Writers about AWE [ WRITERS.html ]
is young. Many writers will be listed soon. Send us your best
found AWE articles.
Who wrote them? This is not for authors of
technical AWE papers or books; for such see next to their names in file INDIVIDUALS. And see PAPERS001.html
This file is for writers who are
generally not directly associated with the technical AWE.
- Michael Graham Richard | Art001
$10 million, $5 million, then Google buys Makani Power. |
- Ben Ruhe | MainCollectionOfArticles |
- Drachen Foundation " Below are archived articles from both the Journal and Discourse."
- Kites in the Classroom, a bibliography
- Jeff Montgomery, "Tidal power plant proposed for inlet 28 tandem pairs of turbines would be put in waterway" Origninally published on September 10, 2003.