CoolIP index                                                          Most recent edit: Wednesday December 05, 2012

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Dynamic Snatch-Block Line-Trolley (crossing junctions)

An open problem for high-speed airborne trolley cableways is how to cross line junctions while keeping a secure rolling hold on the supporting guideline. Existing approximations known to us do not guarantee hold in high speed dynamics.

A snatch block is a pulley designed to be clipped or hooked onto a working line (as opposed to a closed pulley through which the line must be threaded onto).

In principle a line or wheel of optimized snatch blocks can unclip and reclip at high speed across a line junction, with redundant working reliability. The design should allow local passive failure to clip, curve deviations. and a backup means of recovery, if the line is ever lost.

This mechanism concept enables uninterrupted high-speed travel along a long cable suspended from above by lifting kites. Its a nice doable experiment by cheap simple means.

  • CoolIP*                      ~Dave Santos                 5 Dec 2012          Discuss:  AirborneWindEnergy/message/8137

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so now we are integrated with the latest standard cooperative IP model, but "coolIP" remains a nice shorthand.