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May 12, 2020, post by Dave Santos |
May 11, 2020, post by Dave Santos Quantum Wave Function Identification in Macroscopic Rope? Superbly
visualized 1D + time quantum wave functions in this slowed-down
simulation (below) make intuitive macroscopic QM string dynamics, of
musical string, kite string, rope, chain, and so on, that are hard to
see. "Real" string traces out the complex "imaginary" trajectories that
QM traditionally predicts at atomic scale.
The extraordinary claim here, of non-classical macroscopic "rope" QM, is still hardly validated by a few empirical confirmations; quite open to early falsification or validation, perhaps by simple means.* High Debye Temperature of Polymers and Non-dimensionalized Planck Constant enable a No-go Theorem for any "Classical Limit".** The creator of these QM wave function simulations, Steve Sticklemire, would be a suitable referee of theoretic match to experimental data. [Disclaimer:
This is how real rope seems to me (non-classical), having played with
it all my life. I am catching analogue QM dynamics with my phone; by
plucking, swinging, and twisting a rope loosely stretched between
Test video 01- not quite good enough to resolve weaker polarizations,
which may require microscopic super-slo-mo video, but nice travel and
Classical and QM physics are Turing Equivalent at all scales. The
difference is merely the history and case effectiveness of the abstract formalisms.