January 2012 LIFT
- http://www.energykitesystems.net/KiteApplications/WyattOf1902jpg.jpg
Have in light wing a kite train with safety kite-stop line. Have parts
specified to serve purpose with good safety margins. Use the kite system
to launch hang gliders. If winds near ground are insufficient to
launch the working kite system, then use tow or step-tow to get working
kite system to working altitude in upper winds. Once set, the worker
system is used as a cableway for launching manned hang gliders from the
flats. Operators must be skilled. Sail-drag device may assist
sending hang glider up line.
- Another method of using an established kite system to launch a hang
glider is to walk down a section of the working line; attach hang
glider; let go only to be lifted up to the skies; then release when a
thermal is passing.
- Another method is to have the working kite swoop and catch the hang
glider; then crosswind fly the working lifter system carrying the caught
hang glider; then at altitude release the hang glider.
- Another method to have a working kite system to launch a hang glider
is to use the force of the working kite line to tow a hang glider to
release altitude.
- Another way to have a kite system be part of the launch of a hang
glider: Use the kite system as an AWES to make electricity to charge an
eHG. Then eFLPHG launch under the gained energy.
- Another way to have a kite system be part of the launch of a hang
glider: Have the working kite hold electrical power cable. Cable goes to
eHG that does not carry batteries or ultracaps, but is cable-fed
electricity for an onboard assist motor for driving propeller. eHG flies
under the given power and then releases from the power cord. HG may keep
the motor-propeller or release the unit for glide back to club launch
- Another method: Have kite system hold long ramp. walk up the
ramp with HG and then use ramp to launch.
Concern about wind and safe flying conditions as being opposed is
mitigated in various ways. Light winds: use working kite train with
controls; have the system effective for light winds. Be ready to control
at over-pressure.