Topic for open discussion: Pumped-Storage
Hydroelectricity and AWE
AWE notes and topic replies to
November 10, 2020, post by Dave Santos Synergistic Match between Pumped-storage Hydroelectricity and Spidermill Kite Network AWES Concept Pumped-storage
hydroelectricity usually involves a large open water reservoir serving
as the storage medium. Reservoir topographic geometry and low-intensity
space-use factors are an ideal match for scalable radially-symmetric ki
urgent problems thus cancel out in conceptual synergy- Wind Energy
Intermittency is solved by Hydro-Storage; precious water is conserved;
hydro-electric capacity is greatly enhanced.
* As coined and advocated by the late Dr Wubbo Ockels, first Dutch Astronaut, founder of TUDelft AWE Program.