Topic: Scaling
of Ram-Air Soft Wings in Kite Systems
- Domina Jalbert domina-jalbert-awarded-fai-gold-air-medal
- Parachutes using the Jalbert evolutes.
- Large paragliders
- Modular expansion of span for ever-increasing payloads.
- Hyper-kite sky divers assembling arrays in sky ..
- Show-kite huge wings designed for human pilotage differ
from payload freee-flight payload purposed kiting.
- Storm Dunker
- Materials
- Ribbing. Line ribbing.
- Future materials
- Active valving
- Concept of Earth-perimeter-span and fixed-chord for
earth-surround multi-anchor wing.
- The air enclosed in ram-air tethered wing has its mass;
respect that mass when altering the flight direction of subject wings.
- wiki/Square%E2%80%93cube_law
- Kuwait_Flag_kite_launching%2C_21_July_%2704..jpg
- public/images/354965main_EC00-0317-52_full.jpg November 2, 2000
- Hybrid: "multi-tapered flexible spar" Stacking hybrid ram-air wings. Thus: not fully "soft."
- Arch-train of ram-air wings