H4, HGP, Otto
Hang Glider Pilot life rating by USHGRS
Some additional information
given by pilot's public activity:
- In
1970, he descended 4,800 ft from the rim of the Grand
USA, flying a flex-wing hang glider.
- Hang glider manufacturer. https://www.moyes.com.au/
- Bio video
And we find to add interest:
- Founder of USHGRS hand kited Bill Moyes in Torrance,
California; then Bill released rope wrapped around the TCF basebar
(triangle control frame) to free hang glide. Beach bluff, firm
- Bill has the Flex-Wing Hang Glider Gold Air
Award He accepted being among the historic
contributors listed
on the linked award page via correspondence with the founder of USHGRS.
- Discuss Bill Moyes HERE
Many more items have been posted; add more Moyes gems.
- A
Boy With Wings