI | |||||
Qatar | QAT | |||||
Republic of Korea | KOR | |||||
Republic of Moldova | MDA | |||||
Réunion | REU | |||||
Romania | ROU | |||||
Progress | Russian Federation | RUS | Alexander Muzhichkov of Airborne Wind Energy at | |||
Rwanda | RWA | |||||
Saint-Barthélemy | BLM | |||||
Saint Helena | SHN | |||||
Saint Kitts and Nevis | KNA | |||||
Saint Lucia | LCA | |||||
Saint-Martin (French part) | MAF | |||||
Saint Pierre and Miquelon | SPM | |||||
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | VCT | |||||
Sameland | ||||||
Samoa | WSM | |||||
San Marino | SMR | |||||
Sao Tome and Principe | STP | |||||
Saudi Arabia | SAU | |||||
Senegal | SEN | |||||
Serbia | SRB | |||||
Seychelles | SYC | |||||
Sierra Leone | SLE | |||||
Singapore | SGP | |||||
Slovakia | SVK | |||||
Slovenia | SVN | |||||
Solomon Islands | SLB | |||||
Somalia | SOM | |||||
Progress | South Africa | ZAF | Christoff Muller M597 | |||
Spain | ESP | |||||
Sri Lanka | LKA | Nominee:
Manula Malraj of University of Moratuwa |
Sudan | SDN | |||||
Suriname | SUR | |||||
Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands | SJM | |||||
Swaziland | SWZ | |||||
Sweden | SWE | |||||
Switzerland | CHE | Nominated: Corey Houle | ||||
Syrian Arab Republic | SYR | |||||
Tajikistan | TJK | |||||
Thailand | THA | |||||
The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia | MKD | |||||
Timor-Leste | TLS | |||||
Togo | TGO | |||||
Tokelau | TKL | |||||
Tonga | TON | |||||
Trinidad and Tobago | TTO | |||||
Tunisia | TUN | |||||
Turkey | TUR | |||||
Turkmenistan | TKM | |||||
Turks and Caicos Islands | TCA | |||||
Tuvalu | TUV | |||||
Uganda | UGA | |||||
Ukraine | UKR | |||||
United Arab Emirates | ARE | |||||
Progress | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | GBR | Nominated: Allister Furey | |||
United Republic of Tanzania | TZA | |||||
Progress | United States of America | USA |
United States Virgin Islands | VIR | |||||
Uruguay | ||||||
Uzbekistan | UZB | |||||
Vanuatu | VUT | |||||
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) | VEN | |||||
Viet Nam | VNM | |||||
Wallis and Futuna Islands | WLF | |||||
Western Sahara | ESH | |||||
Yemen | YEM | |||||
Zambia | ZMB | |||||
Zimbabwe | ZWE |