Topic    Terms and acronyms for AWES that have main electric generators flying/lifted aloft in the kite system/aircraft/drone
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  • Notice that flown sound generators, flown heat generators are cousins to topic.

  • RAT is one acronym seemingly birthed for electric generators that are onboard powered aircraft. Ram-Air Turbine. RATs may be on sailplanes or kited wings also.

  • The entire kite system that has a main purpose of having electric generators lifted or flown aloft have received the attention of various terms: fly-gen AWES, flying-generator AWES, flying generator kite system, sky-gen AWES, FEGs for flying electric generators, ...    what else?

  • Notice that an energy kite system may be designed to be a ground-gen system where main electric generators are on the ground, but such system might have minor electric generators aloft that perform system duty; such AWES would be ground-gen AWES having auxiliary electric generator aloft.

  • Notice: Just because some developers focus on fly-gen AWES does not prove that such tactic will be best for some market in mind; that is, for a defined market, ground-gen AWES might win over fly-gen designs.
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RAT, R.A.T.,
fly-gen, flygen, flying electric generator, FEG, FEGs, F.E.G., F.E.G.s,
sky-gen, sky gen, sky generator,