CoolIP index                                                          Most recent edit: Wednesday October 24, 2012

* See legal note below.

Pendulum and Dihedral Stability "Myth" Demolished

Its common knowledge that the passive yaw stability of a single-line kite is severely limited by its pendulum stability force. Flat kites further rely on dihedral to counter roll. A lateral bridle eliminates the need for dihedral and soft kites are often so based. The sudden "obvious" insight is that "staking-out" a kite across the wind completely eliminates the need for pendulum force or dihedral to stabilize a kite. This use of the surface-plane as the constraining stabilizing principle is great news for scaling up our kite farms with great stability to fly in high wind and turbulence. The pitch axis is a lesser remaining stability challenge; a luffing leading edge is the condition to avoid. A pressurized leading edge, "ski-jump" center nose reflex, and/or a trailing edge flap or tail effectively eliminate plunging dive or somersault; added as needed for required engineering margins.

This general staking-out geometry is the "green-light" for megascaling cross-linked kite formations without critical dependence on active servo-stability.

CoolIP*                      ~Dave Santos                 19Jan2012                     AWES5424

Comment and development of this topic will be occurring here.       
All, send notes, drawings, and photographs!

Terms and aspects:   

Related links and concepts:

  • [ ] Early drawing of tri-stake-out of large kite
  • [ ] Video?
  • [ ] Notice anhedral kites
  • [ ] Notice the stake-out of the wide-base rotating ribbon kite.
  • [ ]

Commentary is welcome:

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*Legal Note: coolIP is hereby defined as a Creative-Commons Unported NonCommercial Share-Alike License, so now we are integrated with the latest standard cooperative IP model, but "coolIP" remains a nice shorthand.