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Why skydive?
This file is a preamble to preparing kite systems to provide skydives.

  • For the recreational thrill of falling through the atmosphere followed by the thrill of governing one's gliding parachute (a species of hang glider)
  • For enjoying the social culture of skydiving community where challenges of complex formations is just part of such story.
  • For delivering workers into challenging disaster regions.  Flood, fire, lava, political isolation, biological controls, legal, clandestine, ..
  • For delivery of personnel in extremely challenging sites on earth for science, adventure, art, archeology, sport, exploration,
  • For obtaining specialized photographic opportunities.
  • When a person is working aloft on a kite-energy system, then quick separation from the AWECS to enter a skydive could be a chosen mode for safe return to terra firma either for emergencies or even for common maintenance.
  • To give free or for-fee thrill/discovery/adventure flights to people.