Fences that generate power from
the wind. =======> Invite "AWEifications" Some wind fences are airborne, some are set on posts and towers. Wind break tree clusters and wind fences to lower the blast on crops and activities are common; such wind breaks may be converted to power producers. Your notes are welcome on any kind of wind fence for this folder. Editor@EnergyKiteSystems.net
Keywords: wind screen, wind fence, wind break, windbreak, fence, fences, wafting fence, piezoelectric wafting fence, turbine fence elements, airport fences, sand screens, hang glider site artificial slopes, wind block, wind power fence, airborne arch-held fences, airborne lifted working meshes, airborne lifted working nets, Wayne German's Vertical Blinds as fence, Dave Santos' series of oscillating wing-mills as fence system, fences that generate electricity when wind and gusts move fence elements, fences that pump water when wind and gusts move fence elements, fence as tower base to hold wind turbines, self-electrifying electric fence, fence that generates electricity to drive visual electrical display in itself, Dan Parker's fence of SpiralAirfoil turbine elements, fence with horizontal wing elements that rise and fall while the movement is mined for pumping or generating electricity, high fences that hold a series of working kites, recovering energy from jet blasts by use of fence saturated with wind turbines, wind fences using electrostatic principles, wind-motor as wind break, surfaces of any wind fence might be doubling as photovoltaic energy produces, fence filled with HAWT elements, fence filled with VAWT elements, windfences could be turbine-saturated or piezoelectric-element saturated, tidal fences and turbines, power-generating fences, Links: