Tycan® in
(or similar soft fiber-link chain; fibre link)
- What is Tycan®? (or similar soft chain?)
- Where in AWE might Tycan® be used?
- Lifting operations in sub-assembly in a kite system?
- Ground -based kite-driven lines?
- PTO on ground?
- Drag-mass ground-based lines?
- Ground ring lines?
- Challenge of sprocket driving?
- Climb lines?
- ?
- Green Pin Tycan® Chains
- How are those links made?
- Recall kindergarten paper chains? Give each link of paper a half twist to form Mobius strip links.
- Chain verses rope, etc.?
- [ ] why are the links with a half twist? An apparent Mobius strip? Is it to share the wear?
"The webbing is made from Dyneema UHMW (ultra-high molecular weight)
polyethylene fibres, which the makers DSM claim is the world’s
strongest fibre. Each link is formed of eight layers of webbing; one of
the unique selling points is that the flat web is given a half-twist
before the ends are joined to form a link. Each link is therefore what
mathematicians call a Möbius strip. The advantage is that the
arrangement serves to equalise the strains in each of the eight layers
of webbing. If the ends were joined conventionally, the innermost
web-layer would be shorter than the outermost ones, and would carry
either more or less of the load." QuoteSouirce