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Are you offering something for  AWECS world?
 (growing file daily)

   For your account at at AWE Superstore:       At your first purchase or donation, we set up a private folder for you and your account transactions; a passkey will be sent to you at your primary e-mail address with us.

   Just change the amount; a note can be placed in process.  
  Thank you
.     All transactions are kept confidential.

greements may be made via e-mail

  • Online AWE college courses
  • Online individualized confidential private AWECS courses +
    •  Leveled professional private courses at your pace within your budget. All levels. Fits your interests and objectives.  Short or long courses are available. Single question? Coaching? Comprehensive? Collaboration?  Special focus? Generalized focus? Guidance? Consultant?
  • AWE Sector subscription for access to notes, studies, topic discussions, drawings, articles, reports, patents and commentary, and more. Click ==> here to start or renew monthly.     New or renew: here
  • Literature for AWECS (paper, digital, e-books, e-papers, CDs)
    • Free from AirborneWindEnergy: Password to open the document is "AWE" without quotation marks, case-sensitive, avoid use of spacebar:  PDF document, 3 pages, 37 patent or application titles, inventor, filing date, reference number, and direct link to full patent documents.
      AWE Patents       Questions?
  • Fine art featuring AWE subjects
  • Plans for AWECS
  • Consultants (let us know of your wish to be listed here)
  • Patented IP open for new assignment: 
  • Domain names for sale:
  • Measuring your AWECS?
  • Communications
  • Professional Coaching     LifeCoachingWorks
  • Control
  • Complete AWECS for
    • urban residential service      
    • nomadic and rural residential service        WindLift 
    • commercial and utility service
    • commercial ship traction
    • personal hobby actions
    • Ship/yacht/boat/barge traction:
    • Energy production systems:
      • FlygenKite    Manual FlygenKite 
      • Personal PowerSail
      • WindLift
      • KiteLab custom built systems
      • Aerology Lab Nav markers & parafoils
      • Last night a mysterious red light appeared high in the Texas sky. It was the latest AWE science toy, assembled & flown by a kid. The wind generator used was a popular science kit selling for under 8USD & the pilot-lifter kite was a 3USD toy delta. Total assembly took about 20 minutes & the kite then easily lifted the generator in about an 8 kt breeze, flying at a ~45 degree angle. It would have taken a bit more wind to lift an added conductive cable, but that is the obvious next step. If nothing else, this is clearly an effective milliwatt AWECS for educational purposes.

        Green Science Windmill Generator by Toysmith

        Ages 8 & up. Learn about renewable energy with this wind generator. LED light will glow as it is powered by free energy from the wind.


  • Kites, kytoons, aerostats, pilot kites, lifters, flipper wings, ,
  • Paravanes
  • In-tether working wings
  • Lofted turbines and oscillators (lifters are separate)
    • VariDrogues
    • KiteMotors
    • Darrieus elements for AWE integration
    • Savonius elements for AWE integration
  • System safety
    • AWECS tether daylight line markers
    • Lighting
    • Checklist
  • Terrain-enabled tethered WECS

  • Parachutes
  • Hang gliders              Seedwings
  • Paraglider kite hang gliders
  • Framed rigid-wing foot-launchable gliders
  • Gliders
  • Sailplanes
  • Ultralights, microlights, trikes
  • FLPHG (ICE, E-)
  • Electrical supply
    • Generators
    • Controllers
    • Rectifiers
    • Batteries
    • Meters
    • Conducting wires

  • Tethers
    • Thread
    • String
    • Rope
    • Cable
    • Conductive tether
    • Airfoil-shaped tethers
    • Complex tethers
    • Fairings
    • Conductive tethers, electro-tethers
  • Line fittings and line handling
    • Swivels and slip rings
    • Tether fairings and fairing-handling equipment
    • Sheaves, blocks, pulleys, fairleads,
    • Splicing tools
  • Pumps
  • Clutches
  • Winches, reels, drums,
  • Gearboxes
  • Propellers
  • Turbine blades
  • Tools
  • Forum --- free Yahoo group
  • AWE memorabilia for collectors (list yours)
  • Anchoring systems
  • Original-parts precision metal grinding for bearings: DallasBuchanan
Ad:  Want a vacation in northshore district of  Oahu, Hawaii? 
Fly kites, surf great waves, rest, recover?

New consultants are invited to send their interest for inclusion here:
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