Dense AWE Array
A common kite system has a top and bottom with discrete layers between.
Interconnecting many such systems in semi-captive mode enables
creation of dense arrays of AWECS elements that maximize land and
airspace. These KiteFarms will be highly stratified/staged
structures resembling the spatial organization of microchips, but on a
vast scale in the sky.
Dense array strata include array functional
No-Fly Layer- Everything above maximum permitted or functional
Pilot Layer- Stays up or easy-launches in
slack wind by LTA, ULness, towing, etc.; initiates array launch as wind
freshens, and is withdrawn, furled, or left looping in high wind. A pilot
layer might climb-out quite high and be pulled against to launch large
Lifter Layer- Stays up in low wind and lifts
under-layers as wind freshens; is depowerable and killable. A hotswappable
quiver of lifter options maximizes capacity across conditions. Lifter
leader lines are a substratum.
Energy Harvest Layer- Wind energy capture by
dense arrays of suspended turbines, wing-mills, etc.. May include FlyGens.
Such elements will be "landers" (legged or wheeled platforms). Tunability
like variable pitch or frequency desirable. Quiver hotswapping to maximize
capacity. Staggered placement within the layer reduces wake and shadow
losses. Leader line substrata.
Energy Aggregation Layer- Fan-in bus of
electrical or mechanical energy to airborne transformers, step-up gears,
etc. as landers. May include Control Pods and FlyGens.
Energy Transport and Primary Tether Layer-
Resists lift/drag forces and carries aggregated energy variable distance
from high-altitude to surface. Mean array altitude set by this layer
within permitted airspace by factors like windspeed profile, load, and
quiver selection. Generally arrays are flown highest in low wind and
descend ahead of overpowering. Electrical conductors can be naked and
widely separated. High voltages and high speed line traction favored.
Near Surface Layer- Anchor and tether
leaders, ground-bridles, belay pulleys, etc.; of tough construction to
endure constant rough handling.
Surface Layer- A dangerous zone of anchor
interfaces, turrets, winches, and ground vehicles, etc., of massive
construction to withstand extreme forces from aloft. Surface contoured to
suit operations. Biomass crops like switch-grass, and infrastructure under
barrage, are attractive options.
Subsurface Layer- Anchor (soil-kite)
geological medium where buried conduits and FlyGen bunkers are also
Trans-Layer Elements_______________________
TagLines, Halyards, WhiskyLines, TrimLines, KillLines,
Etc.- Lines from the surface to any required layer aloft have
many uses, but must be sparse enough to avoid line sawing. Halyards enable
hotswapping. A WhiskyLine is a tagline to haul an array to windward to
keep it centered over its surface features or to lean thick conductor
lines to windward for lower drag and modest lift.
LayDown- The state of layers laid on the
ground atop each other in sequence. Properly designed, free of snags, the
strata LiftOff cleanly in a launch sequence. Conversely, they LayDown in
orderly sequence. Rare emergency array killing will involve mess.
WindGradient- Natural structure of surface
calm to usable wind aloft. Characterized by micrometeorological boundaries
and functional boundaries set by the performance envelopes of the array
~Dave Santos
May 30, 2010
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