Investor guide note #0001        October 30, 2010   

Gigawatt AWE is the big-win investor play that will prove ultimately dominant as lesser methods fall short. True Gigawatt-Scale AWE methods are those with potential to directly drive the latest gigawatt-class generators already serving large populations. The basic principle is that diffuse upper-wind power is aggregated from many large membrane or smaller rigid wings & rotors into huge polymer ropes that turn the gearing of the largest ground-based generators. Ideas that scale naturally to gigwatts are also viable at the small-research scale & compete at all intermediate scales. Low capital-cost & overhead-cost per installed watt are basic virtues for investors to look out for.

Generally undervalued gigawatt-scale conceptual contenders are listed below in no particular order-

TUDelft LadderMill
KiteGen Carousel
Dr. Zhang's vari-drogue train
KiteLab Austin/Ilwaco's 3D airborne latticework
SoarEn's crosswind "vertical blinds"
Korea Aerospace Research Institute's giant parafoil ships

Many ground-gen based aircraft concepts, like SkyMill's & Ampyx's, have plausible gigawatt potential gathered into large farms.

Some oversold high-profile ventures are focused on low kilo/megawatt flygen concepts with poor gigawatt potential:

Joby Energy
Makani Energy
Sky WindPower

Note: these are partial lists. The wise investor should closely review the entire AWE field before making picks.

Interest Disclosure: The AWE investment advisor writing this is a KiteLab Group AWE gigawatt-concept developer.