"Landing" HGs
on water surfaces
(oceans, seas, ponds, swimming pools, aqueducts, reservoirs,
rivers, creeks, etc. )
or on surfaces that are in the water bodies Motivations:
New sector of hang gliding, cross-ocean hang gliding XOHG, __________,
more "landing" places, |
- HG is prepared for such water-surface landings
- HG is not prepared for such water-surface landings.
- Sealed parts
- Flotation, pontoons, explosive floats, CO2 cartridges,
- Morphing of HG upon landing (to be a boat, to become a camping
platform etc.
- Safety
- Waves. Amplitude of waves.
- Is the raft, barge, boat, ship prepared for HG landings?
- Aerogel
- Hollow
- Glass
- Sealed spars
- Wetsuit
- Survival tactics
- Communications
- Purpose of flights
- Near shore or far offshore
- Local or cross-sea travel
- Foams
- Practice
- Launching after water-surface landing