How are you doing with the GH Test?
World Hang Gliding Association
for airframed hang gliding See
One-string in WPGA
[ballasted masses tethered to wings set in gliding flight as instances of kite,
aka: paragliders]
Sister org: World
ParaGliding Association, free join for life.
Ongoing projects
And also:
Busable eHG
CometClones and PDMC
Towing releases and weak links
Hang glider history:
TCF from 1800s to the present
* Movement to orgs dedicated solely to airframed hang
* Open-source third-party insurance
Rogallo hang
Flying-canard sled and skied TCF with non-rebound position limiting lines
Level-land nil-wind long gliding or FLG (flatland long gliding)
* Millions-of-launch-sites targeting
* Internet-based integrity honor system for
training and rating program:
Pilots and a witness sign themselves off through the flight training
and rate themselves by such actions.
Otto Pilot-0 (no flying, but invest themselves in
history, accident awareness, model flying, equipment awareness, observation
visits, wind, physicality, readiness, awareness of niche activity options, site
descriptions, turbulence awareness, airspace awareness, able to describe
pros and cons of wheels, skids, skis, types of harnesses, helmets, instruments,
OP-1, OP-2, OP-3, OP-4, OP-5, ..., OP-Master
Special HG skills:
LLLG Level land long gliding with full attention to
safety devices
FLMSL Foot-launch moderate-slope launching
FLNCL Foot-launch nil-wind cliff launching
FLWCL Foot-launch windy-cliff launching
Etc. ...
Special HG-launch-method skills:
Aerotow by piloted tug
Aerotow by tethered robotic tug
Aerotow by close-couple powered releasable rig
Bungee Single with team,
Bungee single solo
Bungee Vee with team,
Bungee Vee solo,
Platform Payout
Static Line,
Horse tug,
Dog-team tug
Friends tug,
Tall-building roof
Kite-system-held-aloft platform launching
Static drop from tag line held by kite system
Launch by help kite system as tug
Launch by helper parachute system as tug
Drop-from-beneath balloon
Blimp-top launch
Lift-off close-coupled rig on powered aircraft
Powered boat as tug over water (sealing and flotation
Etc. ...
Special-type skills:
Otto Lilienthal replica
Pilcher replica
Lavezzari replica
Paresev wing replica with Breslau 1908 TCF (enhanced with stayed
reflex hopefully!)
Rigid wing
Biplane tailed with three-axis control
Electric-motored hang glider eHG wheel
Electric-motored hang glider eHG
off-water flotation launch
Electric-motored hang glider foot launch from level ground
Gyro hang glider gHG
Etc. ...
The World
Hang Gliding Association has
awarded Gustave Whitehead, Tony Prentice, John Worth, Charles Richards, Barry
Hill Palmer, Thomas H. Purcell, Jr., and James Hobson, Mike Burns, John
Dickenson, Richard Miller, Bill Bennett, Bill Moyes, Dave Kilbourne, Richard
Eipper, and Peter Brock, a combination Flex-Wing
Hang Glider Gold Air Award for
their showing simplicities in hang gliders using the four-boom flex-wing
radiating out of standard kiting and gliding extant public-domain arts or the
Rogallo-NASA-Ryan-Paresev environment using
public-domain arts extant since the first decade of 1910.
The Gustave Whitehead teachings that were inspired from the works of others like
Otto Lilienthal, Percy Pilcher, Wenham, and others and the most simple hang
glider in Breslau of 1908 that had the simple cable-stayed A-frame we use
commonly today, combined with the works of these hang glider men of the Flex-Wing
Hang Glider Gold Air Award,
firms the impossibility of anyone fairly claiming global mechanical "invention"
of the basic core hang glider that saturated the 1960s until even prior arts in
flying wings saturated designs post 1974. The Gold Award by WHGA is open for the
entrance of other men or women to the special award as data justifies; please
send in flex-wing hang glider historical data to the for
processing and possible adding people to the award. The public-domain art extant
in 1961 was super simple to copy and make into one's own tinkered wing; the
ancients could have had the flex-wing four-boom hang glider thousands of years
ago for successful flight as did the men of the this WHGA Flex-Wing
Hang Glider Gold Air Award.
One can trace the mechanics of Hobson's or Eipper's four-boom flex-wing hang
glider right into
the first decade of 1900s. The
minor tweaks of ornamental appearance for tweaked site and use missions remain
part of the story of the flex-wing hang glider.
Unfortunately one person who came late in the game has been being pushed into an
untenable claim at mechanical global invention of that which belonged to the
public already; that person is listed in the award despite the infamous
untenable claim that was unfortunately rubber stamped by some orgs who exercised
a low-bar scrutiny over their award text to the injury of others and to hang
gliding history. It can be traced how one person bullied the untenable claim
along with other untenable claims. Differently, the WHGA has this Flex-Wing
Hang Glider Gold Air Award that
will be open to historical findings about the flex-wing hang glider, perhaps
battened. Enjoy the history of each awardee's personal story and adventure. See
the emptiness of the hoax, but see the joy of making and flying. The FAI, GH,
and JD should know that they will probably be forgiven by the hang gliding
community for the rash unsound flattening of the otherwise rich history of the
public-domain flex-wing hang glider arts, when they recant and rewrite their
untenable texts for some fresh version with open and fair apologies. The great
sport of hang gliding has a big joyous heart and it seems to recognize how huge
is the excitement that many have about hang gliding; when someone get so excited
that wish to claim what belongs to another, then such matter will be brought to
light by those who care about the face of hang gliding; there is no need to
flatten a giant great scene into a one-point untenable.
Let us know if the WHGA is to add other names to the flex-wing flow fit for the
Hang Glider Gold Air Award |