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Recent edit: Wednesday October 24, 2012

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Human-powered aircraft

January 2011 LIFT
  • Video of 25 minutes: Part 3: NOVA The Light Stuff (human-powered flight)     Discuss.
  • Indoor kiting from a chair Play indoor kite on chair----"zen flyer"   The pilot's muscle power increases the potential and kinetic energy of the wing.
  • [ ] Storing one's muscle power for next flight assist off the flats   Open-discussion project.  Target: 10 m AGL limit off flats. Store one's muscle energy; run wing; trigger release of the stored energy for climb to 10 m AGL; come in for a glide to a safe splat landing.  Repeat cycle. Solutions are invited. Project notes, video, analysis, comments, plans, etc. are invited.  Continuing muscle power beyond the stored power is invited. Aim for affordable solutions. The English Channel crossing by muscle power used realtime muscle power. We can climb stairs to 10 m AGL  in seconds; carrying 40 lb up the stairs adds a bit of time and energy.  Storing that energy and using the energy for a powered flight to 10 m following a wing running effort in order to feel takeoff, glide, and feel landing operations are part of the vision.  The project's first blush is not about flying far, but mostly about having many cycles of takeoff and short glide and landing off level flats.  The takeoff and landing may use results from the project Safe Splat.