Membership Benefits |
Membership aspect checks:
safety, physical, mental, social, familial, spiritual, medical, emotional, awareness, alertness, mastery quotient, risk management, peer pressure, situational awareness, drugs, health, presence, maintenance, immediacy, purposes, ROI, nutrition, readiness, maturity, respect, helpfulness, teaming, cooperation, respect of property owners, negotiations, single-surface kite gliders, double-surface kite gliders, triple-surface kite gliders, ethics, paying forward, contributing, stacked-wing kite gliders, puff lifters, tether-climbing, tether-transport, launch methods, specialized flight-termination methods, permissions, wing, tethers, control systems, harnesses, decisions, skills, communications, PDMC interface, learning, checks, practices, packs, buddies, decline powers, niche activity choice, lessons from accident history, first-aid, launching, flying, landing, wind, wind-field helicities, PDMC, airspace governance, traffic rules, gratitude, celebration, data handling, instruments, hydration, wear, fatigue, busing, first-aid, flight planning, bailouts, hiking, ear training, wing loadings, gear status, polar curves, inspections, chute pack, fitness, soaring, thermal snooping, windfield visualization, LZ arts, history, challenges, tasks, SSPG, DSPG, PDSPG, P2SPG,TSPG, SWPG, MWPG, BSPG (bi-sail PG), SSDSSC, practical applications, canopy design, homebuilding, design modifications of items used in PG systems, commercial offers, certification of equipment, community open instruction, certified instruction, self-instruction, soaring, acrobatics, clinics, Murray Hay, rescue tactics, rescue chutes, packing rescue chutes, storage of equipment, accident analysis and reporting, competitions, non-competition meets, clubs, forums, seaglider launch to freeflight, hot discussion topics, skill rating systems, self-rating systems, org-rating systems, supportive commerce, launch methods, wingsuit flight launch into gliding canopy flight, incident study, risk analysis, risk awareness, lowering risks, safety, (incomplete, work in progress) |