Topic   TALK:  Inland waterways, sustainable energy, kites 
  • Online: April 22, 2020. Completed
  • Too brief.

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Rough notes by Joe Faust, attendee

Bowman Bradley   : main speaker. He owns a boat or so.
Andy Stevenson
Lucy Esmond
Wan Djawad       Gave slideshow/talk for intro to AWE.
IMech Event Centre    host
One speaker at a time
They said 200 registered
Solar future.
3000 miles canals
 charge battery
= hydrogen      fuel cell      Calif 10000 hydrogen cars
The Ross Barlow  2007 Birmingham university
=connect to shore connection
= PV
= Marine generator, but still uses fuel
Large and slow propeller costs less on driver
The serial hybrid?
Existing fleet challenge on diesel.
What to do?
??biodiesel ???   Problem: minor mods in fuel systems.
Slow burn
low ambient temperature performance is poor. Veg. oil.  Going solid
water retention in fuel taks.
Sustainability.   But land use to grow plants for oil.
Advance on the biofuels is still occurring.
Existing infrastructure is a plus.
UK canals
Recharging elect problematic
Hydrogen refuelling
Yet H needs distribution infrastructure
7 ft wide canal boats
Wan on Kite Wind Turbine
not indepth
Griffith comment TED clips. 
Cerf  Pocock 1827
Hargraves, Langley, Bell, Wright Bros.
Loyd's paper   J. Energy. Vol. 4, No.3 Article  80-4075
Error: not as descends!  Slide indicated energy gain during climb and descent: Error
Energy and climate crisis
Makani   ... screen shot
But did not report exit of KPS
Chat q not answered.
I did not appreciate that questions were to be placed by email.
I was muted full time.
Only one attendee was listed; but they said 200 registered.
They did answer about 4 or so questions that they received by email.