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ParaGliding Association Public apology: Dear Public, we do not condone the uprooting of public shrubs and trees that has been done by some un-airframed canopy glider users. We now recommend stopping inland canopy paragliding while encouraging airframed single-tether hang gliders for inland flying, because of the collapsing costs and the environmental cost . Such poor behavior may cause erosion, slides, and destruction of the natural setting belonging to animals and people. And we are sorry that so many canopy riders are costing their lives, bodies, and loved one's interests; the public cost is rising; see CometClones for a significant (yet incomplete) peek at part of the costs. [Membership Benefits, Waiver, and aspects] | [Glossary]
Paragliding is the
launching, flying, and landing of gliding-kite systems
*Wings in the gliding-kite
systems are from (but not limited from): Newbie
"Paragliding is an adventure sport featuring lightweight, free-flying,
foot-launched glider aircraft that possess no rigid primary structure."
Not generally true, as the craft may have as much rigidity as wanted
to accomplish particular interests and purposes. Sport paragliding involving flown pilot is a kite sport using gliding kites called paragliders. |
News Release from World Hang Gliding Association:
The World
Hang Gliding Association has
awarded Gustave Whitehead, Tony Prentice, John Worth, Charles Richards,
Barry Hill Palmer, Thomas H. Purcell, Jr., and James Hobson, Mike Burns,
John Dickenson, Richard Miller, Bill Bennett, Bill Moyes, Dave Kilbourne,
Richard Eipper, and Peter Brock, a combination Flex-Wing
Hang Glider Gold Air Award for
their showing simplicities in hang gliders using the four-boom flex-wing
radiating out of standard kiting and gliding extant public-domain arts or
the Rogallo-NASA-Ryan-Paresev environment using
public-domain arts extant since the first decade of 1910.
The Gustave Whitehead teachings that were inspired from the works of
others like Otto Lilienthal, Percy Pilcher, Wenham, and others and the
most simple hang glider in Breslau of 1908 that had the simple
cable-stayed A-frame we use commonly today, combined with the works of
these hang glider men of the Flex-Wing
Hang Glider Gold Air Award,
firms the impossibility of anyone fairly claiming global mechanical
"invention" of the basic core hang glider that saturated the 1960s until
even prior arts in flying wings saturated designs post 1974. The Gold
Award by WHGA is open for the entrance of other men or women to the
special award as data justifies; please send in flex-wing hang glider
historical data to the FlexWingHangGliderGoldAirAward@WorldHan
... iation.orgfor
processing and possible adding people to the award. The public-domain art
extant in 1961 was super simple to copy and make into one's own tinkered
wing; the ancients could have had the flex-wing four-boom hang glider
thousands of years ago for successful flight as did the men of the this
WHGA Flex-Wing
Hang Glider Gold Air Award.
One can trace the mechanics of Hobson's or Eipper's four-boom flex-wing
hang glider right into
the first decade of 1900s. The
minor tweaks of ornamental appearance for tweaked site and use missions
remain part of the story of the flex-wing hang glider. |