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Mechanical Metamaterial Kitematter
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July 29, 2020, post by Dave Santos
Diagramming Basic Phase-States of KiteMatter

KiteMatter is engineered metamaterial combinations of just rag, string, and wind, with basic characteristic phase-states. How do these map into a starting phase-state diagram? The two "elemental" components of engineered kitematter are polymer and wind. Two polymer kites in a wind shear can operate as a fermionic-analog pair working against each other in bosonic analog. A kite anchored to the Earth is just a special (common) case of a higher dimensional opposed-pair model.

Wind is a field created by differential velocity of fluid shear motion. In this first instance we disregard distance across the shear zone, and just regard velocity. Polymer has a general constant strength-to-mass relation that wind shear force can act on. The most condensed state of kitematter polymer is packed in a bag, a dense state that gale-force wind field only weakly interacts with. In its less dense liquid state, laid out loosely, kitematter is volatile, and can "fire up" by wind, as kiters may say. In its least dense nominal working phase-phase, kitematter assumes an inflated Inverse Boltzmann Distribution order. To much wind shear-velocity, and kitematter disintegrates into a sort of vapor-gas state of "elemental" debris close to the zero-point density of the wind field.

Thus we have defined four fairly distinct kitematter phases (packed, loose, inflated, disintegrated), to plot as a phase diagram of two dimensions (wind shear-velocity and inverse polymer density). In this crude first-approximation phase state-space, keep in mind dynamic probability factors, the many complexities of how tightly a soft kite may pack, how varied kite design topologies are, how heavily constructed a kite may be for its design velocity, and so on. These factors will fully come into play in more rigorous quantitative kitematter phase analysis.

Basic p;hase states of kite matter
June 1, 2020, post by Dave Santos
String-Net Condensate Material Science

Nice supporting formalization to kitematter proposed as applied engineering-science of string-net theory and quantum computing:

Quantum computational tensor network on string-net condensate
Tomoyuki Morimae Universit´e Paris April 2, 2018

"String-net condensate is a new class of materials which exhibits quantum topological order. In order to answer the important question, “how useful is string-net condensate in quantum information processing?..."
28222     Mechanical Metamaterial Kitematter
Nov. 12 2019             Dave Santos

Mechanical Metamaterials is a hot new field, barely a decade old. Kite-based mechanical metamaterial concepts have been shared here for about five years. Conceptual and experimental progress is incredibly fast, a new material science revolution is underway. Of the hundreds of foundational papers and postings, this survey of the exploding mechanical metamaterial field is most excellent. The AWE metamaterial paradigm matches to general progress reviewed here. Expect fresh kite-specific news soon-

Mechanical Metamaterials and Their Engineering Applications