
Signing and fact notes:  Lift@WorldHangGlidingAssociation.org

~A direct petition to the Mayor
Michael F. Henn
and the People
of the City of Newport Beach ~

On behalf of a community of hang glider pilots and sports enthusiasts worldwide, with this formal and direct petition of date: ___________, we present this primary landmark stone to officially commemorate as a formal celebration of the 40th Anniversary of Sunday, May 23, 1971,

The First Annual Otto Lilienthal
Universal Hang Glider Championships.

We conspicuously present this marker to the City of Newport Beach to establish a primary public commemoration of the birthplace of the persistent modern renaissance of hang gliding as a practical and modern competitive sport on the Pacific slope of what is now known as Buffalo Hills Park & Harbor View Nature Park.

The petition being signed below by the following honorable attendees of this historic event, and the listed individuals worldwide being significant hang glider enthusiasts who do agree to recognize this landmark and the events of the day as being of major historic significance to aviation and human sport. It is hereby requested that all effort be made in an honest, open, and public fashion and with rapid dispatch by the City of Newport Beach, California,  to take all appropriate steps in the effort to place this plaque in a most honorable and conspicuous public location as near to the original Site of the day as will lend respect and dignity to all those who took part and followed to bring  modern hang gliding into the 21st century.

We trust that the community of residents of the City of Newport Beach will be inspired to carry on the memory of this most prestigious event with apparent affection being they are living on honored and respected historic grounds. Further, it is our sincere hope that with this plaque the City of Newport Beach will adopt an annual memorial or citywide celebration to commemorate the historic May 23rd, 1971, Otto Lilienthal 123rd Birthday Celebration & First Annual Universal Hang Glider Championships with their own civic display of honor and heritage.

SIGNED -------(to be notarized upon presentation)
Names authenticated with validation. A World Hang Gliding Association officer will sign for the veracity of petitioners' names and relations to hang gliding and sport before a notary public.

Attendees **

The listed individuals worldwide being significant hang glider enthusiasts who do agree to recognize this landmark and the events of the day as being of major historic significance to aviation and human sport.

  • Joe Faust **

  • Neil Larson **, SCHGA Executive Historian and charter member #24 of the USHPA

  • Bill Liscomb **

  • Bob Kuczewski

  • _____________________ etc.

  • See Here for more

Send your name for the petition and some notes to