Price Options Press the arrow and select the price you are choosing to pay to World Hang Gliding Association as we aim for accuracy in hang gliding history. Select one price among $20; $15' $10' $5', $3' $2' $1' or one cent $.0.01; or $123.45, if you strongly see the value of–and support–the history flow through WHGA. Online retail prices for new copies of this classic foundational book are ranging from $15 to $19.95 at the current time. Step #1: Click a choice: ______________________Select the price: One book: I am willing to pay $3 to support the cause. $3.00 USD One book: I am willing to pay $2 to support the cause. $2.00 USD One book: I am willing to pay $1 to support the cause. $1.00 USD One book: I am willing to pay $5 to support the cause. $5.00 USD One book: I am willing to pay $10 to support the cause. $10.00 USD One book: I am willing to pay $15 to support the cause. $15.00 USD One book: I am willing to pay $20 to support the cause. $20.00 USD One book: I am willing to pay $123.45 to support the cause. $123.45 USD One book: I am willing to pay One Cent to support the cause. $0.01 USD and make your selection of price, then Buy Now at next step.
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You choose your willing price among many options; one option is the One-cent option for the book by Otto Lilienthal: Birdflight as the basis for aviation. New condition, never used. Pay the $4 postage and handling to USA shipping addresses. Published by Michael A. Markowski. Paperback. Pages: 176
We ship mainly to USA addresses Else: Shipping elsewhere seems too high; but, if you really want to pay the postage to a non-USA address, then send postage by PayPal to and we will get the book to you; you pay one penny (or, at your choice, one of the other options) for the book itself. For example: UK: postage & handling: $12 USD. Ask me for the postage for your nation. First class at 10 oz..
This one-penny book deal (or supportive option) is part of a promotion process for "accurate hang gliding history" moving forward by the World Hang Gliding Association. The FAI has failed yet to right a severe wrong; FAI came into hang gliding sport late, and then ripped the heart of hang gliding global mechanical invention by starkly misappropriating global mechanical invention to one tinkerer as a result of a severe bully campaign; professional scholarship took a hit; our sport is taking a flattening hit. Just maybe, if Otto's message gets out, then the FAI might gain energy enough to alter their text that robs the rightful legacies of many that gave the public domain arts that permitted the standard Rogallo-Ryan hang glider to become available to all free.