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Scenario #1:   Wouldn't the obvious thing be just to use a parafoil chute, and launch on a kite line? Perhaps it would work best with a section of bungee cord and a safety release. A stack of parafoils would help you to get out of the slow air near the ground.                   ~BobS      M3246 March25, 2011

Kite the parafoil chute

Unfolding the scenario. Notes by anyone in the world on this are welcome. This page is yet growing.
  • Parafoil chute
  • Launch on a kite line.
  • Bungee-cord section
  • Safety release
  • Stack of parafoils as pilot lifters for getting up out of the lower boundary layer weaker winds.
Tow-launching of paragliders is a kiting of a paraglider pilot; the wing is open during the launch and during the release to glide. There is no free-fall sector in this. There is no pop-opening of the wing. This is a kiting system launching of a manned kite (paraglider is a species of free-flight kite). The launching line conventionally is released and retrieved by the ground assistants; sometimes the launching kiting line is winched in while a small line lifter chute or small kite keeps the released end of the tow line up during the return winching of the line.   This seems close to the scenario suggested by BobS.   
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The launch sequence has cousin in parasailing or parakiting wherein the rider does not intend to release to skydive. Many vacation spots near water provide rides in kite systems towed by boats. In the 1950s manned ski-kiting and aqua-kiting was popular. Some of the wings were "gliders" in kite mode, but some gliding with slack tether occurred. Aqua gliders, aqua-kites, ski kites, inflatable towed kites with human riders, Paresev, Ski Plane, towed hang gliders, etc. 
BIRD MAN ON ROLLER SKATES video newsreel film |  In 1954: HOLIDAY NEWS - PARAGLIDING KITE FLYING video newsreel film |  Circa 1962 PARACHUTE LIFT video newsreel film |