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Eric Muss-Barnes
This file: http://www.energykitesystems.net/HGpilots/EricMuss-Barnes.html

H2, HGP, S-SA Otto
Recreational Hang Glider Pilot life rating by USHGRS

Some additional information given by pilot's public activity:
  • Tow-launch experienced

  • First flight was in 1997 by solo footlauch, but then he entered tow launching for first major training sessions.

  • Instructor set: Norman Lesnow, Tracy Tillman, Andrew Beem, Dan DeWeese, Bob Bendetson, Josh Laufer, Tim Ward, Erika Klein

  • Some of his posts
  • Year 2024 flying attendee at the California site Dockweiler on May 23 to celebrate Otto Lilienthal's birthday and the anniversary of the great universal hang gliding party of 1971.

And we find to add interest:
  •  I was an H2 aerotow pilot from 1997 to 2001.
    Returning to the sport in 2023, I started over as an H1 footlaunch pilot.
    I also created www.HangGlidingFlightSchool.com
  • One might find Eric at  Andy Jackson Airpark (AJX)
  • MiniBio