by JoeF »
Sat Jun 02, 2012 5:00 pm
This note faces activity just beyond FLG (flatland long gliding or
wing-assisted long jumping). No slope is used. The aim is for true
flat area.
Scene: Nil wind, non-thermic. Flat
level ground (street,
parking lot, athletic field, ...). Target: no more than 10 m AGL
flight. Aim for total system to be busable by one person. Have
Safe-Splat tactic integrated. The launch intends for joy and
success: controlled aggressive sprinting by trained WR (wing
1. Cabled
eHG: Battery pack is on ground. Electric wire from batteries
to the eHG wing; wire is off to the side by slight angle, so running
does not tangle with wire. Wing is Safe-Splat enhanced. Pilot is a
master WR (wing runner) and can handle sprint carries of the wing.
As top run speed is obtained, pilot triggers the "on" for
electricity to drive motor and a driven propeller. The power is used
for slow climb to 10 m AGL; the power cable is dropped; power-off
glide into a fun run-out landing. The flight experience is full of
body-mind effort: launch-glide-land. Battery recharge: muscle, sun,
wind, not grid.
2. Compare electric-winch tow (EWT) to the above scenario. EWT keeps
motor on ground. EWT does not involve propeller onboard. The wing at
release to glide is without the mass of motor and prop. EWT does not
have to provide power to lift any onboard-wing motor or prop. Pilot
remotely controls the electric winch from his or her position in the
wing. Tow line is non-conductive low-stretch line.
3. Compare EWT to multi-strand
bungee Y launch (the
V part of the Y are bungee and the | part of the Y is a stiff
inelastic segment). Sub-bands are set stretched as an exercise
period. Anchoring and stored bungee energy is a safety challenge
4. eHG: Battery, motor,and prop are onboard. eFLPHG.
Target still is to fully use sprint WR (see intro note above).
Minimize size of battery to face the limited target of the flight;
consider ultracapacitor integrated with airframe of wing
(double-purpose). Target is for short power-drain climb just to the
10 m AGL; this may permit not having chemical batteries. Charge
ultracapacitor by muscle, solar, or wind between flights. Aim for
busable system.
5. ?? What have we?