                   Page in beta status, started November 17, 2008.
                      Send in your nomination for this development.
     Nominees for Member Set #001 to Editor@UpperWindpower.com
                        These people have flown the Next Thermal;
 they have contributed significantly to the development of hang gliders and hang gliding. This page will grow each week, at least.

The list is not time-ordered yet..

Member Set #001

Nominate by note to  Editor@UpperWindpower.com

See also: Nominees for Living-Legend Lifters for people who are seen by someone as potential members of Member Set HGAusa#001

God God's special relationship with any and all flying, whatever such Is.
Naturals Insects, birds, flying mammals, gliding and flying dinosaurs, Microraptor, seeds, leaves, flakes, spiders, random combinations, dust                
[Nod to early naturals was the choice of international trade name in 1975 forward:    Seedwings. ]
Island kiters ancient  
Chinese kiters ancient  
Mythological fliers Mercury, gods,
Angels, jinns, genies, fairies. lively wisps,  Winged or flying messengers, hybrid sorts of flying ...
Soaring saints from any faith tradition

Transporting, ascenders, levitators, teletransporters, ghosts,
Send your nominees
: Editor@UpperWindpower.com


Christian:  St. Joseph of Cupertino, Jesus of Nazareth,

Islam: Nocturnal ascensions:  "Abu Yazid also related the following. When I reached Unity—and that was the first moment that I gazed upon Unity—for many years I ran in that valley on the feet of understanding; till I became a bird whose body was of Oneness, whose wings were of Everlastingness. I kept flying in the firmament of Unconditionedness. When I had vanished from the things created, I spoke." Ref.

_______:  [Send your nominees: Editor@UpperWindpower.com

Body Fliers High jumpers, long jumpers, sprinters, hoppers, skippers, dancers, leapers, jumpers, runners,
Wingers Winged humans in play, stage acting, celebrations, dancing, praying, athletics,
Fictional Fliers Ancient, historical, futuristic+, fantasy, dreams, wishes, science fictional, anime, animation, storybook,
Art-based self-soarers Send links to your favorite art that shows self-soarers, winged beings,
Para-sailors of all time
  • February 1963   Tournament waterski
Manned kiters of all time
  • v
  • v
Aero modelers Their realizations ...
Yuan and Tuoba clans They were forced to serve as hybrid test pilots. The Chinese Daoist writer Ge Hong (284–364 AD) wrote that kite vehicles with frames made of wood from the jujube tree had ox-leather straps "fastened to returning blades" that could allow the device to soar high into the air. As a form of execution, the notoriously cruel Emperor Wenxuan of Northern Qi (r. 550–559) had members of the rival Yuan and Tuoba clans attached to kites and launched from the top of the Tower of the Golden Phoenix in the capital, Ye, China, as test pilots; Yuan Huangtou (d. 559) glided for a while and survived the landing, but he was executed shortly after.
Abbas Ibn Firnas AIF1  AIF2  AIF3
Eilmer of Malmesbury
of England

Eilmer of Malmesbury (also known as Oliver due to a scribe's miscopying, or Elmer

Early hang glider monk.   What? When?  Churchman Eilmer of Malmesbury in 1010 was forbidden to continue work on his gliders by his Abbot after breaking both his legs.

NEED further information; all are welcome to research this and other instances of flying.

Main article snapshot from February 18, 2009.

What order of monks? Do they have records?

Archytas and his The Pigeon ( Peristera)
Leonardo da Vinci Flying machines. Harness. Triangle control frame. Pendulumed pilot. Observing gliding objects. Man-powered aircraft. Parachute.       Article1
Hezarfen Ahmet Celebi Hezarfen Ahmed Celebi
Simine Short, Turkey, October, page 3, 2003, Soaring magazine. [ We are searching to see if Richard Miller was editor or not at that issue's time.]  A similar treatment is shown here:

"Hezarfen Ahmet Celebi the most famous Turkish flyer, inspired by the studies by Leonardo Da Vinci and with some corrections and balancing adjustments, derived from studying the eagle in flight, finally, after nine experimental attempts, gave shape to his wing apparatus. His flight took place in 1638 from the 183 foot tall Galata Tower near the Bosphorus in Istanbul, during the reign of the Turkish Sultan Murad IV. The flight was successful. Hezarfen Celebi landed on the other side of the Bosphorus. With this success Hazarfen proved to be 200 years ahead of his time since it was two centuries later that comparable developments took place elsewhere. The event is recorded by writer and historian Evliya Celebi (traveler), an eye witness to the feat, in his book Seyahatname (a book of travel). The word Hezarfen means expert in 1000 sciences, in-fact, a reward of 1000 gold pieces was given to Hazarfen for his achievement." From Dr Metin Gungormus.  Some people are analyzing the flight. One needs know the width of the river at the time of the flight.


George Cayley's gliders made two very short manned flights (but Cayley did not pilot). Who did pilot the Cayley gliders? .


General Resnier of Goue


Andre-Guillaume Resnier

Andre-Guillaume Resnier

"General Resnier of Goue, the Frenchman who in 1806 at the age of 77 became the world's first hang glider pilot [Ed: THIS IS DISPUTED] by launching himself from the ramparts of Angouleme, some 250 ft (76 m) above the River Charente.

His first flight rewarded him with a ducking in the Charente and his second with a broken leg, but the point had been made. Others had simply managed to fall slower with their machines than without them, but Resnier was almost able to control the course of his second flight - and it was a flight, not just a fall."   Ref>  BMAA

"In 1806, its first test of flapping flight success was not crowned. Springing parapet of Beaulieu, it jumps into space by agitating the wings in wire covered with waxed taffeta. It does nothing but descend rock in rock.

The second attempt is worth to him a bath forced in the Charente. Left the bridge, high 5 meters, connecting the district Saint-Cybard to Angouleme, it falls into water at the end of 50 meters from vol.

Finally its third and last test are a success. He traverses 300 meters by springing top of the ramparts of the city and breaks only one leg on arrival.

He dies in Angouleme on February 2nd 1811. " Ref> Andre-Guillaume Resnier

"Français André-Guillaume Resnier.
Cet ingénieur a réalisé en 1801 un vol avec une aile de sa fabrication : en partant du haut de la tour Ladent, il a réussi à planer 300 m et à franchir la Charente."

High resolution photo 3.5 mb. >>PlaqueResnier

Albrecht Ludwig Berblinger (June 24, 1770, Ulm – January 28, 1829, Ulm), also known as the Tailor of Ulm, is famous for having constructed a working flying machine, presumably a hang glider.      Wiki  
See: later-age artist's work; notice the hang glider launch ramp.
Jakob Degan


Balloon launch of manned flapping and gliding machine with control frame?

No less than Sir George Cayley noted data bout Jakob Degan's raising himself in the air. James Means put his own name behind publishing Cayley's note about Degan's flight. The raising may have been with ornithopting. .Degan was a watchmaker in Vienna, Austria. The publication Nicholson's Journal in its October 1809 issue [computed by Means publishing of Cayley's "last month" in November 1809 issue of the same journal] noted Jakob Degan's story enough to pointedly catch the attention of the thoughtful and flight-concerned experienced George Cayley.   So, we seek more information about Jakob Degan's aerial success. And raising himself in the air before others have done so, and so such in a way that would catch Cayley's attention, must count as something big in the modern history of flight; it would be deeply unfair to compare Degan's success to what would occur 100 years later. But it appears that Degan flight helped to turn heads....and speed Cayley's bringing together Cayley memoranda into the light  sooner than later.  So, special double hats off to Degan for his own doings, his getting some published note, and then to turn the Cayley head and hand so that we got the Cayley notes. And nearly simultaneously we the the treatise by Walker. The three of them seem to have cinched the opening of modern winged aircraft. The confidence of Cayley and Walker finally was valid ...and confirmed by the flowering of modern aviation that developed from the seeds of Leonardo da Vinci and into the reality of the valid steps by Degan, Cayley, and Walker. The stream or trunk of valid directions and working principles were then visited by others throughout the 1800s and 1900s giving gliding, soaring, and powered flying its vast harvest.  The starts are so very important; they gave us platform for a thousand and more furtherings.  Even today, we continue to innovate upon their shoulders. Here is an important comment: "A print commenting on the experiments of the Swiss clock-maker. Jakob Degan. Between 1806 and 1817 Degan made repeated flights with his ornithopter dangling beneath a balloon. Some other experimenters, notably George Cayley, read accounts of Degan's exploits and assumed that the man had flown without the balloon." from Here at NASM    But one is to explore the opening of release and gliding between any flapping.

Some links related:

Jan Wnęk The Kraków Museum of Ethnography in Poland claims that in 1866, painter and carpenter Jan Wnęk completed construction of an ash wood glider frame which he covered with linen impregnated with varnish and that Wnęk was firmly strapped to the glider by the chest and hips. It is claimed but not verified, that Jan Wnęk made several public flights from the local church tower during 1866-1869.
Sir George Cayley Pendulum weight-shift gliding control.  See flying replica.

His governable parachute had the mechanical foundations for hang glider and stiffened or framed flexible-wing hang glider. Cayley profoundly discussed and modeled pendular control of hung-massed gliders.

J. A. D. Ackroyd, "Sir George Cayley: A Bicentennial Review," the 46th Cayley Lecture, Royal Aeronautical Society (London: RAS, 19 April 2000).

Charles H. Gibbs-Smith, Sir George Cayley, 1773-1857 (London: HMSO, 1968).

J. Laurence Pritchard, Sir George Cayley: The Inventor of the Aeroplane (London: Max Parrish, 1961).

William Samuel Henson
John Stringfellow. [  [ ] Has anyone named a modern project HG after John Stringfellow?]  Ariel.

 Aerial Steam Carriage.       What had he done with power-off gliding of his models?


Chanute sketch a Stringfellow triplane in Chanute's book Progress in Flying Machines.

Félix du Temple de la Croix Félix du Temple de la Croix  

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:1857DuTemplePatent.jpg +

The du Temple Monoplane was a large aeroplane made of aluminium, built in Brest, France, by naval officer Félix du Temple in 1874.

Did anyone sans the engine and try the design as just a glider?

Alexander Mozhaysky Wiki.

Alexander F. Mozhaiski of Russia.     Seems some influence from Henson???

Did the Russian group do some smaller-sized gliding experiments?

Alphonse Pénaud Alphonse Penaud
planophore       AoA of tail horizontal was negative ...different from the Cayley. This Penaud was an advance. Penaud also reached having the CG slightly forward of the main-wing CL when having the rear tail with the negative AoA.

Though Cayley was somewhat satisfied with his CG aft of CL and positive AoA of rear tail, such missed the large advance that Penaud gave to us with longitudinal stability and balance with the CG forward of CL with AoA of rear tail negative. Some thus hold Penaud as one of the very tall figures in aircraft design: Cayley, Penaud, Wrights ...


Jose Weiss


Joseph Vincent Nicholas Francis Weiss

He was getting very much right  via bird study, modeling extensively large, and much testing. Thick root airfoil, washout, longitudinal balance on flying wing, shock-absorbing A-frame wheel-basebar.

Handley-Page    FHP1  FHP2    FH3   FH4  FH5  
Hyphen in name or not?   Some influence from Weiss.  Also carefully studied birds.  A Type C illustrated some strong advances that included the washout, double surface, thick wing root, A-frame, shock-absorbing basebar, anti-beaking skid, elliptical LE.    Large press for power.  But he did a glider first. Have fun with Sir Frederick Handley-Page. 
1905 pilot Life Magazine photo file of pilot hanging by arms and weightshiting. (not motored, not parallel-bar)     [Editorial speculation: is the photo of a foot-launch pre-Ellehammer?]     Image
Thomas Walker He published a work on ornithopters in 1810, then FHP1his interests switched to fixed-wing aircraft.  Title: The Art of Flying   has been reproduced in the Aeronautical Classics series published by the Royal Aeronautical Society.
Image??  [The modern-day commentator may be too quick to discount the possibility of some hang gliding flight from Walker's drawing. Some fun effort might be done on this matter. ]

Full book and full title: A Treatise upon the Art of Flying by Mechanical Means

In 1831, Walker proposed a tandem-wing craft with the propulsion system between the two wings. One is to explore John J. Montgomery's tandem wing glider. And it is to be questioned if Samuel Langley  was influenced by Walker.

Article1.      Note on his book.     Article2.   Article3.  

F. H. Wenham AERIAL LOCOMOTION. By F. H. Wenham, Esq.    1866
Otto Lilienthal
and brother
Gustav Lilienthal
Engineers, inventors, test pilots, serial manufacturer of commercial hang gliders, curved ribs, control frames, beaking protector shock protector (neglected on his fateful 2000th flight), foldability, portability, base jumper pioneer, hill builder, hilltop hang glider storage, test pilot, efficiency sculptor, promoter and exhibitor and practitioner of modern sport hang gliding, sharer, communicator, leader, inspiration source, and much more...
Percy Pilcher Percy  S. Pilcher.       Percy Sinclair Pilcher.
Pilcher Tri-Plane
.     Beetle.    Hawk.         1895 Bat.   Article1.  Some key Pilcher-Lilienthal notes.
Clement Ader  
Horatio Phillips
 of Britain
HP1    HP2    HP3G        HP4imges 
William Avery  William L. Avery.  1896 test hang glider pilot. Assistant to Mr. Chanute.
 Article1.     Image1.    Article2.  

Want to expose hang gliding to the world?  The huge slated 1903 Exposition that occurred late ...and became the 1904 huge Exposition (12,000,000 visitors) in St. Louis, Missouri, featured the hang gliding of William Avery in a biplane hang glider.  Such exposure seeded hang gliding in the minds of people of young and old alike. Abstract

William Paul Butusov aka: Mr. Butusov 1889c-1896c  hang glider test pilot   William Paul Butusov
Augustus Herring Augustus M. Herring    1895c  hang glider test pilot. Thirty-six years of aviation service.     Article1.    D:1926 at age 59.     Article2.   

Undaunted soaring aeronaut (usa) ...Herring returned to the dunes with a triplane.

Sir Hiram Stevens Maxim Public interest builds when public rides "Flying Machine."
ImageA   ImageB  
John Joseph Montgomery "aeroplane" word invented
Mr. Lavezzari France at beach: 1904
Reinhold Platz  
Samuel Franklin Cody
Octave Chanute
John William Dunne
M ? First decade of 1900s
Jacob Ellehammer Flying Machines.     We seek data on power-off glides. 

The Ellehammer Semi-biplane was a pioneering aircraft flown in Denmark in 1906. See replica.  He had a monoplane followed by a semi-biplane.

"its pilot's seat, as in the previous model, "swung like a pendulum to maintain longitudinal stability."  Henry Villard in his Contact!   

Ellehammer note in Automotor 1906                  Image1

Lawrence Hargrave Inventor. Gliders, kites, powered aircraft. Leader.
Gustave Whitehead aka:  Gustav Whitehead, Gustave Whitehead.
Ferdinand Ferber
Captain (Louis) Ferdinand Ferber
Progress in Gliding; Calculations; Step by Step, Jump by Jump, Flight by Flight.        FF1    Seeking data on his 1899 glider. Seeking data on  No. 1, 2, 3, 4.   Experimenting perseverance!

"Ferber's experiments in gliding began in 1899 at the Military School at Fountainebleau, with a canvas glider of some 80 square feet supporting surface, and weighing 65 lbs. Two years later he constructed a larger and more satisfactory machine, with which he made numerous excellent glides. Later, he constructed an apparatus which suspended a plane from a long arm which swung on a tower, in order that experiments might be carried out without risk to the experimenterA History of Aeronautics by E. Charles Vivian XII. The First Years of Conquest.

Carl Bates  aka:  Carl S. Bates   Carl Sterling Bates    The-Boy-Mechanic-700-Things-for-Boys-to-Do/How-To-Make-A-Glider  This article following the huge Avery biplane hang glideing display to the world at the 1904 fair in St. Louis, Missouri, USA,  further impacted the minds of many throughout the world as to hang gliding.   Wiki.    Bio.   See gravestone: "Carl S. Jan 1, 1884-Aug 27, 1956 Inventor Built & Flew the First Glider in Iowa 1898"     ImageGravestone.

See his monoplane hang glider.

Hans Grade Early Aviators.   A-frame.  
   Study clip image: Seat behind A-frame, 1910.
 He believed that technology must be simple.  We seek full information on his steps prior to the finished powered monoplane.
Gliding Club members
of Breslau territory
Cable-stayed triangle control frame with tethered pilot behind TCF in a battened sail hang glider as is popular today for a control airframe arrangement.  The A-frame or triangle control frame that we know today on hang gliders was at least present in 1908 for hang glider control; it was then used on a battened flexible-wing hang glider, even though the pilot and craft were of very low gliding ability; nevertheless the mechanical invention was embedded then for all to use when wanted.
1905 guy Lift note #27:  LIFE Magazine gives a lift:    http://tinyurl.com/1905inControlFrame  LIFE
In 1905 hang glider pilot standing in control frame flying his hang glider. Who will be building and flying a replica of this?  Who is the pilot?  Hanging and feet standing in control frame.  Who will modernize, power-assist, and show this gem in contemporary moments?            Also, a follow-up  study image http://www.energykitesystems.net//hgh/images/1905/1905study.jpg

We seek a second reference to firm the historical note by LIFE.

1908 gliding club members Cable-stayed triangle control frame with pendulumed pilot for weight-shift of hang gliders (not the first, but at least by here in 1908 in the territory of Breslau.
Gottlob Espenlaub Strut-stayed triangle control frame for hang glider of high-aspect ratio.   Also, tail-less biplane hang glider. GE1  GE2
Alexander M. Lippisch http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Lippisch_biplane_glider.jpg   c.1920
Biplane Tailless Glider, c.1920. Lippisch was employed as a glider designer for Weltensegler, Inc. in Baden-Baden (1922-23); as a designer for A. G. Steinmann, Hagen, Westphalia (1923-25); and in 1925 he joined the staff of the aerodynamics and design department of the Rhon-Rossittengesellschaft, north of Frankfurt.  [ Ed.: Reminds us Dunne and later Taras Kiceniuk, Jr. with his Icarus I and II, and of the following Larry Mauro machine.]
Domina Jalbert Inventor, leader, ram-air double-surface limp airfoil inventor, glider balloons, kytoons, barrage balloons, water-kite visionary, "Brother of the Wind" kite expert, root invention for kites and hang gliders
Richard Miller Editor of Soaring Magazine in some parts of the 1960s. Heavies in SSA set boundaries ...no hang gliders in issues edited by Richard. Richard wrote a book: Without Visible Means of Support. Then he started an underground newsletter sent through the mail ...it lasted in the 1960s for six issues: Low, Slow, and Out of Control. Miller was attracted to Joe Faust's letter to the editor of Soaring magazine when--not he--Doug Lamont was the Soaring editor. Miller offered that Joe would take over the stopped newsletter; they met and Joe counter-offered with a willingness to include reprint of the six issues in one issue of a new sole proprietorship Low & Slow.   RMaero
Angelo d'Arrigo  - Flew over Everest in Hang Glider. Committed to saving birds. One of the most fascinating pilots ever!   "Alla sua morte (avvenuta nel corso di una manifestazione a Comiso, il 26 marzo 2006, in seguito a un incidente al piccolo aereo, su cui egli viaggiava da passeggero ed ospite d'onore) un senso di sgomento ha pervaso tutti coloro che nel mondo lo ammiravano e lo seguivano nelle sue esultanti conquiste."
Jack Lambie "The Streamline Man"   Lambie is first tier : L.I.F.T.
Stephan Nitsch Builder, pilot, replica, Ace HG historian, master of Otto Lilienthal, inventor, generous communicator,

Alberto Santos-Dumont      1904 and 1905  glider  ... kited over river Seine; had pontoons.   Then powered flight,14-bis.          Wiki.         The Demoiselle.=The pilot was seated below the fuselage-wing junction, just behind the wheels.

Alberto Santos-Dumont    AVIAÇÃO - O Demoiselle de Santos Dumont, o Pai da Aviação. and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PN7p1UCU5Vo

Alberto Santos-Dumont in 1907 made and flew Demoiselle (Damselfly); then in 1910 the world received full plans via Popular Mechanics magazine.      
                      ===>Clip image study here.   Did this image affect the 1908 Breslau territory gliding club members as they achieved the cable-stayed triangle control bar with tension hung pilot behind it...for hang gliders?  The Demoiselle received world-around coverage from 1907 forward.

July 1910 Popular Mechanics:
 "How to build the famous "Demoiselle"
Santos-Dumont's Monoplane
by Arthur E. Joerin and A. Cross, A. M.
From time to time vague description of the manner of constructing aeroplanes have been given to the public. All over the United States there are thousands of persons who are intensely interested in the subject of aerial flight, but until now nothing of a tangible nature has been presented on which work could be started with a reasonable prospect of success. It is a great satisfaction therefore, to be able to present the working drawings of the wonderful monoplane invented by M. Santos-Dumont. As the authors point out, however, it would be useless for anyone not possessed of some mechanical skill, and plenty of common sense, to attempt to construct a copy of the famous flyer, even with such detailed workings and instructions. --THE EDITOR"

Horten Brothers  
William M. Allison Disconnected two-beam self-inflated airfoil. Patent. ‘Polymorphic Kite’.  Breakthrough in  kites. Played a major role in hang gliding renaissance.  Patent, filing 1950          WMA1       Praise by mimic: KP1    KP2   KP3   KP4   KP5  KP6      GeneralLIFT         

  Unknown to George Webster, the Allison sled invention was actually used in the hang gliding world in Venice, CA, in a hang glide flight base launch by child Joseph Faust off a lifeguard tower for a short hang glide, pictured on cover of a Low & Slow magazine. Note: Scott Sleds are a subset of the Allison sleds patented by Allison.

Waldo Waterman Biplane hang glider. Many aircraft innovations. Bridge to hang gliding renaissance from first decade of 1900s to 7th decade; communicator, supporter, inspiration source, Seagull-Waterman Flyer, contributor to Self-Soar Association, and more.   Waldo1   Waldo2   Waldo3
R. Buckminster Fuller Tensegrity, tetrahedron, futurists, tension universe, low-mass construction, leader, inspiration source, aero cities, universal sharing,
Alexander Graham Bell Tetrahedral two lobe kite systems, communications, aviation leader and promoter, experimenter.   Frost King   [HGAusa historian is related to Hector P. McNeil, assistant to Bell and dedicated carpenter,  model maker, and co-designer of many Bell devices. Mr. Hector P. McNeil was co-inventor for US Patent 856838  In the photo, Mr. Hector P. McNeil may be seen in photo directly below craft- with white cap facing to the right. ]
Jack Wylie Ski-tow kite master. At some power-offs and break lines: parachutal poor hang glides. Pendulumed pilot, control bar. Very low gliding, but high acrobatic manned kiting. 1958 circa. Paved way for further two and four-boom water-skit manned kiting.
Ken Tibado    His plans were widely broadcasted. KT1    
Gertrude Rogallo
  • GR1  Co-inventor of the mechanical  Rogallo wing.   
  • Gertrude Sugden Rogallo, 94, a native of Hampton, died Monday, Jan. 28, 2008.
Francis Melvin Rogallo

Beloved Father of Hang Gliding Dies

Francis Rogallo, 1912-2009 

Francis M. Rogallo     ...birdman hanging on  now to Last Thermal  ...  See also  his 1970's letter.

Bill Bennett "Uncle Bill". Showman, entrepreneur, promoter, friend, encourager, ornamental-patent holder. The mechanics of his wing were strongly early presented by Francis Rogallo and Charles Richards along with the cable-stayed control frame and pilot position gifted to hang gliding at least by 1908 in the gliding club in Breslau...the same of which was revisited with tweaks by Gottlob Espenlaub, George Spratt, Barry Hill Palmer, Mike Burns, John Dickenson, Dave Kilbourne, Dick Eipper, and thousands of others. Bill Bennett brought a keen business sense; he capitalized on a large extant hang gliding movement that had been growing in the Europe and the United States. But his business was run as a friendly family.
Ornamental design (not mechanical) Patent number
: D224248
Filing date: Sep 24, 1969
Volmer Jensen    Leading hang glider builder and pilot from the 1940s to the 1970s.  His example and leadership inspired many to invest themselves in hang gliding.   VJ-11   moreVJ-11   Volmer influenced three eras of hang gliding, at least.    EAA #146198    Stark professional prototype builder. 

EAA Ultralight Hall of Fame   
   Volmer Jensen      
Volmer Jensen (EAA #146198), designer of the Volmer VJ-22 Sportsman, spent most of his life on the west coast and was involved in hang gliding as early as 1925 and again in the 1970s. Appalled by the number of fatal accidents, he was motivated by a desire to provide aerodynamically and structurally safer aircraft. Volmer operated the Production Models Shop in Glendale, California, with his most famous product being the model of the Starship Enterprise used in the TV series and in full-length movies. Volmer was inducted into the EAA Homebuilder Hall of Fame in 1996. 
Clip from
: http://www.eaa.org/news/2006/2006-10-05_halloffame.asp

Klaus Hill
  • Super Floater (with Larry Hall)   
  • Hummer November 1977
  • Humbug
  • Vector
  • October 10, 1979
  • Pix of Woody Jones on Super Floater.
  •  EAA Hall of Fame. 2004 - Klaus Hill: Hill, who died in 1979, was a pioneer in ultralight flight as the designer of the Sailwing glider, the basis for the Twin Boomer and Delight Wing in the 1970s. His designs also included the Honeybee, Weedhopper, Hummer and Humbug soon followed.    Early Otto member of Self-Soar Association. Friend to Richard Miller.  Was correspondent in Low, Slow & Out of Control.  Subscribed to Low & Slow.
James Means
Paul Bikle Soaring-savvy NASA leader gave the directive to build quick and cheap a stiffened Rogallo-winged hung-payloaded kite-glider for manned pilot practicing. Charles Richards took the order and fulfilled the matter within weeks followed by very many versions. He was flowering the communications leadership of NASA's Francis M. Rogallo who had demonstrated various working model hang gliders to the NASA community for years (essences of Rogallo's mechanical patents).
Ryan Aeronautical Team This team also flowered the leadership of Francis M. Rogallo. This team developed the mechanical wing that also was to be broadcasted around the world to give a foundation for recreational and commercial use of the wing.
Carl Boenish    Skydive and hang glider photographer; base-jumping pioneer.  Film: Playground in the Sky.    Photo1   

James Hobson

Lawrence Welk shows director brought Rogallo wing to Dockweiler Beach in Southern California ...and gave TV air to hang gliding on the show. He had experiments with gas powered Rogallo models---first free
flight, then radio controlled--in July, 1961.

He with others built a first full sized Rogallo hang glider in
January 2, 1962. He built it of aluminum and with aircraft bolts. The frame was stressed with aircraft cable; however he used hardware store eye bolts and turnbuckles.

Sport Aviation magazine, September, 1962. See for picture.
He had kinescope and video tape of the hang glider's use in a
production number on "The Lawrence Welk Show: that was aired on January 27, 1962. A second larger hang glider was taken to Dockweiler Beach; it featured the polyester film of 4 mil; reinforcement was with fiberglass tape; movies of the August, 1962 flights were made.

We are seeking Jim's heirs for copies of some movies, video, and kinescope. Jim visited the Self-Soar Association office, became Otto member, subscribed to Low & Slow and also to Hang Glider Weekly. He donated his copies to Joe Greblo which are on loan to Joe Faust in 2008. He sent a notice to Ground Skimmer in 1975; his note was published in May 1975 issue of Hang Gliding magazine.

Does anyone have information about the archives of Jim Hobson? Does anyone have a copy of the Sport Aviation pictures?
Igor Bensen Tweaked the control wing into rotary aircraft. Rotary gyro hang gliding; however, he indicated in his manual that he was not recommending the kite-glider for soaring activity.
George A. Spratt Further instructed the cable-stayed triangle control frame with tensionally hung hang glider pilot for weight-shift control  that had been used in earlier decades.
Gottlob Espenlaub High-aspect ratio hang gliders using the triangle control frame in strut-stay format.
Dick Eipper Colorful early So. California manufacturer, first president of the So. Calif. Hang Gliding Association, member of the Peninsula Hang Gliding Association. Barefoot Superman .. first full-color cover of a Low & Slow.
Bob Lovejoy       Toy designer. Quicksilver designer. High Tailer designer. Worked well with Dave Cronk. Aviation artist. Innovator. HG test pilot. High jumper.

EAA Ultralight Hall of Fame   
   Bob Lovejoy  

Bob Lovejoy (EAA #79097) created the Quicksilver rigid wing glider in 1972. Unlike other designs of the time, it was designed to have a tail and its wings were a more conventional "Hershey bar" shape. In its day, the Quicksilver hang glider developed a huge following among so-called "rigid wing" enthusiasts. Unlike many of its contemporaries, the Quicksilver was designed from the outset to have a tail, and so it was a natural conversion into a relatively conventional looking ultralight. That design became so popular it outsold Cessna, Piper, and Beechcraft combined and has since earned the moniker, "The Cessna of the Ultralight Industry." 
Clip from
: http://www.eaa.org/news/2006/2006-10-05_halloffame.asp

Irv Culver SSA1   Aerodynamicist. Culver twist. Leading consultant.
Paul MacCready, Jr. Meta-aero engineer. Man-powered aircraft. Construction tactics. Soaring ace. MacCready Ring. Inspiration source.  PM1  PM2  PM3
Orville & Wilbur …last name not even necessary! (Wright)
Early development in true mathematical physics of aerodynamic research…
Based on original design engineering, these brothers flew
and soared successful three-axis control (canard) bi-wing glider.
Many of their research tools are STILL used today…
-i.e.,  wind tunnel, wing warping, hip shift control, tethered model flight, airfoil lift testing, and accurate flight logs.

First efforts.

Art Bean

Art Bean

Arthur Bean   Many newspaper mentions in Pasadena, CA, papers. Scores of letters to aviation people were illustrated with hang glider cartoons. Exemplary birdman, builder of replica, multi-discipline pilot, inspiring humorist, Bean's Bird, John J. Montgomery replica, traveling communicator-encourager, HG cartoonist, Otto Lilienthal replica, boy shed flyer,   Neil Larson has a photo of Art Bean at the Dept. of Water and Power meeting in early 1970s.   Art won Best Biplane Hang Glider Craftsmanship award at the May 23, 1971, Otto Birthday Parry Meet.  He traveled a great deal to visit homebuilders to encourage them.

Classic photograph by historian Neil Larson of Art Bean at an early 1972 meeting when the USHGA was being formed.

Bob Wills  
Malcolm Allison

circa 1910-1915

Malcolm Allison     Library of Congress (LOC).  The place is Governor’s Island just off (south-east) of Manhattan across from the Statue of Liberty. Photo 09848v shows Brooklyn across the East River I believe.      Michael Grisham (pilot HG, HG researcher; Crestline Soaring Society member::  thanks for your research, Michael ... nice lift for All ... )

Bain News Service, publisher. Malcolm Allison - with glider [between 1910 and 1915] 1 negative : glass ; 5 x 7 in. or smaller. See photo. Notice that a higher resolution photo is available; also a very high tiff archival copy is available. Notice the tow lines at the wing tips. Notice also the lower wing trailing edge extension about 2 to 3 feet from the tips.  Observe the firm curved airfoil format.  In the two photos seen so far, a seat of any sort is not seen by Lift editors.

The original New York Times article is here. New York Times: October 9, 1911, Monday, Page 4, 1241 words

A text type version of the article for study is here for Lift:

Airship You've Seen Over Governors Island Is the Toy of the Post's Children.
It Was Made by Col. Allison's Son, Malcolm, Out of Varnished Cambric and Birch Wood---Now Being Repaired.
The secret of the Governors Island airship, the short flights of which in the late afternoons for weeks past have made many persons in Battery park and on passing ferryboats wonder who the aviator was and the kind of a machine he used, is out. The machine is a fifty-pound biplane glider, and the inventor and maker is Malcolm Allison, the 17-year old son of Col. James N. Allison, U. S. A, the commissary officer of the Division of the East of the army.

The machine is housed in the aeroplane shed built for Wilbur Wright at the time of the Hudson-Fulton Celebration, and young Mr. Allison is now busy making repairs due to an unexpected fall a week or so ago, when an army boy who was gliding stuck his feet too far forward, thus breaking the equilibrium and causing the machine to fall. The inventor is not only repairing the machine, but he is also adding some improvements, among them a stationary instead of a swinging seat and a new rear control.

The flight have been at heights of from ten to fifty feet, and in several of the mthe [sic, many flights the?] glider has traveled more than 500 yards before coming down. In all of the flights the passengers have been drawn from the youthful population of Governors Island. One of those who made a splendid flight of more than 100 yards was Miss Alice Judson, a niece of Gen. Leonard Wood, Chief of the General Staff.

When the wind is strong the glider behaves fine, Malcolm Allison said yesterday, but when there is only a gentle breeze a tow of some sort is generally necessary in order to get into the air. The Governors Island children do the towing.

The planes of the glider are twenty feet long and four feet wide, the surfaces being of varnished cambric. The wood is birch, and the planes are held in position with birch supports and wires, the same as are the planes in the big biplanes of the Wright and Farman types.

Every part of the machine is the work of Malcolm Allison, and every one of them was made on the back porch of Col. Allison's home, which has been fitted up as a workshop by the boy inventor. The tools and the lumber and cambric all cost about $12.

The starting point for the flights is generally the grass-covered incline on the south side of the enlisted men's barracks, opposite the Statue of Liberty. There the boy or girl who is to take a spin in the air gets into the swinging seat and jumps off, that is if the wind is strong enough to get the glider into the air without the aid of a tow. If the wind is too gentle, there are plenty of youngsters waiting around to act as the tow.

Young Mr. Allison said yesterday that he was perfecting a plan by which he can use a horse to tow. The only thing troubling him is to bet [sic, get?] a horse that won't be frightened when it is hitched to something that will go up as soon as he gets a moving. The inventor said he did not expect to use more than one rope, which would be about 400 feet long and which would be made fast to the center of the lower plane. He woudl [sic, would] find a way, he said, to release the rope in the event the horse became frightend [sic, frightened] and tried to run away.

Amusing stories are told of what the Governors Island glider has been mistaken for. Many have concluded that it was the real thing and that it was operated by an aviator tuning up for a cross-country flight. One day a reporter saw it from a ferry boat, and that afternoon his paper came out with the announcement that it was what was left of a machine that was used by Atwood on his record-breaking flight from St. Louis to New York. Another theory was that a Governors Island officer had invented a new machine that would revolutionize aerial warfare. Several aviators of note have seen the Allison glider, and all of them pronounce it a very clever piece of work.

========================== End of the article.==========
HangGliderHistory.com ANALYSIS of the early New York Times article is briefly done here in December 18, 2008:
1. A 17-year old youth built a 20' span biplane hang glider.
2. Malcolm Allison flew his glider considerable distance.
3. Malcolm Allison permitted many of his friends to fly his hang glider.
4. At least one girl significantly flew the hang glider. Miss Alice Judson, a niece of Gen. Leonard Wood, Chief of the General Staff.
5. The article did not report of any pilot injuries.
6. The first version of the hang glider had a swinging seat. And while with such a swinging seat, the flying boy was able to change the position of his legs.
7. Many of the flights were launched by the towing assistance of neighborhood youth.
8. Malcolm Allison used a damage incident as an occasion to improve upon his design. He explored a control surface and stable seat instead of the swinging seat that he first reportedly used.
9. Mistaken interpretation by published reporters occur.

Walter Louis Briant, Jr. Walter Louis Briant, Jr.       See1    See2 
Hall Brock Son of Pete Brock (Peter Brock of UP Products).   1975 flying in Worlds meet: Yes, Pete Brock of UP.
He showed up at the showing of The Big Blue Sky last summer. He is well, fit, and smiling.
His son?
Hall Brock
Hall is seen flying in the vid of the Escape Country 1975 meet:
Hang Gliding Worlds 1975 Escape Country California
Caption at the video:

::::""Hang Gliding Worlds 1975 Escape Country California filmed by Bob Grant while attending the first World Competition held near San Diego California. Sandy McDougal and myself drove the 2,300 miles to fly in the meet. I do have a higher quality movie if needed. The youngest ever hang glider pilot Hall Brock is shown flying from the mountain at Robinson Ranch where the meet was held and tragically Hall died a few weeks later in a hang gliding accident. There is also a segment filmed at the Saddleback Mountain take-off which is near Robinson Ranch in California.
Contact me for further info at-
caskydog@gmail.com   ""
Rob Kells Meta-positive-service in commercial sector. Cornerstone to decades or recent hang gliding community.


Nominated  for Member Set #001
E. Winter
of Fareham of England
Halvor Garos
Carl Messolt
of New York city
Willi Pelzner  
John Chotia  John Chotia: Chotia deceased since 1981 was the designer of the Weedhopper line of Ultralights. As President of Weedhopper of Utah,  Chotia built and sold many designs, which have been a mainstay in the U.S. and overseas Ultralight markets.    In 2002 awarded EAA Hall of Fame.
Preston Watson http://www.aerospaceweb.org/question/history/q0159.shtml
Peter Bowle-Evans Peter Bowle-Evans                     Leader
Andy Jackson  
  Richard "Cabbage-head" Seymour
  Jeff Craig
  Ed Gardia     ?  or ? Ed Guardia     CONFIRMATION OF SPELLING REQUESTED  Search Low & Slow, Hang Glider Weekly, Ground Skimmer.  Both spellings are out on Internet.    Find newspaper report of the accident IN EARLY 1970s near Sylmar.
Pat Conniry Pat Conniry    (? Conniary)
Ed Grauel d. 2002.     Leader. Researcher.   EG1   EG2g  
Rogallo Corner Kite Radar Reflector plans by Ed Grauel
J.G. Hagedoorn (1912-2000)
  Taras Kiceniuk  (Senior)     vitality status?


Richi Meier Possible sprog-setting accident: Swiss top Aeros pilot, Richi Meier, died from a tragic accident on June, 15, 2008, at the 16th FAI European Hang Gliding championships.  Too-low of altitude for reserve parachute to be effective following a tuck or tumble occurred. His accident profoundly deepened discussions concerning sprog settings.    Richard Meier         
  Robin Strid 
  Eric J. Jansen,  Boeing engineer, PGer,    Article1   Article2   Article3   Article4  Article5          Midair heart failure.  Tiger Mountain.
John Sharp John Sharp  ..."coring now the celestial thermal" ...
  1. Ben recalls ...
  2. Jan25of2009JohnSharp777Lift
Suzy Moyes Daughter of Bill and Molly Moyes died July __, 2009, of a stroke. Hang gliding hospitality plus!    Love to Suzy.    Condolences to the entire Moyes family.     http://www.moyes.com.au/
Captain Jack Carey “Captain” Jack Carey killed on bike on Lizard Head
Longtime local struck by truck after straying into traffic

By Matthew Beaudin             
 General link for him.
Bill Vogel Sept. 19, 2009   Ref1   Photos  
Fred Tiemens 1975
Gordon Boyce Oct. 2, 2010      
Brett Snellgrove September 2010.
Dave Gibas sky poet
Lemuel Lopez         Oct. 15, 2010 ???     Truck towing HG accident.    OR.
Alan Chuculate Nov. 5, 2005, in Mexico.      |         MemoryByJeffGoin   |    Nov2010ProfileTorreyHawks
   M2294SDHGPA    |   1st USPPA president  |    Wife: Mary Hobson  | http://www.usppa.org/News/InMemory/AlanChuculateByJimEskildsen.jpg
Tony Gittes

Tony Gittes
The Nov. 2-3, 2010. Canoa International Hang Gliding Tournament in Ecuador was dedicated to Tony, known as "El Hombre Pajaro" (birdman), the first man to hang glide there.   Anthony Foster Gittes, 58, d: July 21, 2010, of cancer. 

Christopher Talbot-Jones       Son and Vicki survive.  Christopher passed in 2002.   Son of same name.

Your Dad was super amongst us. And I knew you most young. Your Dad was ever gracious, friendly, sharp, and a Wright-like hang glider builder.

Your Dad let me fly his modified Icarus II in Venice Beach on small berm; photo got into the Santa Monica Star News.  And I helped you and your Mom and Dad put the glider together at the Torrance Beach Turkey Fly that I sponsored.
Your Dad spawned a lithographic printing business after seeing what I did from scratch to become for hang gliding a lithographer.

I was in your Dad and Mom's Pasadena printing office. They supplied T-shirts and bumper stickers featuring my Self-Soar Association logo of wind-lifted man in flight. He was top man and glider in the four-color centerfold Photo-Fly photograph that I arranged where the pioneers were assembled to show pilot and glider on a hill in Norco, California.

I have returned to publishing hang gliding. My first decade with Low & Slow and Hang Glider had several mentions of your Dad.
May I share your notes to the hang glider world without Mom's contact and without your contact, as you direct?

Original historian Neil Larson is active again with me in some publishing efforts.
One of several efforts:     See: Lift via http://HGAusa.com 

This is cc to Neil Larson who also probably saw you as a toddler. Neil has some photos of early meeting with your Dad at executive table.
Joe                       Dec. 1, 2010.

Thomas H. Purcell, Jr.    Flight Dynamics (pres: Thomas H Purcell Jr.), Raleigh NC    Built flexible-wing glider.  Perhaps 1961. Details are invited.   Skysurfer Magazine of May/June 1973, page 9, published by the owner of Aeronautical Publishers,  shows Purcell with a wing that holds the mechanical inventions embedded also in the Fleep and the wing of the team headed by engineer Charles Richards. Thomas H. Purcell Jr. died Oct. 13, 2007, at UNC Hospitals in Chapel Hill, N.C


James Hobson, one of two known-1962 fathers of simple flex-wing recreational DIY foot-launch flex-wing hang gliding, died April 26. 2013.  Formal funeral services on Otto Lilienthal's birthday, May 23, 2013.  In his 90s, complications of a needed surgery. See bio in USHawk.org forum.   He in 1962 put hang gliding into the EAA arena and into national television. Director-producer of Lawrence Welk Shows. Resident of Southern California.
Guido Gerhmann, one of the most talented hang gliding pilot (he was the 1998 World champion) died in a plane crash early this month. He was 38.    May 2013.   Powered plane crash.   Hang gliding champion.
April 27 or April 28, 2013:      Robert Downing, aka Bob Downing
This weekend,
Bob Downing, long time NASA Dryden engineer of our range
(telemetry and data acquisition) died after a multiyear battle against cancer.

Bob was of interest to us because he was a hang gliding pioneer. He held the US
Hang Glider association membership number 70. Bob was a good friend, we often
shared a joke and a cup of coffee in the hall in the mornings (usually 6:45 or
so, we both like to get to work early).

Bob, I'm going to miss you...

Al Bowers,
Associate Director for Research

NASA Dryden Flight Research Center

Some notes about Robert Downing

2011 Shane Smith, 23.    Towing accident.    |      Dad laments.  |   Shane at the Craters  |
2006  John Freer
Jim Theis ,    Nighthawk  http://www.twitt.org/nhawk.htm
Neil A. Armstrong, NASA FRC  NA1              D.: August 25, 2012    SeeHere.
Chanute's biography: "Locomotive to Aeromotive"  

Hello, Joe:                                                    Aug 23, 2012
You compiled an interesting selection of people and events as part of your hang gliding history, but you do not seem to discuss data prior to 1900. 
There are many newspaper articles etc on Lamson and his gliders, even how he towed his gliders over the roads to the take off-site in the mid 1890s. 
You ask which papers were not accepted (or "trash" in Chanute's opinion) for the 1893 Int'l Conference, that is easy, just check the letter books of Zahm and Chanute. All (?) correspondence is copied there.
Zahm wrote many good articles prior to 1902, he even coined the word "Naval Soaring" that we would consider today as "ridge soaring"
James Means is another interesting and influential person who self-published many pamphlets in the early/mid 1890s. It is my understanding that the Means family still owns quite a few copies of the Epitome, Annuals, Manflight, etc. The Epitome from 1910 is the book on soaring. This should be mentioned here!
The information on Herring can be found in Chanute's letterpress books as well as in Herring's article in the American Engineer. His third Lilienthal-glider was rebuilt and made stronger to be flown in June 1896 in Chicago. The Chanute and Herring relationship is discussed in detail in my book, Chanute's biography: "Locomotive to Aeromotive". Herring was a controversial person.
But I miss several other people who contributed in the early days of developing manflight when no engine was available. These men should be considered precursors of the hang gliding development as well. Only to mention a few Americans: Albert Merrill, Spratt, Huffaker, Bion Arnold, A G Bell, and many more. They all discuss soaring, or how to extract power from nature, and each of them contributed in their own way.
Hope this helps,

[ ] PG pilots ... See Rick Masters site http://www.cometclones.com/mythology.htm
I am not nearly as much of a Henny Penny as many in our sport. 
I used to tell my students "If you are willing to crash I am willing to watch." 
(No one actually took me up on it.) Not only do I think we should all have
 the freedom to fritter away our lives in any foolish manner we wish,
but I find generally most intelligent folk like you are little inclined 
to hurl yourself thoughtlessly into oblivion. And no, I do not advocate 
putting a site at risk. If you want to kill yourself please do it somewhere 
where it will have no adverse affect on others. If on the other hand 
you want to carefully evaluate some wing from the past in a methodical 
and careful manner, as I bet would be your inclination, then I can even 
suggest places where that can be done. I may have to have you sign a waiver though!     
~ Ken de Russy    (November 17, 2011)