by FromDayOne »
Fri Mar 30, 2012 4:51 pm
"Gelagert wird das superleichte Flugzeug schonend im speziellen
Halterungssystem. Für den Transport und als Hangar empfiehlt sich
der Leichtbau-Spezialanhänger „Clevertrailer“. Der Archaeopteryx ist
für häufiges, sehr rasches und einfaches Auf- und Abbauen ausgelegt."
is recommended that ultralight plane gently in a special bracket
system. For transport and as a hangar, the lightweight special
trailer" Clever trailer. "Archaeopteryx is for frequent, very quick
and easy assembly and disassembly designed."
I gather it says the assembly is easy , but a specific mobile hangar
or trailer is used to carry the parts and also store parts, , Volmer
Jensen had a similar trailer "open" not covered- and he could put
the Swing Wing together easy as pie- perhaps a bit more time than
your Moyes or Wills Wing, but what the heck,... a pilot should use
that time to de-compress & prepare for flight / launch ....going
thru the motions of assembly allows for meditation & centering your
focus on flight-...
From Day One