Messages in AirborneWindEnergy group.                          AWES 18956 to 19009 Page 273 of 440.

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18956 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 9/3/2015
Subject: Re: ISEC

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18957 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 9/3/2015
Subject: Kite Power Plants

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18958 From: dave santos Date: 9/3/2015
Subject: Atmospheric cooling by mass-transfer to space

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18959 From: dave santos Date: 9/3/2015
Subject: Kite BECs update

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18960 From: dave santos Date: 9/3/2015
Subject: Q&A

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18961 From: Rod Read Date: 9/3/2015
Subject: Re: Q&A

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18963 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 9/3/2015
Subject: Re: Q&A

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18964 From: dave santos Date: 9/3/2015
Subject: Re: Q&A

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18965 From: dave santos Date: 9/4/2015
Subject: Altaeros Press Release

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18966 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 9/4/2015
Subject: Gyroscropes in AWES

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18968 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 9/4/2015
Subject: Re: Latest Altaeros News?

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18969 From: dave santos Date: 9/4/2015
Subject: Re: Gyroscropes in AWES

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18970 From: Rod Read Date: 9/5/2015
Subject: Re: Gyroscropes in AWES

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18971 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 9/5/2015
Subject: Re: Gyroscropes in AWES

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18972 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 9/5/2015
Subject: Re: Gyroscropes in AWES

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18973 From: christopher carlin Date: 9/5/2015
Subject: Re: Gyroscropes in AWES

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18974 From: christopher carlin Date: 9/5/2015
Subject: Re: Gyroscropes in AWES

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18975 From: dave santos Date: 9/5/2015
Subject: Re: Gyroscropes in AWES

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18976 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 9/5/2015
Subject: AWESCO

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18977 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 9/5/2015
Subject: Groundgen PTO for TWTAK AWES

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18978 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 9/5/2015
Subject: Re: Tether as concern for land and space use

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18979 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 9/5/2015
Subject: Re: Groundgen PTO for TWTAK AWES

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18980 From: Rod Read Date: 9/6/2015
Subject: Re: Tether as concern for land and space use

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18981 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 9/6/2015
Subject: Re: Groundgen PTO for TWTAK AWES

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18982 From: Rod Read Date: 9/6/2015
Subject: Re: Groundgen PTO for TWTAK AWES

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18983 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 9/6/2015
Subject: Re: Groundgen PTO for TWTAK AWES

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18986 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 9/6/2015
Subject: Re: Groundgen PTO for TWTAK AWES

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18987 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 9/6/2015
Subject: AWES energy to heat "sports" person?

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18988 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 9/6/2015
Subject: Re: Groundgen PTO for TWTAK AWES

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18989 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 9/6/2015
Subject: Tiago Costa Moreira Maia

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18990 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 9/6/2015
Subject: Re: Groundgen PTO for TWTAK AWES

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18991 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 9/6/2015
Subject: Re: Groundgen PTO for TWTAK AWES

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18992 From: dave santos Date: 9/6/2015
Subject: Spinnaker Kiting Demo

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18993 From: Rod Read Date: 9/7/2015
Subject: Re: Groundgen PTO for TWTAK AWES

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18994 From: benhaiemp Date: 9/7/2015
Subject: Re: Spinnaker Kiting Demo

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18995 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 9/7/2015
Subject: Re: Groundgen PTO for TWTAK AWES

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18996 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 9/7/2015
Subject: Joachim Nellißen and his rotor array kite system

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18997 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 9/7/2015
Subject: Re: Joachim Nellißen and his rotor array kite system

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18998 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 9/7/2015
Subject: Re: WPI's Dr. Olinger entered the "underwater kiting"

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18999 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 9/7/2015
Subject: Cooling and Heating by Kite Systems

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 19000 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 9/7/2015
Subject: Re: Groundgen PTO for TWTAK AWES

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 19001 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 9/7/2015
Subject: Re: Groundgen PTO for TWTAK AWES

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 19002 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 9/7/2015
Subject: Re: Cooling and Heating by Kite Systems

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 19003 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 9/7/2015
Subject: Re: Cooling and Heating by Kite Systems

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 19004 From: Rod Read Date: 9/8/2015
Subject: Re: AWESCO

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 19005 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 9/8/2015
Subject: Re: Groundgen PTO for TWTAK AWES

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 19006 From: dave santos Date: 9/8/2015
Subject: Aerotecture Fall Safety Update

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 19007 From: Rod Read Date: 9/9/2015
Subject: Re: Aerotecture Fall Safety Update

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 19008 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 9/9/2015
Subject: Re: Groundgen PTO for TWTAK AWES

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 19009 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 9/9/2015
Subject: Re: Aerotecture Fall Safety Update

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18956 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 9/3/2015
Subject: Re: ISEC
Attachments :

    Loop for continuous material and personnel transport may be driven by kite energy systems:

    See attachment.

    Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18957 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 9/3/2015
    Subject: Kite Power Plants

    Kite Power Plants  (KPP)

    (kite power station,  kite generating station, kite power plant, kite powerhouse, or kite generating plant)

    KPP involve kite systems to generate electricity for electrical power grids. Hybrid KPP are envisioned (e.g. kite systems pumping water to increase the water head behind a dam where hydro-electric turbines generate the electricity).

    The family of power plants (list is incomplete):

    • nuclear power plants
    • hydro power plants
      • dam-based
      • osmotic pressure
      • ocean-wave power plants
      • steam power plants
    • thermal power plants
      • fossil-fueled
      • industrial waste-heat
      • bio-mass fueled
      • solar-thermal
    • wind power plants
      • kite power plants
      • non-kite wind turbine power plants
    • gas power plants (pressurized flow)

    This topic thread invites study and discussion

    over kite power plants.  We anticipate this topic to extend into coming years and decades.  Split to subtopics within the realm of kite power plants.

    General tease start:

    Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18958 From: dave santos Date: 9/3/2015
    Subject: Atmospheric cooling by mass-transfer to space
    This is a potentially huge idea, that we can perhaps offset excess heat in the atmosphere by using kites to power space elevators; therefore a separate topic is broken out here, to cover the thermodynamic aspect. The synergy is the enabling of massive space colonization, and a parallel Forum space elevator thread covers that side of the concept.

    The basic thermodynamic picture is as follows: On a vast scale, kites are proposed to extract excess kinetic energy from the atmosphere to loft massive payloads up space elevators, as thermal work. The resulting orbital payloads represent heat energy removed from the lower atmospheric system, and converted into potential energy of mass sent up the gravity well. Conventional rockets do not have this effect, but only contribute to global warming.

    The working principle may seem puzzling, since most folks intuitively think of temperature only in terms of small-scale molecular motion, but thermodynamics treats heat more generally, as a bulk property across all scales. Two space objects may show a low temperature on thermometers, but if they collide at high velocity, the hidden heat energy becomes apparent. The major uncertainty is not basic physics, but whether current global civilization can hold together long enough to implement ambitious solutions to existential problems. 
    Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18959 From: dave santos Date: 9/3/2015
    Subject: Kite BECs update
    A request was made to review or better explain the exotic idea that Bose-Einstein Condensates can be identified in kites. Past explanations are archived for study, so this is just a updated snapshot of what we are learning.

    Established BEC Network Theory predicts BECs can be identified in many kinds of suitably organized networks, and kite networks do not seem to be an exception. The relevant Wikipedia page-

    What is particularly proposed on the AWES Forum is that a kite network topology that combines many kite units in mesh layers can act as a BEC. The easy observable prediction is that interconnected kites tend to act as one. A less obvious formal observation is that such a mesh can be defined as a topological star-network where the mesh itself is the "winner takes all node", under BEC Network Theory.

    Macroscopic kite networks are not the only place for us to look for BECs. They are also predicted at the meso- and microscopic scales of the liquid-crystal UHMWPE molecules that make up kite lines by various ubiquitous classes:

    Wikipedia- "Bose–Einstein condensation also applies to quasiparticles in solids. Magnons, Excitons, and Polaritons have integer spin and form condensates."

    One of the coolest aspects explored on the Forum is how "kite matter" at all scales when activated by wind creates an Inverted Boltzmann Distribution of negative absolute temperature, promoting BEC phenomena. The Debye Model of temperature is an essential study for the interested student.

    BECs are now identified across many scientific fields, including biology and sociology. They are a mainstay concept in Statistical Mechanics, and an increasingly common consideration in advanced engineering.

    Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18960 From: dave santos Date: 9/3/2015
    Subject: Q&A
    Questions posed to me, with answers provided-
    Q: Are you paid hourly, or are you on a salary?

    A: For almost a decade, my pay in AWE has been typical of many tech ventures, a variable stream of cash and/or equity. I have received income from four different AWE ventures, but never as hourly pay or salary, as in a regular job, but as naturally irregular living stipends mostly for contract project-work, along with the speculative equity-stake aspect.

    Q: [You] say an airplane need not respond to crosswinds?

    A: I say no such thing. Crosswind navigation and landings are a standard aviation requirements beyond any doubt. You seem to be confusing the abstract physics case, where an aircraft blindly drifting crosswind has no inherent reference interaction to the ground (lacking GPS, pilot observations, etc.).

    Q: What do YOU mean when you use the abbreviation AE? 

    A: AE means Aerospace Engineering, just as EE means Electrical Engineering, ME, mechanical, and so on.

    Q: What would you say is your biggest contribution to "AE", after all those years?

    A: Let me be modest and say that its my team work at UTexas AE dept, over many years, including the first AWE seminar there, in 2009. Let my actual design work be strictly judged by posterity, to remove my pet biases.

    Q: Can you explain exactly HOW "Chen's science" applies to a simple kite?  

    A: "Chen's science" is (macroscopic) QM, and QM is canonically defined as applying to all phenomena, including kites. Refer to my many detailed explorations for more detail.

    Q: How does "control theory" apply to holding a string?

    A: In that case, the human holding the string is the primary controller, with fighter kites as the most developed form. Manual control, computer control, and embodied self-flying all have distinct properties under broad Control Theory.

    Q: Why ask others to explain YOUR theory?

    A: I explain the best I can, but its best-practice to also cite as many good third-party references as one can. These references in fact help explain one's thesis. One need not "ask others" to do so. Its enough to go ahead and cite, with due attribution.

    Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18961 From: Rod Read Date: 9/3/2015
    Subject: Re: Q&A

    Any chance that this post can be deleted and re written?
    The heading AWE Q&A deserves much better.
    Q1 is almost always, what happens when the wind dies?
    A1.a we take the kites down automatically and can easily service or relaunch.
    A1.b we can still keep the kites flying with pumping energy.
    A1.c the wind resource at high altitude is incredibly reliable.


    Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18963 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 9/3/2015
    Subject: Re: Q&A

    One may save content to one's local computer.

    Then log into the online view of the forum with the identity related to your membership.

    Then go to your own posted message; there should show a delete function.

    Then one could repost with changes wanted to an appropriate topic.

    Members receiving email will have already received your first posted message; they will receive your new post also.   A member may not delete others' posts (under member is also a moderator).

    There is no way to simply edit an existing posted message, even if one is a moderator.

    Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18964 From: dave santos Date: 9/3/2015
    Subject: Re: Q&A
    Note that these questions were incidentally posed person-to-person on-Forum and are not an FAQ attempt. Rod seems to be suggesting a proper AWE FAQ, and should go ahead and create the topic as such.

    There are several major AWE FAQs out there awaiting close comparisons. We could take the best parts of the old FAQs, and build on them. Its a constant need in a fast moving field like AWE for updated technical thinking to be distilled for popular audiences.

    On Thursday, September 3, 2015 1:36 PM, " [AirborneWindEnergy]" <  
    One may save content to one's local computer.
    Then log into the online view of the forum with the identity related to your membership.
    Then go to your own posted message; there should show a delete function.
    Then one could repost with changes wanted to an appropriate topic.
    Members receiving email will have already received your first posted message; they will receive your new post also.   A member may not delete others' posts (under member is also a moderator).
    There is no way to simply edit an existing posted message, even if one is a moderator.

    Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18965 From: dave santos Date: 9/4/2015
    Subject: Altaeros Press Release
    Here is the original announcement behind the tech-biz buzz. Altaeros is increasing emphasis on the aerostat aerosat comm app, which is a smart move. Oberth's aerostat flygen remains available as an open-source alternative concept-

    Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18966 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 9/4/2015
    Subject: Gyroscropes in AWES

    This topic thread is dedicated to how gyroscopes may play in AWES.

    Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18968 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 9/4/2015
    Subject: Re: Latest Altaeros News?

    The following linked post belongs in this topic thread: 


    Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18969 From: dave santos Date: 9/4/2015
    Subject: Re: Gyroscropes in AWES
    telescope aiming and stabilization

    On Friday, September 4, 2015 4:40 PM, " [AirborneWindEnergy]" <  
    This topic thread is dedicated to how gyroscopes may play in AWES.

    Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18970 From: Rod Read Date: 9/5/2015
    Subject: Re: Gyroscropes in AWES
    How massive a gyroscope can you make with kites?

    Rod Read

    Windswept and Interesting Limited
    15a Aiginis
    Isle of Lewis
    HS2 0PB

    01851 870878

    Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18971 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 9/5/2015
    Subject: Re: Gyroscropes in AWES
    MEMS gyroscopes are included in topic intention.

    How might MEMS gyroscopes play to bring on desired wing oscillations to produce tether-tension changes for groundgen AWES?

    Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18972 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 9/5/2015
    Subject: Re: Gyroscropes in AWES

    MEMS gyroscopes - A revolutionary way to interface with the real world (ePresentation)


    Intended: Any type of gyroscope

    Gyroscope - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


    Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18973 From: christopher carlin Date: 9/5/2015
    Subject: Re: Gyroscropes in AWES
    Interesting idea. Normally a practical gyroscope rotor is quite rigid. You certainly could build an enormous gyroscope with lots of inertia given the potential size of the rim. I think you have a few challenges. First the inherently light weight structure involved will be flexible. That will lead to some very interesting dynamic issues I think. Second your rim velocity will be limited by the speed of sound which will limit your maximum momentum. Third the kites are going to be inputting off axis momentum to the system which will disturb the gyroscope as a  reference. 

    The big question is what are you trying to do with it? Form fits function and all that.


    On 5 Sep 2015, at 08:25, Rod Read [AirborneWindEnergy] <
    Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18974 From: christopher carlin Date: 9/5/2015
    Subject: Re: Gyroscropes in AWES
    One extreme to the other. Mems could be distributed over a flexible kite or array of kites and used to provide stabilising feedbacks. Potentially makes a lot of sense.


    On 5 Sep 2015, at 17:22, [AirborneWindEnergy] <
    Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18975 From: dave santos Date: 9/5/2015
    Subject: Re: Gyroscropes in AWES
    To answer Rod's question as to how large a kite-based "gyroscope" (top, flywheel, etc.) might be engineered, perhaps we can in principle break the Moon's orbital phase-lock by means of vast solar-sail kites, and set it spinning before our eyes. Dyson Sphere civilizations could do far more such tinkering.

    An ordinary kite is already quite sensitive to yaw rotations, and its flywheel mass is damped accordingly.

    On Saturday, September 5, 2015 9:34 AM, "christopher carlin [AirborneWindEnergy]" <  
    One extreme to the other. Mems could be distributed over a flexible kite or array of kites and used to provide stabilising feedbacks. Potentially makes a lot of sense.


    On 5 Sep 2015, at 17:22, [AirborneWindEnergy] <

    Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18976 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 9/5/2015
    Subject: AWESCO


    Airborne Wind Energy Systems Modelling Control and Optimization

    home site:

    What is it?

    What is its mission?

    How is it moving on its mission?

    What is its history?

    Where is it going?

    What it is not?

    What is its reach?

    What entities are its partners?

    Does it favor some mechanical down selects from AWES options?

    Is it international in scope?  Or what?

    What does it mean by "Control and Optimization"?

    What systems are the target of its "modelling" ? Are there AWES systems that it is not modelling?

    How is it funded?

    How does it respond to its funders? Do the funders have defined missions and mandates?

    What are its projects?

    What does it do?   How does it do what it does?

    What questions would one want answered about the entity AWESCO?

    ... ?

    AWESCO - Airborne Wind Energy System Modelling, Control and Optimisation - Partners


    Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18977 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 9/5/2015
    Subject: Groundgen PTO for TWTAK AWES

    CC 4.0 BY NC SA, Joe Faust, kPower, Inc. IP pool for the following:

    Groundgen PTO for TWTAK AWES with gang shaft to drive ground-station generator or other load:

    (tumble wings traverse arch kite airborne wind energy system with gang power takeoff; "traverse" means traverse to the wind; the traverse orientation need not be perfect; weathercocking of anchor systems is available by known means.)

    Have kite arch (one or more, integrated or not) of one or more tumble wings per arch kite on common load-line axis arch line per arch kite of two or more anchors per arch kite. Damp the TW (tumble wings) with drop loop lines driven by the TW element wings; have those drop loops drive a ground-based shaft (gang shaft collecting the drive of the various loops) which shaft drives an electric generator (or other load). Alternative choice is to also have non-damped lifter kited wings assisting the altitude-keeping of the TWTAK units. Keep the choice to damp some of the TWs and not others while keeping the choice to keep some of the TWs to only lift the TWTAK.


    Note: "tumble wing" may be preferred for some past uses of the phrase "flip wing".

    Approach former associated:

    Ring of Flip Wings


    Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18978 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 9/5/2015
    Subject: Re: Tether as concern for land and space use
    Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18979 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 9/5/2015
    Subject: Re: Groundgen PTO for TWTAK AWES
    The tech expands to option of one generator per one element tumble-wing of a TWTAK. So, e.g. a TWTAK may feature 33 TW element wings with driven loops to 33 ground generators (or other loads). The mined energies from the separate generators may accumulate for effective service and works. 

    Notice that the TWTAK may load the airspace with minimal tether. The loading of a box of airspace may be surprisingly complete using arch lengths, heights, and anchor settings to fill the box saturatingly. A bare hint toward such is teased by the photograph of 2015 WSIKF  which one may enlarge locally to rub next to a coming future that will see densities much greater than what is seen in the photograph. 


    Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18980 From: Rod Read Date: 9/6/2015
    Subject: Re: Tether as concern for land and space use

    That's a great picture thanks Pierre.
    I coordinated my 6 driver kites, 2 ring kites and 1 lift kite again this week. (at last, after a long break)
    But crucially, I didn't realise that my bike battery was below the minimum charge needed for regeneration. Doh.

    Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18981 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 9/6/2015
    Subject: Re: Groundgen PTO for TWTAK AWES

    The body of this tech is to include even the single-wing-element with narrow one-tether (that is a working loop) where the loop drives a groundgen. And such at all workable scales. E.g., sport scale: Have TWTAK where central wing dorsal flywheel is foundation for the long loop; the long loop is both the main load-line tether for the kiting, but is the base tool with its longitudinal rotation for driving the groundgen which could be hand held or not.

    Similarly, instead of the above single loop tethering working AWES TWTAK, one may have lateral left and right line sets. Each of the later line sets are working long loops that drive the shaft of a groundgen. One expression could be a sport's handheld control bar complex that has built-in inner generator shaft and generator. The human holding surface tube encasing the generator shaft (except the generator shaft is accessed by the loops at the left and right ends of the control-bar complex.  The generator body is fixed well to the control bar outside tube that is stayed by the human grip; such permits the shaft to be turned while the generator body remains relationally fixed. The TW in excess wind allows mining of some of its energy for turning the loops that turn the generator.   In a sports expression, one may use the electricity to warm one's body, energize LEDs surrounding one's body for night visibility or messaging or for charging electrical batteries or driving other electrical instruments.   

    The flygen versions of these matters are already well into the public domain. The groundgen versions expressed are unfolding the topic in this discussion thread.

    Any novelty expressed licenses as per first post of this topic thread.      TIA.

    Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18982 From: Rod Read Date: 9/6/2015
    Subject: Re: Groundgen PTO for TWTAK AWES
    As per your normal posting Joe, and AWES more generally, this is intriguing.
    Before I question the energy balance or why heat a sports person...
    What's a tumble wing?

    Rod Read

    Windswept and Interesting Limited
    15a Aiginis
    Isle of Lewis
    HS2 0PB

    01851 870878

    Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18983 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 9/6/2015
    Subject: Re: Groundgen PTO for TWTAK AWES

     Thanks, Rod.                                     TW (tumble wing)       TWTAK  (tumble wing traverse (to wing) arch kite)

    In forum "flip wing" has been used in two manners; some competition of terms for two different wing realms. The tumble wing autorotates; the tumble wing keeps tumbling. The tumbling wing may form a free-flight glider. Or when the rotational axis (spanwise) is restrained into a kite system, then the tumbling wing obtain two kinds of lift:1. during the airfoil-lifting mode one gets some Bernoulli lift reaction.  2. The gross or macro circulation obtains a gross air cylinder that obtain some Magnus effect lifting.  Think rectangular confetti gunned at concert and watch the thousands of tumble wings flitter about their low L/D glide angles. Tumble wing is one type of rotary wing. Kiting the wing is attained by various arch means from tight two-line bridling constrained to one SLK; or have the two bridle lines spread to span width or greater ... even to very large spread into large arch in the sky. Hundreds of detail craft means give various advantages depending on scale, purpose, PTO means,...

    At least three AWES teams have been doing some tumble wing explorations.

        NASA has used the term "tumble wing" as well as some other authors.  Here are some toy tumble wing glider items:

    Tumble wing



    Part 2 Make and Fly a Tumblewing_construction


    Note: John Collins is not the absolute inventor of tumble wing.

    Scores of patents deal with tumble winged kite systems. But the term "tumble wing" is not always used. Consider also "rotor wing", "rotary wing",  and

    Part 3 Make and Fly a Tumblewing_launch and fly


    Large arch load lines where the two anchor points are far distant from each other may use the load line (LL) as the axis of rotation without twisting the LL when the TW is appropriately bearinged (wide range of bearing options).   Notice that the "tabs" or wingtips or dorsal fins or flywheel fins etc. are not always needed, but may serve several purposes. nevertheless; on some TWTAK one may have zero tables or normal-to-TW-span disks.  Fins or disks may smooth the autorotation, may hold energy to smooth some PTO schemes, may stabilize TW when distance between anchor points approach single-TW element systems or SLK TW arrangements.   One is not yet seeing large arch-multiple TW element wings at festivals (except for the Skybow which is a specialized TW which you know about well); however, it is estimated that there will be significant growth of large arches with high-count TW elements on the LL of far-spreaded anchors.

    Video of a very short arch TWTAK (left and right line parts are just about one TW span width:
    Kinsman high wind rotary 2 line kite aka Rolloplane


    A SLK TWTAK is exampled in this video:      This is a flygen base. Magenn focused on an inflated TW kytoon kite system.
    The coolest kite ever! Koool Kite


    Getting more interesting is wide-spread anchors with long rainbow-like LL were scores and more TWs are on LL for a TWTAK that is not twisting the LL. In these, one may aim to PTO for AWES fulfillment by loops on TW bearings with the loops driving groundgens.   In EnergyKiteSystems years ago. several disclosures on having flip wings (now: better TW term) on LL; just as you recently explored the questions of multiple skybows as long rungs of a construct held by lifters at the left and right sides, the early disclosers showed rungs of LLs holding TWs.   Having arches of different lengths at different anchor spreads permits saturating the airspace vertically and horizontally with active TWs constrained to the arch LLs; the various arches may or may not be integrated with each other; and various adjunct lifter wings may be employed. PTO schemes may be explored; the one being mentioned is the fan-belt loop line that damps the rotation; damp too much and rotation stops and pull-down or self-wind-up occurs; control the damping just enough to mine some of the autorotational energy.

    Laddermills of groundgen sort have been presented using non-TW. But early we presented disclosures on stacked and laddermill TW arrangements; and I presented full wide curtain and fencing of arches of TWs for fence and matrix saturation.   Pierre B. is posting the thought of groundgen Laddermill as a form of what he is seeing in this topic thread; the Laddermill of Selsam an Ockles and others were focusing on non-tumble-wing wing elements in the long-stroke loop active ladders; such is distinct from arches of TWs, rungs of arches of TWs.   The TWs autorotate in place on a rotation axis midway between two leading edges or where LE and TE change position In autorotation.
    Pierre B. sent: today:   (Thanks, Pierre)

    ""I sent "Laddermill" as reply on forum but this did not appear. Some explain? 

    More completely "Groundgen PTO for TWTAK AWES" appears to describe Laddermill-like  method.



    Then answer for Pierre's asking for some explaining:

    Explanation:  Pierre B. You left the forum and were placed on moderation. We aim to cut tailing messages as much as possible. Three messages with laconic "Laddermill" in this topic showed in moderator pending folder; they were deleted, but your third post is replicated hereon. The guessing of being on topic is fine; such may be discussed even more.  "Laddermill" now needs to be ever explained in place because of the confusion over the term caused by Ockles' team use, Selsam use, and others' use over various schemes. Is a stack of stationed trained wings a ladder? Is a laddermill a configuration with rungs set on a loop that have wings rise and also come down? Etc.     Of course TWs may be rungs on a large loop of the Selsam style of climb and return, but such is not the topic hereon. The loop in topic is a drop loop of line while the TWs stay aloft in station, relatively static in station.    Pierre, upon posting, your messages will experience delay until moderation review may be done (deleting tails is one action); thanks; the delay could be minutes or hours or a day.  

    Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18986 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 9/6/2015
    Subject: Re: Groundgen PTO for TWTAK AWES

    Correcting core acronyms in place:


    This note is to distinguish two topics. The present topic has TWs with axis of rotation traverse to wind.

    The separate different topic could be HAWT set aloft I flygen or groundgen schemes.

    Off present topic is Pierre's arch of rotor wings where the axis of rotation is not normal to the wind.

    See his video here to help distinguish the two topics; we have other topics started for his fine offer:

    Arch of rotors within soft wing


    Arch of rotors within soft wing
    Airborne Wind Energy is studied to harness the huge wind reservoir in high altitude.The main problem of existing concepts and prototypes are the huge ...

    Preview by Yahoo


    Of course, a tweak to replace the HAWT with VAWT TWs would bring the changed scheme to this topic, but with the flygen aspect. Flygen VAWT and flygen HAWT have a long patent history; it is encourage to study and discuss those schemes in their own topic threads; yes. TIA.

    Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18987 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 9/6/2015
    Subject: AWES energy to heat "sports" person?

    Rod fairly asked:

    "Before I question the energy balance or why heat a sports person... "

    Thanks, Rod,

             Sports person is out in the wind and cold. He or she is sporting some AWES experiments that don't quite warm his or her body enough. And clothing was not quite enough to keep warm enough.  So, he or she directs some of the sport-sized AWES energy mined into heating elements set in one's clothing. Presto: sports person is warmed by using immediately-gained kitricity.   I think your formerly posted heating a cup of Jo or something, did you not? 

         Also, a companion might want to sit in the cold and observe things in the AWES experiment field; that person might be warmed by the kitricity.

         Or visitors to an AWES demo; let them feel the heat from using kitricity.  


         Warm the air in a shelter?  Cook? Heat plastic to melt for use in field kite craft.  Etc.

    Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18988 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 9/6/2015
    Subject: Re: Groundgen PTO for TWTAK AWES
    Attachments :

      Single TWTAK with four TWs and spread anchors. The load line (LL) goes through bearings. Axial sticks are  not needed  (as are needed often in non-spread-anchor systems).   TWs may vary in area, aspect ratio, material choices.

      See attached drawing of a 4-TW TWTAK.  The two anchors are not shown. Not shown are the ground-placed generator(s) or other loads to be driven by the loops. Load on loops must not slow the wing below a threshold where the wing lacks lift enough to fly the arch, unless we add a lifter kite system to the shown system or leave some of the TWs unloaded without PTO action.

      The drawing does not depict fencing, matrixing, doming, stacks, ladders, or  clusters where TWs are element wings of the complexes.

      Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18989 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 9/6/2015
      Subject: Tiago Costa Moreira Maia

      Tiago Costa Moreira Maia

      February 7, 2014

      Optimal Control of Power Kites for
      Wind Power Production

      Tiago Costa Moreira Maia
      Master in Electrical and Computers Engineering
      Supervisor: Fernando Arménio da Costa Castro e Fontes



      Ground based wind energy systems have reached the peak of their capacity. Wind instability, high cost of installations and small power output of a single unit are some of the the limitations of the current design. In order to become competitive the wind energy industry needs new methods to extract energy from the wind. The Earth’s surface creates a boundary layer effect on the wind that increases its speed with altitude. In fact, with altitude the wind is not only stronger, but steadier. In order to capitalize these strong streams new extraction methods were proposed. One of these solutions is to drive a generator using a tethered kite. This concept allows very large power outputs per unit. The major goal of this work is to study a possible trajectory of the kite in order to maximize the power output using an optimal control software - Imperial College London Optimal Control Software (ICLOCS), model and optimize it.


      This paper gives me hint of how large the confusion may be on the term "laddermill" among those approaching AWE. The impact of an astronaut over the field!  Wubbo J Ockels continues to have his say!  

      Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18990 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 9/6/2015
      Subject: Re: Groundgen PTO for TWTAK AWES

      Some notes and linked items to join this topic thread:


      Butler Ames   worked TW, but not in arch with multiplicity of TWs in large-spread-anchor format and not in drop loop PTO.  He saw single-line load lifting by taping TW.  and

      same content posted in 2010 in group KitePatents 


      Last Sunday I lofted a 7-TW TWTAK at Dockweiler Beach with large-spread two soft anchors in sand. The TWs flew well separated and also when they were gather butting each other without separating LL-placed fences.  Non-twisting LL unlike skybow.


      I have yet to find on Internet any TWTAK of large-spread-anchor and LL-non-twisting free bearing multiple-TWs.


          SLK where single line goes to branching line to a single TW. Minimal arch, if you wish, but where there is but one anchor (valence two) at top of single line.  This arrangement is since Butler Ames in early 20th century.


      Stephen Wingert


      W. H. A. G. Van Ittersum


      Jerome H. Lemelson


      James Robert Carnwath


      Note that the Eddy's of so many kite arches may be replace with TWs featuring open free bearing and station-keeping LL tiny fences; and then add PTO systems per this topic.



      Consider space filling with TWTAK in multiple arches/fences/curtains/stacked domes/ stacked/ integrated stacks/ downwind multiplicities of TWTAKs. Teaser image


      curtain teaser for TWTAK complex start:


      I add the tech we covered in line spars:  Once the LL is tensed, then TWs may sense the LL as a stick spar. Such does allow having kilometer-long LL for TWTAK were the TW count may be in the thousands of wing elements on one LL arch.


      Stanley E. Albertson, Jr.


      Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18991 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 9/6/2015
      Subject: Re: Groundgen PTO for TWTAK AWES

      Fry and Hise had second anchor as a lifter kite or inflated arch lifter or terrain-held-high cable, or set of towers. PTO : torque to groundgen.  Filed January 1976.  One of the early roots of multi-rotors for torque shafts. I join this patent in this topic for distinguishing PTO scheme and non-terrain second anchor; the catenary arch is still formed with VAWTs on the LL  Such scheme is not the loop or fan-belt.   Fry and Hise did seem to use forms of rotor wings ---even perhaps TW in the LL with LL as axis of rotation.


      Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18992 From: dave santos Date: 9/6/2015
      Subject: Spinnaker Kiting Demo
      Attachments :

        Attached image shows a second kPower spinnaker flying yesterday over the US NW Coast (Long Beach, WA). The pilot kite is a new 22m2 Peter Lynn lifter, and the ~40m2 spinnaker by North Sails (1989). Winds were light, and the rig flew for several hours, without intervention; the spinnaker self-landed and self-relaunched many times, as the pilot kite remained aloft persistently. The next phase of testing is use halyards, turtles, socks, socks, and so on, for easy popping and dousing.

        Its also been recently shown in Texas (Ed Sapir) and Scotland (Rod Read) that standard sails are easily flown in the sky by very simple rigging methods that might be applied in endless applications, from better kite-boats without masts, to eventually learning to generate energy at utility-scale; by simply "sailing in the sky".
        Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18993 From: Rod Read Date: 9/7/2015
        Subject: Re: Groundgen PTO for TWTAK AWES
        Tumble Wings
        Apologies, yes! and thanks for the quality explanations Joe. (My kids coulda told me. DOH! They made loads of them about 2 weeks ago.DOH!)

        I'm sure I read that multiple skybow arches were tested connected end to end. But with only bearings between ends for their improved height.

        The noise from a skybow is huge, like a jet flying low. I'd guess the most reliable way to get power from it in a standard 1 arch format (even better than the small bit available in torque) would be to attach a very short stroke, high tension, vibration collector... like a kinetic wind up watch but bigger .. so you get smooth power out from a constantly ratcheted spring drive.

        Flying a curtain array of skybows so as they collectively kinda look like the cardboard in the TW demo videos...
        That's do-able.
        But to collectively take rotary power out of that curtain....  For each lift kite line, (whether a straight up mid line, or a left or right pulling side line) the lift line is 2 lines run as the driven loop line held tight enough over pulleys top, bottom and at each skybow junction... It won't work at the speed of the skybow bearing under the lift tension ... That would need stepped down and a whole load of gubbins to keep it flying and generating in order.

        Running it instead as a multi-rotary-fly-gen curtain with alu mixed cable to the bearings ... that's much more conceivable.
        A multi-ratcheting-spring-loading-fly-gen.. That's also do-able...
        Even mixing both modes together in a spread across the sky generator... fine if you have time and money to spare.
        Not for me to try or even draw yet though sorry.

        Rod Read

        Windswept and Interesting Limited
        15a Aiginis
        Isle of Lewis
        HS2 0PB

        01851 870878

        Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18994 From: benhaiemp Date: 9/7/2015
        Subject: Re: Spinnaker Kiting Demo
        Fine! Could join a class of kite-sail power without mast-tower.
        Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18995 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 9/7/2015
        Subject: Re: Groundgen PTO for TWTAK AWES

        Thanks for note, Rod.

        I will later be copying your skybow notes and my skybow notes into a collection topic dedicated to skybow matters.

        Yes, Jim Malbos had noted segmenting skybow to respect wind gradient; but notice that torque from a swiveled upper skybow segment does not translate along to the anchors fully. If PTO by torque from the tumbling skybow is wanted at the anchors, then swiveled segmenting defeats part of such mission.


        I am aiming for the present topic to deal with the TWTAK that has nearly no torque occurring on the full LL (load line or arch line to anchors); thus the topic herein this thread would deal with TWs in the arch or complex that were NOT giving significant torque to the LL.   I aim to deal with skybow and Fry and Hise torque shafts/lines/cables/tube complexes that torque in other topics.  

        The TWs of this topic thread are self-swiveling with what I call "free bearing" where each wing is fully independent of adjacent wings and have very little friction at bearing on the LL; the LL freely travels through low-friction open-hole bearings; when needed some sheath protection of LL and some low-friction bearings would be matured to allow the TW to autorotate without giving significant friction to the LL; larger systems and for endurance, some lubrication will be needed.

        Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18996 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 9/7/2015
        Subject: Joachim Nellißen and his rotor array kite system

        Joachim Nellißen and his rotor array kite system

        See his rotor kite. On his page he has several photographs.

        The wing arrays in one frame 18 rotors that seem to be barrel rolling rather than Bernoulli-Magnus tumbling, as the bridling seems to provide HAWT approximation rather than traverse-to-wind VAWT dynamics.  

        See several photos:

        rotor kite


        Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18997 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 9/7/2015
        Subject: Re: Joachim Nellißen and his rotor array kite system
        Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18998 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 9/7/2015
        Subject: Re: WPI's Dr. Olinger entered the "underwater kiting"

        "My research group (including graduate and undergraduate project students) works on an emerging renewable energy technology: airborne energy systems."   ~ David Olinger


        Faculty Directory: Olinger, David - WPI

        The page will also reach his list of publications.


        Wind energy
        Airborne wind energy
        Fluid dynamics
        Fluid-structure interaction

        Update on AWE at WPI?  [ ]


        WPI Researchers Developing Underwater Kites to Tap the Vast Energy of Ocean Currents



        Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 18999 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 9/7/2015
        Subject: Cooling and Heating by Kite Systems

        We have notes in forum and associated web about using kite systems in order to mine the temperature gradient from ground level to upper altitudes. Where the gradient is strong, there may be increasing practical benefits. This topic thread invites collecting notes and furthering the tech regarding mining the temperature differences in the atmosphere using kite systems. Some will explore even making electricity using the temperature difference. Other explorations are invited.

        Health, medicine, food, recreation, entrainment, manufacturing, water, ice, freezing, cooling, energy ... are teasing concerns.  Details of solutions are invited. Patents? Open source? Installations? Experiments? Challenges?

        Notice that one may fly specialty kite systems into fires for various reasons: fire fighting, drawing energy from the heat, manufacturing, art, and more. Explore flying special kite systems into fires, volcano gases, into and then out of hot realms, ...  What else?   How and why?

        Why ever have kited wings set on fire?   Setting back fires at spots otherwise not reachable?  What else?

        This topic thread will be here for years to come. If you have a note toward the topic: WELCOME.

        Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 19000 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 9/7/2015
        Subject: Re: Groundgen PTO for TWTAK AWES

        Appending to the tech of topic under intro-post licensing

        is a coordinated system of two PTO means:

        The described drop loops damp and may brake to generate ground electricity or serve other loads; such damping may be sized and timed in sinusoidal rhythms to allow a second PTO means in coordination: the LL will rise and fall in tension; that cyclic changing of tension will be mined at the system's main anchor stations to generate electricity or serve other loads.  The two means of PTO coordinate.  Teamwork.


        Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 19001 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 9/7/2015
        Subject: Re: Groundgen PTO for TWTAK AWES

        Notice that the coordinating two PTO means is not an AoA scene, but rather a variation of rotation of TWs bringing on a variation in LL tension. While the loop damping is oscillating, then the LL tension is oscillating. There will be a rising and falling of the arch altitude during the power-generating processes.

        ~ Joe F


        Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 19002 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 9/7/2015
        Subject: Re: Cooling and Heating by Kite Systems
        Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 19003 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 9/7/2015
        Subject: Re: Cooling and Heating by Kite Systems
        Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 19004 From: Rod Read Date: 9/8/2015
        Subject: Re: AWESCO
        Can't tell you much about AWESCO but
        hwn500, I was told this after suggesting I could share project work on some inspiring AWE tech.
        I described a massive list of advantages .... but aparently
        I have to be more commercial before I can become commercial on their terms.

        my reply read

        as briefly discussed at AWEC 2015: goal of the Network HWN 500 is to initiate innovative R&D projects which help AWE-system to reach a commercial status. Projects we initiated are e.g. in the fields of energy storage, material and meteorology.


        The partners are small and midsize companies as well as research institutes/universities. Partners must have at least a few employees to guarantee and deliver a sufficient capacity within the projects. For example the regulation on the German governmental program “ZIM”allows only 25% of a company’s overall staff to participate at a “ZIM-project”. Hence the minimum of staff within a participating company has to be at least 4 employees to fulfill that request.

        Normally a partner signs for a workload of 20 – 30 person-months per project within a project duration of 2-3 years.

        Rod Read

        Windswept and Interesting Limited
        15a Aiginis
        Isle of Lewis
        HS2 0PB

        01851 870878

        Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 19005 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 9/8/2015
        Subject: Re: Groundgen PTO for TWTAK AWES
        Adding a third PTO for TWTAK, when wanted: 
        TWTAK may be configured to mine the autorotation of the TWs on arch by torque as is known in skybow; but in TWTAK of this topic, the segment TWs have been with "free" bearing where extremely low twisting of LL occurs.  In the third PTO, the TW unit wing clutching bearings are set to twist the LL while at ground anchor station the twist drives ground generators. Such third PTO may be focused in design or played in combination with the first two described PTO schemes. Again, the mining of energy by damping via rotary bearings may be played in ways that will still use the second PTO means (causing cycles of tension changes in LL because of cyclic damping of the rotation energy of the TWs).  The case of just using this third PTO means is an option. Or focus on any one or any two of the three PTO schemes. 
             Just what the potentials of TWTAK are for energy production and special works are yet to be well known. Robust simulations are invited by those suspecting interesting potentials. 

        Some further TW notes:
        1. If a system uses a lofted winged flywheel or several of such, then notice that the flywheel may be streamlined. 

        2. Also, the flywheel may be with mass mostly in the ring at greatest diameter while having thin-mass in the vast body of the flywheel.   Design of flywheels for TWTAK, when wanted, involves some considerations different from those used to stabilize single TW in a SLK configuration.  TWTAK without flywheels obtain yaw and roll stability by the effect of wide-spread anchors.  

        3. Also, notice that unstreamlined on-wing flywheels disturb the lift potential of the TW body more than the disturbance given by streamlined flywheels.  

        4. Some reasons for considering having specialized flywheels on TWTAK: 
        ++ a.  Smoothing the autorotation
        ++ b.  Smoothing drop-loop postioning
        ++ c.  Smoothing PTO

        4. Again, flywheels in the TWTAK are not necessary for flight orientation; flywheels are known to be useful in SLK TW kites and in close-anchors TW kites for stability of flight; the arch of wide anchors do not need flywheels for flight stability as regards yaw and roll, but might be useful for smoothing pitch actions. 
        Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 19006 From: dave santos Date: 9/8/2015
        Subject: Aerotecture Fall Safety Update
        The AWES Forum has covered a wide range of proven fall-safety methods, including proposed novel variations like the fall-tent (net) and ram-air fall-cushion. The topic is increasingly urgent as our kite systems become capable of extended human flight. 

        The driver-protective measures developed for elite car racing are in the range of mass and deceleration a falling person and their gear would experience falling from a kite rig. It should be possible to fall uninjured without a parachute, with similar crash protection. By similar design principles, low-mass high-volume aerotectural units might fall at low terminal velocity and protect occupants upon hitting the ground.

        A low tech version would be to arrange simple air-cushions or card board boxes below a sky-sailor in a stable falling body configuration. Body armor, such as motocross riders use, enhances other methods. A related idea is that a series of fall nets might provide protection-in-depth, such that any one net cannot be a single-point failure. In all cases the structure should dissipate fall forces by damping rebound; by crumpling, collapsing, tearing, etc. 

        Safety art is ethical best-practice as public-domain.

        Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 19007 From: Rod Read Date: 9/9/2015
        Subject: Re: Aerotecture Fall Safety Update
        Parachutes inflate very quickly, They're clever like that.
        It took 4 firemen's breathing apparatus and 1/2 an hour to inflate a zorb last week.
        But boy oh boy did we have fun trying and failing to hurt ourselves from inside it. On a very gentle slope.
        Others have not been so lucky when a mountainside / cliff combo came to tragedy.
        As for a pre inflated kite fall bag... Set an AB dome / Bolonkin dome below the work zone. This avoids lifting heavy canisters with your worker at least.

        Rod Read

        Windswept and Interesting Limited
        15a Aiginis
        Isle of Lewis
        HS2 0PB

        01851 870878

        Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 19008 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 9/9/2015
        Subject: Re: Groundgen PTO for TWTAK AWES

        A fourth PTO of TWTAK involves aerial complexes of TWTAK acting to hold broad netting that both integrate the several arches and act as fall arrest for upper higher aerotecture where humans operate or live. The power of the TWTAK complex holding up the wide-hole mesh could catch and arrest the falling masses. This scene has a severe challenge: One does not want the human to be slapped by the rotating TWs, or grabbed and thrown through at the TW space; the mitigation here is the having of TW elements be fairly innocent low-chord wings, but have massive amounts of the TWs.

        We join this note by copy into Dave S. today's notes on fall arrest for aerotecture.


        Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 19009 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 9/9/2015
        Subject: Re: Aerotecture Fall Safety Update

        A fourth PTO of TWTAK involves aerial complexes of TWTAK acting to hold broad netting that both integrate the several arches and act as fall arrest for upper higher aerotecture where humans operate or live. The power of the TWTAK complex holding up the wide-hole mesh could catch and arrest the falling masses. This scene has a severe challenge: One does not want the human to be slapped by the rotating TWs, or grabbed and thrown through at the TW space; the mitigation here is the having of TW elements be fairly innocent low-chord wings, but have massive amounts of the TWs.          ~ Joe F.   

        We join this note by copy into Dave S. today's notes on fall arrest for aerotecture.
