CoolIP index                                                          Most recent edit: Friday July 12, 2013              SearchSite

* See legal note below.

Kitellite™ and KiteFi™ Trademark Notice

A "project-of-the day" at the Awe Encampment is an Android-based mobile wifi hotspot that flies high in the sky under a 10 ft Gomberg Falcon Delta, powered by a hacked Ninja-Star turbine from New-Tech Kites of Austin. The generator is a Red Cross certified Eaton hand charged emergency radio with USB charging. Testing pending, but KiteLab Ilwaco has several times done AWE phone charging since 2007, so the engineering is routine. More news and media soon, but the following Trade Marks are hereby reserved by KiteLab Group,, with a free license to the Kite Power Coop.

"Kitellite" is reserved to trade-name kite-based applications by licensed parties that more or less perform services also done by satellites, stratellites. and the like.    Kitellite™

"KiteFi" is likewise reserved to name wifi and similar services delivered by kite.  KiteFi™

Comment and development of this topic will be occurring here.       
All, send notes, links, drawings, papers, videos, plans, safety-critical findings, and photographs!

  • Terms and aspects:   
  • Related links and concepts:
  • Commentary is welcome:

*Legal Note: coolIP is hereby defined as a Creative-Commons Unported NonCommercial Share-Alike License,
so now we are integrated with the latest standard cooperative IP model, but "coolIP" remains a nice shorthand.