Messages in AirborneWindEnergy group.                           AWES16463to16512 Page 224 of 440.

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16463 From: dave santos Date: 12/29/2014
Subject: New TUDelft Video by Al Jazeera

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16464 From: dave santos Date: 12/30/2014
Subject: Field Notes: Control Reversal and Up Stuck-State

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16465 From: Joe Faust Date: 12/30/2014
Subject: ^ Wave motion and ocean currents to keep aerotecture aloft during lo

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16466 From: dave santos Date: 12/30/2014
Subject: Re: ^ Wave motion and ocean currents to keep aerotecture aloft durin

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16467 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 12/30/2014
Subject: Kite water level lifting device, hydroelectric generator and irrigat

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16468 From: Joe Faust Date: 12/30/2014
Subject: Re: Kite water level lifting device, hydroelectric generator and irr

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16469 From: dave santos Date: 12/31/2014
Subject: Re: Kite water level lifting device, hydroelectric generator and irr

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16470 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 1/1/2015
Subject: Friedrich Van Helden

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16471 From: Joe Faust Date: 1/2/2015
Subject: * Personal-Watch Kite System

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16472 From: dave santos Date: 1/2/2015
Subject: Re: * Personal-Watch Kite System

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16473 From: dave santos Date: 1/2/2015
Subject: Tail-Kill Method

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16474 From: benhaiemp Date: 1/4/2015
Subject: Perspectives towards complete or improved AWES

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16475 From: edoishi Date: 1/4/2015
Subject: Re: Tail-Kill Method

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16476 From: dave santos Date: 1/4/2015
Subject: Re: Tail-Kill Method

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16477 From: dave santos Date: 1/4/2015
Subject: 2015 will be a big year for AWE

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16478 From: dave santos Date: 1/4/2015
Subject: SkySails' 640m2 Kite

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16479 From: Pierre BENHAIEM Date: 1/5/2015
Subject: Re: SkySails' 640m2 Kite

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16480 From: Joe Faust Date: 1/5/2015
Subject: Perlan Project

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16481 From: dave santos Date: 1/5/2015
Subject: Re: SkySails' 640m2 Kite

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16482 From: dave santos Date: 1/5/2015
Subject: COTS AWES Line-Handling Equipment from Commercial Fishing

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16483 From: Rod Read Date: 1/5/2015
Subject: Re: Multiple Crosswind Track AWES

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16484 From: Rod Read Date: 1/5/2015
Subject: Re: Multiple Crosswind Track AWES

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16485 From: dave santos Date: 1/5/2015
Subject: Re: Multiple Crosswind Track AWES

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16486 From: Rod Read Date: 1/5/2015
Subject: Re: Spider Kite Systems

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16487 From: dave santos Date: 1/5/2015
Subject: Re: Spider Kite Systems

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16488 From: dave santos Date: 1/5/2015
Subject: Re: Tail-Kill Method

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16489 From: Pierre BENHAIEM Date: 1/6/2015
Subject: Re: SkySails' 640m2 Kite

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16490 From: dave santos Date: 1/6/2015
Subject: Re: SkySails' 640m2 Kite

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16491 From: Pierre BENHAIEM Date: 1/6/2015
Subject: Re: SkySails' 640m2 Kite

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16492 From: dave santos Date: 1/6/2015
Subject: TUDelft seeks aerospace-engineer lead for "Kite Power 2.0"

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16493 From: dave santos Date: 1/6/2015
Subject: Re: SkySails' 640m2 Kite

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16494 From: dave santos Date: 1/6/2015
Subject: A Peek Inside TUDelft's Kite Power 2.0 System Engineering

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16495 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 1/7/2015
Subject: Re: A Peek Inside TUDelft's Kite Power 2.0 System Engineering

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16496 From: benhaiemp Date: 1/7/2015
Subject: Towards a maximization of worked space for AWESE (airborne wind ener

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16497 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 1/7/2015
Subject: Re: Towards a maximization of worked space for AWESE (airborne wind

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16498 From: dave santos Date: 1/7/2015
Subject: Re: Towards a maximization of worked space for AWESE (airborne wind

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16499 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 1/7/2015
Subject: M-AWES (including E-AWES) Capacity Intensity for Land and Airspace A

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16500 From: benhaiemp Date: 1/7/2015
Subject: Re: Towards a maximization of worked space for AWESE (airborne wind

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16501 From: dave santos Date: 1/7/2015
Subject: Re: Towards a maximization of worked space for AWESE (airborne wind

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16502 From: Joe Faust Date: 1/8/2015
Subject: Towers

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16503 From: dave santos Date: 1/8/2015
Subject: 2013 NTS Media Coverage by Handelsblatt (catching up references)

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16504 From: benhaiemp Date: 1/9/2015
Subject: Re: Wing Construction Economics //Re: [AWES] ROI and lifetime

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16505 From: dave santos Date: 1/9/2015
Subject: Re: Wing Construction Economics //Re: [AWES] ROI and lifetime

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16506 From: Pierre BENHAIEM Date: 1/9/2015
Subject: Re: Wing Construction Economics //Re: [AWES] ROI and lifetime

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16507 From: dave santos Date: 1/9/2015
Subject: BHWE announces AWEC 2015 (and discloses Rod is Irish)

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16508 From: benhaiemp Date: 1/10/2015
Subject: Re: Wing Construction Economics //Re: [AWES] ROI and lifetime

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16509 From: dave santos Date: 1/10/2015
Subject: German Language Wikipedia AWE page

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16510 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 1/10/2015
Subject: Re: Wing Construction Economics //Re: [AWES] ROI and lifetime

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16511 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 1/10/2015
Subject: Re: German Language Wikipedia AWE page

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16512 From: Pierre BENHAIEM Date: 1/10/2015
Subject: Re: Wing Construction Economics //Re: [AWES] ROI and lifetime

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16463 From: dave santos Date: 12/29/2014
Subject: New TUDelft Video by Al Jazeera
Coverage of a routine thump-landing :) Informed admission of dynamic flight challenges. Soft-kites and human-pilots shown favored by early AWE AE state-of-the-art--

Mirror Coverage in Arabian biz news portal-

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16464 From: dave santos Date: 12/30/2014
Subject: Field Notes: Control Reversal and Up Stuck-State
Most AWES testing is subsystem details. The average test gives mixed results, and progress comes in tiny steps. The day a system goes all-up is just the last tiny step. Lately, several of us are refining pilot-kite design and operations, which a small but essential detail in low-complexity AWES design.

Yesterday I flew a Morse Sled on two lines; the center cell bridle-line mixed in with a pulley and crossline. The range of motion was too short as jury-rigged, so response was limited, and cold turbulent gusts further masked the control inputs. Nevertheless, two steering regimes alternated; the expected steering dynamic in a narrow "ideal" wind range, and control reversal otherwise. This is a known condition in early aircraft testing, where banding (bands and gaps) structure appears instead of control continua, and is corrected. It seems a tri-sled is not well-suited to lateral CP shift steering in both light and strong wind. Where a power-kite turns smartly, the slacked outside sled half resisted turning in the intended direction; acting as unwanted drogue and balance-mass, and the V-bridle tail also fought the turn. Still, the rig looked and felt good; the bridling motion was smooth. A turn fix is to add rear brake input (at the cost of a bit more bridling), then finally test auto-kill in an all-mode session.

The day before, flying a 22m2 Peter Lynn pilot-lifter in high coastal wind (40 kph), again proved the need for a kite-killer. The kite had been flying from the top of a dune, to build hours, and it was time to haul it down. The wind was strong, so I needed help with the "Up Stuck-State". So up walked a grizzled Donald Langlois, a top pro mountain guide and instructor, and together we hauled the big kite down. He was enchanted by the prospect of climbing the sky by means of kites, and agreed to serve as a mentor-adviser to AWES and Aerotecture R&D, based on his decades of alpinism. As we work out a framework for safe aerial exploration, he proposes activating his 700+ contacts in elite mountaineering. Megascale kite-matter will be routinely serviced aloft by a new breed of industrial climbers. Eventually, we will live aloft, as long as the wind blows.
Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16465 From: Joe Faust Date: 12/30/2014
Subject: ^ Wave motion and ocean currents to keep aerotecture aloft during lo
There will be world endurance records of at-sea flying kite systems at
all scales from miniature to grand living-centers. Part of the
solution to keeping aerotecture aloft during low wind or calm could be
the use of novel methods of using combinations of wave energy and
sea-water currents.

Who will be the first human to live at sea aloft in a kite system for
a week, month, or year?

*License for the above technology:
CC+ 4.x BY NC+ SA AWE IP Pool ~~Joe Faust
Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16466 From: dave santos Date: 12/30/2014
Subject: Re: ^ Wave motion and ocean currents to keep aerotecture aloft durin
In matching ocean power to sky use, the tricky part is how to translate the slow grunt power of currents or the chaotic heaving of waves into smoothly flyable tow speeds. One could make electricity from water motion to power a canopy made of electric rotors (canopy of rotors in many variations in CC+ Open-AWE IP Pool), but we seek a cheap low-tech alternative.

Where currents are fast enough to sustain towed flight in calm wind, the kite becomes a sort of dragging anchor medium (enabling generation from surplus power), where otherwise a bottom anchor would provide reaction-force. The kites would have to be low-wind UL types, in most currents. A sea-anchor suffices to pull against. Its marginal but workable, just as a hot air balloon is, as a flying similarity-case. One problem is that a normal kite wind velocity makes most currents redundant, but this is still a neat capability in our conceptual quiver.

On Tuesday, December 30, 2014 12:35 PM, "Joe Faust [AirborneWindEnergy]" <
Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16467 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 12/30/2014
Subject: Kite water level lifting device, hydroelectric generator and irrigat


Kite water level lifting device, hydroelectric generator and irrigation device


(machine translated title)

CN103133255 (A) 

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16468 From: Joe Faust Date: 12/30/2014
Subject: Re: Kite water level lifting device, hydroelectric generator and irr
Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16469 From: dave santos Date: 12/31/2014
Subject: Re: Kite water level lifting device, hydroelectric generator and irr
This is the same inclined-plane water-cart power-kite idea we have discussed before, but our evolving sense of how AWE patents can work gives us the option to partner with the belated patent holder. A funny aspect of the patent system is that a weak patent stands as long as a challenger does not bring legal action to invalidate it, and the untested patent can act as if valid. We seek to put uncontested AWES patents into the Open-AWE IP Pool, and license the whole cheaply without legal fuss.

In this Chinese case, the huge prize would be to recycle water at the Three Gorges Dam, which is water-limited (more than storage-limited) in the face of an energy shortfall. As an AWES hybrid, both problems would be solved, and this patent might be strategic. After all, Edison bought up patents in his R&D segments, somewhat as 'flags of convenience", to operate on a level regulatory field with competitors. Court battles are rare, and a patent "Mexican Stand-Off" is the modern norm.


A new Open-AWE technical detail to note is that an inclined-plane cart (funicular-railway or cableway) may not be as good as a simple vertical bucket hoist through free-space, given lower capital cost and inherent low-velocity grunt-power of kites, but this is still pretty much our collective original hydropower-kite hybrid (or irrigation-kite) idea. KiteLab Ilwaco has lofted a pitcher of water by kite, to dump on target. Somebody should do a serious-scale demo with a bambi-bucket, for all the water-related apps, like wildfire-fighting.  CC+ Open AWE IP Pool

On Tuesday, December 30, 2014 7:49 PM, "Joe Faust [AirborneWindEnergy]" <
Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16470 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 1/1/2015
Subject: Friedrich Van Helden

Friedrich Van Helden

Kite with pull-cord has sail defined by leading and trailing edges, bars with abutting ends,
DE 10109640 C1

Publication numberDE10109640 C1
Publication typeGrant
Application numberDE2001109640
Publication dateJun 20, 2002
Filing dateMar 1, 2001
Priority dateMar 1, 2001
Also published asDE50201253D1, EP1238907A1,EP1238907B1
InventorsFriedrich Van Helden
ApplicantFriedrich Van Helden
Export CitationBiBTeX, EndNote, RefMan
External Links: DPMA, Espacenet

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16471 From: Joe Faust Date: 1/2/2015
Subject: * Personal-Watch Kite System
​* Personal-Watch Kite System

Want to watch what you are doing? Record stills or video of your life's operations and work and play? Track chosen subject?
Consider using kytoon or HTA kite system that directs camera lens at your body. If you are uncertain about the apparent wind during your operations, then a LTA kytoon kite system might be needed.  If there is going to be adequate ambient and/or apparent wind, then a HTA kite system could be used. Some  operations will not permit anchoring the kite system to one's body; in such cases, the kite system might be anchored to a non-body point, but the camera will still aim at your body using smarts between device on your body and on the controller of the aloft camera. The subject holds a device that is sensed by the camera controller; the camera is controlled to staying viewing the subject; such technology is already extant; the possible novelty hereon is applying KAP with the extant stay-on-subject tracking tech. Perhaps someone has practiced the arts hereon instructed; perhaps not.  Aim to have aloft WEC (RAT perhaps) to provide power for the camera and camera servos; the RAT could keep aloft battery charged. 
    Sample scenes:  
  • One is out on the beach operating AWE experiments. The target is to study your work efforts from an aloft point-of-view. 
  • Run a marathon in calm-enough winds; tow  a camera with a kite system; accept that the towing will slow the marathon time (one will work to tow the kite system; the drag will result in less than stellar marathon running time; when such drag is tolerated, then things will be just fine.)  The running will provide ambient wind to keep the camera aloft. 
  • Have a ship towing the kite wing and aloft kite; have on the ship a device that communicates with the camera positioning system. No matter where the wing of the kite system is, the camera will stay focused on the ship or the section of the ship wanted. 
  • Open air without structural wires crowding the air:  attach sensing device to a horse that has limited range by fence. Fly a kytoon system holding the intended smart camera; the camera will stay viewing the horse; the horse need not be the anchor to the kite system.
Some KAP links" 
Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16472 From: dave santos Date: 1/2/2015
Subject: Re: * Personal-Watch Kite System
The required hardware is already common, and all that's needed is some patch code (scripting). Two smart phones (ground-side GPS, and sky-side flux-gate compass) in peer-to-peer mode, with a pan-tilt KAP platform, can do the job. The pan-tilt unit needs position encoding, but this is a common feature. A further refinement, or alternative basis, is to place a visual marker on the target that the system can seek and lock-on.  The applications go far beyond novelty use or our ability to fully guess, but aiming a secure high bandwidth communications link is high on the list. 

We have arrived at the cyberpunk future predicted some 35 years ago by Vinge, Gibson, and Sterling, with the kite as a colorful steampunk dimension. Epic DIY hacking is in reach of the masses...

On Friday, January 2, 2015 9:10 AM, "Joe Faust [AirborneWindEnergy]" <
Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16473 From: dave santos Date: 1/2/2015
Subject: Tail-Kill Method
A curious tech-gap of the modern soft kite having developed at kite festivals is that we do not know how best to fly them in an industrial setting. Kite festivals have many hands to help haul down the kites, in good weather. Industrial kite farms will have far less personnel working in more extreme conditions.

The Kite Golden Age, more than a century ago, with many altitude records still standing, was not so golden with respect to bringing down kite trains, which had to hauled down by powerful winches, and even then could be stuck aloft in high wind (actuation saturation). Higher forces winching-down caused many line-failure runaways, and otherwise made hauling down from high altitude in high wind last for hours. 

Today we have better kite lines and many winch options, but we still dream of pure low-cost rigging solutions to handle large kites. Added modern kite operational requirements include sense-and-avoid in shared airspace, and zero-tolerance for runaways. AWES R&D finally has cheap powerful pilot-lifters that can be stacked in trains, but we have to figure out best-practice operations afresh for AWES.

kPower's current testing program is working out how to fly a lot of kite very high, and bring it down quick and easy. The now-standard kite-killer idea, from sport kiting, is being combined with the KiteShip OL tail-kill, where the two top lines are released, and the kite is hauled in fast at low-power by the tail-line. Done fast enough, the "streamered" kite lands right at the base. Several variations of a basic tail-kill method are being tested- First come minimalist rigs anyone can afford and do, with refined rigs to follow, for added capabilities.

The simplest design is presented here and now: The anchor link is a metal carabiner with a locked off Munter hitch (or rescue climber's horned figure-eight) securing the kiteline. A tagline to the tail attachment point(s) on the kite(s) runs back down to the base and is tied off at the anchor link. By releasing the Munter (a low-force procedure), or in case of a mainline break, the kite(s) passively collapse(s), and the tail-line keeps the rig secure from runaway. This method avoids all the expense and bother of winching-down system, and will do sense-and-avoid brilliantly. Expect a video soon, showing a 2-stack of 22m2 PL pilot-lifters killed fast on-high.

In future versions, the tail line and slack mainline is hauled in fast to bring the entire rig to the base, rather than simply falling laid out in the field (so a smaller field, even a ship or land vehicle, can be used).

CC+ Open AWE IP Pool

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16474 From: benhaiemp Date: 1/4/2015
Subject: Perspectives towards complete or improved AWES

About my purposes for this year :

  • Towards a complete AWES: trials of aligned rotor-fabric  such I presented last year ( ). Purposes : trying to know if it is possible to implement numerous autogyro-like thanks to fabric wing separating rotors. Problem: what are aerodynamical interférences between rotors and wing? Knowing real behaviour is difficult due (at least) to low Reynolds number for available rotors for me.
  • So I will investigate also possibilities for trajectories (left/right/left...) presented in  and allowing a better maximization of swept area within space/land used.                                                                                            

This first purpose (towards complete AWES) is demanding even for a big team. This second purpose (improved AWES) can fit into the RAD of several existing teams as KitePower , Windlift , Kite-nrg, KiteGen , Enerkite, SkySails ... 

Happy new year.


Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16475 From: edoishi Date: 1/4/2015
Subject: Re: Tail-Kill Method
Cell phone video shows the tail-kill method as described in previous post.  Test uses a 4 M^2 pilot kite, 60 lb Dacron tail line, and 100 lb polyester main line Munter hitched to a metal carabiner at the anchor point.

Tail-Kill Method


CC IP 4.0 by kPower
Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16476 From: dave santos Date: 1/4/2015
Subject: Re: Tail-Kill Method
The tail-kill is shown to be quite cheap, easy, and effective for larger kites. Its funny how our toy kites showed the way conceptually, but hardly prepared us for seeking ever-increasing power, one scaling step at a time, all the way to mega-monster limits. AWE is now leaving its kindergarden.

In the first test video, the greenish dacron tail line is not visible, but it keeps the kite "on-field" (within its original scope) when the mainline is released. Nothing seems as failsafe, nor as affordable, as pilot-lift tail-kill in current state-of-the-art AWES design. Otherwise a kite tends to Bondestam's Number- that a break-away kite ~usually~ comes down, downwind, within 3-4 times its starting height (but can fly far as well).

A new train feature to design and rig is variable-kill; like top-first or bottom-first. Fast top-kill is the sense-and-avoid default preference. Slower bottom-last launch and bottom-first kill landing, is also desirable; perhaps by a tail pulley-loop with suitable ring-and-stopper (Cody system based on Viennese theatre curtain) activation strings (programmed Whipple tree nets).

Tail-lines add useful stability just like ordinary tails. Adding considerably more control logic looks feasible, by running more taglines aft, vertically along the tail-zone, including being able to tack and sweep the train. Drogues on pulleys can stiffen up control or pumping transmission.

 The upcoming kill tests with the 44m2 stack will be clearer and more spectacular. Smaller kites will continue to test misc. novel features, often not found worth scaling.

CC+ Open-AWE IP-Pool

On Sunday, January 4, 2015 1:25 PM, " [AirborneWindEnergy]" <
Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16477 From: dave santos Date: 1/4/2015
Subject: 2015 will be a big year for AWE
Happy New Year's to All,

AWES R&D is a tough field, but a growing list of players are progressing more or less by AE historic norms (where a major new system in large markets can take a decade or more to launch). Several planned AWE events for 2015 were long delayed by circumstances, but nearing at last-

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16478 From: dave santos Date: 1/4/2015
Subject: SkySails' 640m2 Kite
SkySails- "The SKS C 640 with a kite area of 600m² kite area and operation radius of up to approx. 600m (indicated by the dashed semi-circle) is under development."

This notice is found in an airspace specification linked below. A graphic reveals a 640m2 wing concept. North Sails NZ is the presumed kite supplier. 600m is the magic ceiling, equivalent to the FAA 2000ft provisional altitude allowance. This new wing could rate more than 5MW in a strong breeze, and would be a formidable contender against Makani and KiteGen, also currently seeking to scale up kite units. SkySails has a huge soft-kite design-advantage, and many more flying hours. Sadly, SkySails has not sold well in the conservative shipping industry, and plummeting fuel prices are further pinching the ship-kite market. Let's hope SkySails has enough cash left to build and test its giant new wing for electrical generation on land; the early prize AWE market.

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16479 From: Pierre BENHAIEM Date: 1/5/2015
Subject: Re: SkySails' 640m2 Kite

Form SkySails website: "In routine operations the towing rope of the 160m² towing kite of the SKS C 160 is let out to a length of approx. 280 meters" , and " A flight pattern such as this normally covers a width of 250 meters and a height of 50 meters."

So flight pattern is a projection of vertical area being 12,500 m² towards larger tilted area. Nor needed swept area should not exceed more than 10 times kite area (see about solidity of rotor for HAWT, but please correct me if needed), so 1,600 m². So a small fraction of swept area is converted*. But it is not all. The radius is 280 m (300 m ?) , used land area being about 250,000 m² by considering the system as an AWES for electricity (for all wind directions); vertical area used being half (125,000 m²); volume of space being something like 90,000,000 m3 . Adding area due to reel operations. So here, in spite of huge size of kite used by SkySails, the space used is not maximized by far. Solution? Less rope, more wing (arch being a good example, but other ways are possible), and in "crosswind" mode using perhaps another pattern: figure eight or loop are efficient for the kite, but not for the maximization of space.  




*Consider swept area into three aspects: area swept by the kite, the same comprising "holes" (for example for figure eight the parts being not swept but being within the global pattern), and the useful swept area. Consider also land and space used by the rope being the radius. 

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16480 From: Joe Faust Date: 1/5/2015
Subject: Perlan Project
Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16481 From: dave santos Date: 1/5/2015
Subject: Re: SkySails' 640m2 Kite

Keep in mind that SkySails designers never faced a shortage of airspace far offshore, so they did not need to engineer a "solution" to what was not a problem. Instead, with ship-kites, the design-drivers are cost, safety, and reliability (as I was taught at KiteShip).

Similarly, because AWE has not yet begun actively competing for airspace over land, and all the large corporate AWE R&D programs use low capacity-density design, SkySails can still win against its direct competitors with its C 640 wing. Only when we bring on the next generation of kite farm design will capacity density rule. We need not unfairly critique SkySails just because its graphic can be used against them, when Makani has similar graphics, and more deserves critique (as a non ship-kite, from the start).

In raising a separable topic (general AWES capacity-density), you may be overlooking the practical role of kite turning speed and efficiency, in how effectively a power kite can sweep a disc area. Race kite design favors high turning rate, because a fast turning kite can beat a larger less-agile wing in dynamic conditions. The C 640 would be just one of many traction kites facing this limit, but is not a special case of low capacity-density,


On Monday, January 5, 2015 4:50 AM, "Pierre BENHAIEM [AirborneWindEnergy]" <
Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16482 From: dave santos Date: 1/5/2015
Subject: COTS AWES Line-Handling Equipment from Commercial Fishing
 A COTS AWES supply-chain may by be a critical winning factor in the AWE race. Open-AWE prototypes began as handmade toys quickly cobbled from kiddie-kites, model-aircraft, and sport-fishing gear. Working micropower devices gave rise to larger contraptions made of bike parts and sport-kites, and now some of us are moving into industrial-strength line-handling hardware.

The Kolstrand marine commercial fishing OEM is a top supplier of heavy-duty line-handling equipment, and its website is worth studying end-to-end for any serious AWE developer. KiteLab Ilwaco is based at a fishing port where this equipment is common, and many AWES ideas have emerged from close study here. While prices are high for new equipment, it tends to last a lifetime with ordinary maintenance, and used equipment suited to AWES experimentation is available cheap.

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16483 From: Rod Read Date: 1/5/2015
Subject: Re: Multiple Crosswind Track AWES

Cableway solutions with anchor array generation take off adapting to the overhead isotropic mesh swing...
That's seems a very efficient method

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16484 From: Rod Read Date: 1/5/2015
Subject: Re: Multiple Crosswind Track AWES

Likewise with concentric ring formations. They are able to fly taller kites from the inner circle while wider lines of kites fly lower on the outer circles...
Phase matching is tricky though.
CC+ open AWES pool

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16485 From: dave santos Date: 1/5/2015
Subject: Re: Multiple Crosswind Track AWES
Concentric layout is a nice improvement of the concept, to inherently make it iso-capable.

Note that upwind concentric tracks remain available to center the kites over the circle, while the down-wind tracks best geometrically support the cross-wind kite-power motion.

CC+ Open-AWE IP Pool

On Monday, January 5, 2015 11:16 AM, "Rod Read [AirborneWindEnergy]" <
Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16486 From: Rod Read Date: 1/5/2015
Subject: Re: Spider Kite Systems

How does the spider generate static?

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16487 From: dave santos Date: 1/5/2015
Subject: Re: Spider Kite Systems
Rod asked: "How does the spider generate static?"

A: Its dry wind rubbing away electrons that causes spider silk to charge up and repel itself, just as a Van de Graaff generator makes one's hair repel itself. In wet conditions, charges short-out faster, so silk or hair tends to clump together. The spider merely waits for the right conditions to "balloon". Thistles and dandelions use the same effect, enhanced by general uplift and localized convection in meteorological High Pressure systems.

On Monday, January 5, 2015 11:28 AM, "Rod Read [AirborneWindEnergy]" <
Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16488 From: dave santos Date: 1/5/2015
Subject: Re: Tail-Kill Method
Here is an old KiteLab Ilwaco kite-kill test from around 2009, which kPower mirrored last year to the YouTube link below. There Rod asked how the kill was done: A side bridle with a DIY pin release and jerk-line did the trick, however, the new tail-kill method is even simpler and more reliable; far less prone to a jam or accidental release. This earlier KiteLab video provides the baseline for ongoing kite-kill improvement, with 22m2 multi-unit kill test next (which I may be able to fly later today, as heavy rains end)-


On Sunday, January 4, 2015 3:48 PM, dave santos <
Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16489 From: Pierre BENHAIEM Date: 1/6/2015
Subject: Re: SkySails' 640m2 Kite



By reading carefully my precedent post, it is easy (for somebody not hostile) to see there is no critic against SkySails but only an analysis about " considering the system as an AWES for electricity (for all wind directions)". I take the "crosswind" example from SkySails where the huge size of kite and the relatively short rope favor a better maximization, seeing very important possibility of progress to improve maximization.




Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16490 From: dave santos Date: 1/6/2015
Subject: Re: SkySails' 640m2 Kite

Why choose this exact topic to argue your general AWES airspace capacity-intensity opinions (which have varied wildly), rather than just form a separate topic? I only want to make clear that the Big News here is a giant new ship kite in the 5MW range, by some of the best sailmakers in the world (North NZ), and the leader of early industrial AWE (SkySails).

Lets reserve capacity-intensity as an important topic in its own right. You made it appropriate here to note that pioneering ship kites at sea hardly have an issue with low capacity-intensity, and that this is not a topic about capacity intensity (where Makani's equivalent airspace diagrams are a better case since offshore wind farms in fact require higher capacity intensity). Maybe you have a better a design for a shipkite in mind than even North (if so, lets see it).

kPower proposes that shipkites like the C 640 can be adapted to work as units within megascale crosslinked arrays, on land, so SkySails is not stuck with low capacity-intensity, as your post seems to imply, but has a fine wing in development for new high capacity-intensity designs,


On Tuesday, January 6, 2015 4:28 AM, "Pierre BENHAIEM [AirborneWindEnergy]" <
Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16491 From: Pierre BENHAIEM Date: 1/6/2015
Subject: Re: SkySails' 640m2 Kite



Speaking about maximization of space, taking SkySails'640 m² kite is relevant for both the present topic about SkySails'640 m² kite and another topic about maximization of space. It is a simple question of logic. But it is true you seem to have a problem of logic by asserting "  so SkySails is not stuck with low capacity-intensity, as your post seems to imply [deformation of my words], but has a fine wing in development for new high capacity-intensity designs" as a consequence of "kPower proposes that shipkites like the C 640 can be adapted to work as units within megascale crosslinked arrays, on land," . But I do not know about everything, so I congratulate you for being the source of SkySails' RAD.






Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16492 From: dave santos Date: 1/6/2015
Subject: TUDelft seeks aerospace-engineer lead for "Kite Power 2.0"
All other positions Kite Power 2.0 are filled, but the still-open lead position requires at least an AE MSc credential, Python or Matlab proficiency, and embracing the in-house reeling AWES architectural down-select, as a "good team worker"; but no particular kite experience. Lets hope they get very lucky, and somehow hire a genius- 

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16493 From: dave santos Date: 1/6/2015
Subject: Re: SkySails' 640m2 Kite

Nobody is stuck with low capacity-intensity, if you want a logical opinion. All pros will adopt capacity-intensity best-practice as it is credibly demonstrated by pioneers. I welcome a discussion on capacity intensity where SkySails (or ship-kites as such) is not singled out for capacity-intensity critique (because high capacity-intensity in the wide ocean sky is just not an engineering priority).

This C 640 topic was to express my extreme excitement that North Sails is poised to make a super kite(!) North Sails is a wonderful company whose sail lofts and sail-makers I have known (and whose sails I have often used) since the 70's, and whose wonderful old sail loft on Alameda Island KiteShip occupied, where I apprenticed in shipkites. North Kites is a leader in sport kites as well. This celebratory topic is being confused with capacity-intensity analysis, which is a fully deserving topic of its own (except as you concede the C 640 could in fact be rigged in high capacity-intensity arrays, like any power-kite might).


On Tuesday, January 6, 2015 2:24 PM, "Pierre BENHAIEM [AirborneWindEnergy]" <
Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16494 From: dave santos Date: 1/6/2015
Subject: A Peek Inside TUDelft's Kite Power 2.0 System Engineering
TUDelft's Kite Power operates substantially as a stealth player in AWE, while managing its public side as media PR; so we rely on informal disclosures to early-disclose otherwise hidden details of the program, that formal papers only slowly reveal. Interesting AWES engineering issues are aired in Kite Power 2.0 job vacancies (besides lead engineers not being required to be technical kite subject matter experts).

The call for applicants presupposes superhuman performance, that in one year two people will enter AWE R&D, get up to speed, and ace TUD's AWES engineering redesign; from hardware to software. The would-be superhumans face a Herculean list of critical problem-details. Within the year, the AE must fix LEI kite as such, somehow "optimize steering and depower" and prevent "potential causes of [AWES] failures". The AE needs sequencial Bayesian filter design prowess, to cope with fundamental uncertainties frozen into Kite Power's 1.0 architecture. TUDelft discloses an IMU noise problem in the job listing, but IMU blues are hard to avoid in a bucking kite with lots of weird vibration in the lines and membranes. Worse, an IMU in a control-pod is part of a mass-spring (chaotic) harmonic-oscillator network.

The AE is also hoped to know UML-SysML object-oriented programming design, as a subject-matter polymath who can both self-define and program a sound ontological model of AWES design; but quite prematurely for the enterprise-scale vertical industry these tools are intended for (everyone else is lucky if conventionally undocumented code by hurried prototype-engineers works at all). Python and MatLab hats are thrown in, as if one should somehow use both (she should go for Python scripting; Matlab's glory-days are over) What about Cython? :) Is this a research project, or a real-world design? Why not just go all C++; for mature best-performance OO programming? Qt? Not exactly the clean-room code standard the FAA demands.

TUD's 2.0 EE has a lessor but still superhuman role, as a sidekick to the AE (like perfect the unjammable com-link). He or she may do everything right, but everything hangs on the AE's ability to solve novel aviation and energy market challenges within TUD's very constrained framework for AWES design. Wubbo's multi-kite ladder- and spider-mill concepts (and crosswind-arch laddermill variants) seem only to live on the hearts of Open-AWE.


Redacted Kite Power 2.0 AE lead profile and job description-

Perform system requirements analysis, define requirements specifications and test procedures, design and assemble prototype control units, optimize steering and depowering of the wing, analyze potential causes of system failures, develop strategies for prevention, select new IMU to achieve higher accuracy, implement kite state estimator using existing system, model to detect and correct sensor errors, Prepare and organize flight tests, specilization [sic] in mechatronics or control, Experience in systems engineering, Experience in programming in Python or Matlab, Good command of spoken and written English, knowledge of Bayes filter design as well as IMU and GNSS sensors, experience in lightweight materials and structures, risk analysis methods, UML and SysML as well as C++ programming.

Unredacted EE profile and job description-

Electrical Engineer
Your tasks
• Develop optimal solutions for the control drive
trains and implement a force control system,
• Redesign the interface boards for electric motors
(24 V Brushless DC) and for sensors,
• Develop interface and control logic for a small
wind turbine mounted on the kite control unit,
• Adjust the onboard energy storage solution,
• Low­level software development,
• Implement an improved wireless link,
• Analyze causes for system failures and develop
strategies for prevention.
Your profile
• MSc or PhD degree in electrical engineering or
embedded systems,
• Experience in designing electronic circuit boards
in SMD, shock­ and vibration­proof electronics,
• Experience in control of brushless DC motors,
• Experience in programming in C++ and Qt as
well as in Real­Time Linux,
• Good command of spoken and written English,
• Good team worker,
• Extra assets are programming competence in
Python, sensor technology, state estimation and
Bayes filter design, and cooling of electronics.

texts from-

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16495 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 1/7/2015
Subject: Re: A Peek Inside TUDelft's Kite Power 2.0 System Engineering
Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16496 From: benhaiemp Date: 1/7/2015
Subject: Towards a maximization of worked space for AWESE (airborne wind ener

Land and space used as mentioned for a first examen on , p.59 .

Consider  swept area into three dimensions:

  • area swept by the kite
  • the same comprising "holes" (for example for figure eight the parts being not swept but being within the global pattern)
  • and the useful swept area.

Consider also land and space used by the rope as the radius of both land area and half sphere .

Filling area and volume is needed to obtain some level of viability.

Almost methods I test are studied for a better maximization of space:

 This topic is dedicated in any method for study. So let us examine some points from the above mentioned video.

  • Kite area : 0.7 m²
  • Length of the two lines : 18 m
  • Wind speed : about 4 m/s
  • Force : about 40 N (regular force thanks to flying in roughly the same and the better place within window of flight)
  • Expected power by reeling : about 23 W during power phase 
  • diameter of loop : about 3 times kite span (3.75 m)
  • Area swept by the kite : about 10 m²

With the same kite and the same wind conditions I obtained a force about 60 N (irregular force due to different places within the window of flight) with large figure eight taking at least 50 m² as swept area. 

So  kite power/length of rope can be a ratio to determine power density.  Here kite power is linked  with kite area or kite span, all things being identical. So with ropes being 18 m and a diameter of loop being 3 times kite span,the kite span can be something like 8 or 9 m, far more (and kite area by the square) than what it is possible by flying in figure eight.


Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16497 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 1/7/2015
Subject: Re: Towards a maximization of worked space for AWESE (airborne wind

* Pulsating-AoA matrix of integrated layered tied kite trains with large-area turrets with pulses rope-transited to master electric generator may be scaled in number of tied trains, height of tied trains, size of unit wings in the trains. Pulsing smarts may sense and then pulse ropes for high production of mined energy. The land space projected from the matrix experiences high shadowing effects from zenithal sun. No left-right sweeping. Pulsing is assisted by pairing or twining integrated kite trains within the global integrated matrix. Such system saturates the airspace. No winch reeling; the paired trains' lines move a ratchet PTO device that then routes mined energy to central electric generator.  

      Analysts are invited to forward their studies on such matrix. Experimental results are invited. Toy and sport scale of such matrix are invited to be shown.

*​License for the above technology:  ​CC+ 4.x BY NC+ SA  AWE IP Pool  ~~Joe Faust

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16498 From: dave santos Date: 1/7/2015
Subject: Re: Towards a maximization of worked space for AWESE (airborne wind
Proposed that "AWESE" be changed to E-AWES*, for consistency and clarity, and that capacity intensity is best treated equivalently for many "M-AWES" (mechanical kite work, like pumping water). Again referencing TACO 1.0 airspace and land-footprint maximization topic, NearZero AWE panel discussion, and several years of AWES Forum discussion. Pierre might be able to build on these earlier discussions, which have been very comprehensive.

* Compare with standard "E-Flight" usage-


On Wednesday, January 7, 2015 1:22 PM, " [AirborneWindEnergy]" <
Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16499 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 1/7/2015
Subject: M-AWES (including E-AWES) Capacity Intensity for Land and Airspace A
Offer for lowest achiever with respect to use of land and airspace assets for a M-AWES: 
Have a very long tether to one working wing; require land at all compass-rose points; warn all aircraft to avoid the implicit space cylinder above the projected possible airspace use of the kite system up to altitude AGL equal to the length of the tether (allow the possibility of updrafts taking the wing to the zenith). Have the one wing be toy sized. Use flygen.
If anyone may describe a lower achiever, please do.  Once we review lowest achiever, then we might present better achieving systems for M-AWES (including E-AWES where choice is electricity production). 

~ JoeF
Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16500 From: benhaiemp Date: 1/7/2015
Subject: Re: Towards a maximization of worked space for AWESE (airborne wind

There were many discussions about maximization, solidity factor, capacity-intensity etc. but we can update and examine again, as some points not being discussed enough.

From NearZero:

"Dave Santos | Kitelab Ilwaco

Dec 08, 2011 11:33 AM

Here is how dense crosslinked kite arrays can do about 100 times better by land or airspace usage than single tether electric kiteplanes. The 50sq m Makani reference wing occupies a crosswind-projected reserved airspace of 500,000sq m (1km x 1/2km). This is only a 1/10,000 "solidity" factor, so its not surprising the little wing cannot sweep up very much of the energy flowing thru its space.

We agree that the best soft wings are roughly 10 times the area of rigid wings by equivalent power (especially if you leave generators, conducters, etc. on the ground). KiteLab suggests a handy operational scale for soft array wings of about 100sq m; five such soft wings roughly match a Makani wing. One hundred such wings can be arched together across the same airspace, with plenty of spacing to avoid interference drag. Each one of these wings can lift a high L/D airfoil of 50sqm to be held semi-captive in the latticework, looping crosswind in close proximity to its neighbors, but constrained by the matrix from collisions. So now we have 100 Makani-equivalent wings doing their thing unencumbered by generators and avionics. Cleaner and lighter, they can develop more power, but lets rest this gedanken with a hundredfold improvement in performance from the same airspace and land footprint. Final frontal solidity is about 1/30, and the "large city" now only needs 5-25 sq miles of land footprint, 1/100th of Makani's model. This concept is supported by Prof. John Dabiri's findings (Biolocomotion Lab, Caltech) where a ten-fold increase in wind power extraction was demonstrated by unit land area by crowding many more slower turbines, as compared with conventional wind farms. In the case of AWE, the added vertical dimension roughly allows another tenfold gain in calculated potential.

Our latest estimate of kite fabric life is based on Pete's father's (Peter Lynn Sr.) experience with Dominico Goo's SkySilk ("worlds best kite fabric") of polyester sized with polyurethane. Peter Sr. reports that he had previously agreed with Makani that rigid AWE wings seemed advantaged until he bench and flight tested Goo's fabric after 14 months exposure to New Zealand UV and gales. This is consistent with KiteLab's independent study; the secret is the right polymer sizing with effective anti-UV additive. Kite fabric is paper-thin, but a composite wing is more like a five-hundred page book in thickness. The hybrid scheme above allows composite wings in the high-speed crosswind role, but "racing parafoils" might be good enough. The 15,000sq m total area is now a reasonable solidity of about 1/30. A large city only needs 5-25sq miles of land footprint with dense kite arrays, 1/100th of Makani's model.

The challenges to the dense hybrid array approach are mostly operational, its truly heroic sailing in the sky. Kites are handled by simple traditional means of furling lines, sleeves, and packs. The entire array is piloted as one "metakite/megakite" from powerful ground winches to drive the largest class of generators. Large machinery runs many decades with just routine maintenence. This scheme creates many kite-flying jobs. A labor force comparable to nuclear power (with its elaborate safety and security needs) is needed, of about one worker per two or three MW. Jobs are an urgent societal need, like clean energy, for a win-win dynamic. A golden age of sky sailing can be a bridge to eventual fusion or space-based solar power.

Low-tech arrays do not require waiting decades or spending billions for complex aerospace perfection. The FAA has just announced concern over AWE radar clutter, an issue with complex electric kiteplanes that the "rag and string only" school naturally avoids. The case is compelling for the US to support R&D of low-compexity hybrid kite energy arrays, just as the EU does. I am faced with emigrating to Southern Italy, otherwise ;)"

From it :"Each one of these wings can lift a high L/D airfoil of 50sqm to be held semi-captive in the latticework, looping crosswind in close proximity to its neighbors, but constrained by the matrix from collisions."

Such a system looks possible but how the latticework can have permanent tension enough allowing holding  L/D airfoil of 50sqm avoiding collisions? Due to different wind features in different places of latticework what are means to control a giant latticework without risking domino effect?

Note also critics are welcomed about systems I present on my previous post.


Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16501 From: dave santos Date: 1/7/2015
Subject: Re: Towards a maximization of worked space for AWESE (airborne wind
Replies to Pierre's open points-

Regarding how lift is maintained in calm, by reverse-pumping, has been discussed in many Forum messages. KiteLab first publicly demonstrated this at the indoor kite festival several years ago, and Rogelio more formally validated the method at Grenoble and presented at AWEC 2013*. Zhang Lab also did acoustic reverse pumping VTOL flight in benchtop experiments. We anticipate reverse-pumping in complex lattices, seeing no inherent barrier to extending unit pumping into array-pumping.

* Reverse Pumping: Theory and Experimental
Validation on a Multi-kites System
R. Lozano Jr, M. Alamir, A.Hably, J. Dumon
Gipsa-lab/CNRS, University of Grenoble

Traditional kite trains and arches are not known to sequentially fail ("domino effect") in turbulence, nor do experimental 3D lattice structures made of kite. Instead, disturbances quickly dissipate into the lattice, and far-field flow around the kite is smoothed. A kite lattice is simply more topologically stable than non-lattices.

As for requested critique of Pierre's discussions of capacity intensity, the main problem has been prematurely concluding that AWES is "not economically viable" due to inherent low capacity-intensity, and cannot even compete with conventional HAWTs, but then seeming to conclude otherwise, but not calculating the requested max possible efficiency (%) and power rating (MW) of a standard 1km frontal area with FAA ceiling (~600m). Still waiting for these numbers as Pierre now calculates them (having provided my own promising estimates consistently for years).

On Wednesday, January 7, 2015 4:43 PM, " [AirborneWindEnergy]" <
Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16502 From: Joe Faust Date: 1/8/2015
Subject: Towers
Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16503 From: dave santos Date: 1/8/2015
Subject: 2013 NTS Media Coverage by Handelsblatt (catching up references)
It seems we overlooked this German business media article just after AWEC 2013, where UweA is interviewed about NTS. This text raises the possibility of railway NIMBY concerns, but UWE demurrs, insisting rails are the way. The comment section furthers discussion whether rails are even needed for an AWES, given the negatives (NTS has not shared AWES rail-dependence capital cost calculations and AWES railways environmental impact due-diligence, as first asked here, on the AWES Forum).

Link to German language site and an English machine translation below-

From Benjamin Reuter in innovation 16/09/2013 at 08:24 -w 17 Comments
A child flying a kite is the model for Uwe Ahrens from Berlin. The Aerospace Engineer wants his dragon but do nothing for fun in the air, but he wants shacks them an energy revolution.
For Ahrens has already in 2007, his startup NTS in Berlin founded. The idea: A wind dragon, as it is known from kitesurf, draws on rails a kind of lore that an alternator to produce electricity. Finish the dragon energy.
Until now exists in the vicinity of Berlin, just a 400 meters long, straight stretch, on the gondolas power trains for test purposes and back. But that is about to change very soon.
The route from NTS can either stand on stilts or directly on the ground.  At a distance of 200 meters draw dragons with electricity-producing generators equipped mini-trains (Copyright: NTS)
The route from NTS can either stand on stilts or directly on the ground. At a distance of 200 meters draw dragons with electricity-producing generators equipped mini-trains (Copyright: NTS)
For Ahrens is currently planning his ten employees a first rail circuit with a length of 700 meters, in order to prove that his system can also produce consistently and fully automated power. The dragon would it fly at an altitude between 200 and 500 meters and pull the trucks in a circle .
Now some will ask: In Germany itself rotate but more than 23,000 wind turbines very successful, producing electricity; so why the new dragon art?
Uwe Ahrens know many answers to this question. " First, our dragons are almost invisible at this level , "he says. While large wind turbines will already accused of adulterating the landscape, the dragon energy have little impact on the landscape."In the sky the kites are not larger than a twenty cent piece."

Dragons rarely suffer under doldrums

Add to this the cost. While conventional wind turbines at the best locations in Germany generate electricity for about six cents per kilowatt hour and in the US for less than four cents , Ahrens expects cost between three and five cents. " We were cheaper than many fossil fuels that are currently on the market , "he says. With three cents per kilowatt hour, the amount of energy would be almost as low as coal power.
Added to this is another advantage: How high above the ground, there is rarely calm. NTS expects that their system at least 5,000 hours per year produces energy - conventional wind turbines on land usually not even make it half. And: As the wind blows several hundred meters above the ground much more, now low-wind locations for the production of green electricity come so far in question - for example, in southern Germany.
The amount has yet another advantage: Because when current flows continuously, less expensive batteries are needed for buffering the energy lulls. The height of wind turbines including the so-called "system cost" green electricity would decrease.
Revolutionary not find Ahrens his technique here. With tracks from the web, generators from trains such as the ICE and hang from the Kitefachhandel would only proven techniques used. The special feature is the novel combination of altbekanntem. In future, Ahrens but use specially developed for the production of energy giant dragon.

Startups worldwide are working on high-altitude wind projects

NTS alone with his idea of using the winds at high altitudes, but not. Worldwide currently trying more than 20 companies and research projects to commercialize the new form of energy. Included are among others the Startup Makani Powerfrom the USA, the recently owned by Google and uses a type of glider for electricity generation, and the Berlin of EnerKite .
The Berlin Startup EnerKite wants with his kite to produce electricity (Copyright: EnerKite)
The Berlin Startup EnerKite wants with his kite to produce electricity (Copyright: EnerKite)
The vast majority of startups have their developments in Berlin last week at the annual Airborne Wind Energy Conference presented.
What was clear at the conference: NTS is the only company on the mini-trains drawn by dragons . EnerKite for example, wants to secure the dragon entrenched ground stations. By the kites in the sky flying loops, they drive a generator on the ground (see chart above). The problem is: How to get the kite in the air when they were on the ground again?
EnerKite and the other companies want this problem with a kind Wedel Bar solve swinging the kite into the air. NTS makes it simple: Take the electrically operated Loren rid of the kite rises by itself in the air, like a child who runs with his kite.

Round course is funded by Crowdfunding

Whether prevail stationary systems as of EnerKite or trains of NTS or maybe even next to each function that will show the future - definitely wants to prove with a first contact that his system works in everyday use Ahrens. The more than 150,000 euros, which are necessary for NTS will, among other things, the Colognecrowdfunding platform Green crowding finance. From ten euros buffs will be able to participate in the project. More than 50,000 euros to come together so over the next two months.
NTS test facility near Berlin - currently only a straight line, now a first-round course to be built (Copyright: NTS)
NTS test facility near Berlin - currently only a straight line, now a first-round course to be built (Copyright: NTS)
Creates Ahrens to keep his kite on the circuit in the air, even the investors wait for the then first commercial high-altitude wind project in the world. An Energy Cooperative has the intention to15-26 million euros to invest in the project. Again, a part could be financed through crowd funding again.
The final system would then have a power 6-24 megawatts - the equivalent to because of the more constant power production from 12 to 48 wind turbines. The dragons themselves had an area up to 400 square meters.
Construction is scheduled to be more in the coming year. The circuit would then be 1.2 to 5 kilometers long. Currently NTS reviewed two sites in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern for the project. Interest comes also from Kazakhstan and by a company from South Africa, one in neighboring Lesotho giant wind farm with a capacity of four nuclear power plants planned. At least a part of it could cover the dragon.

"Aviation obstruction" employs the bureaucracy

If the bills by Uwe Ahrens, investors can expect a good deal, at least in Germany.For as Windmüller he would get on the EEG surcharge for a few years more than eight cents per kilowatt hour for their electricity - in production costs between three and five cents of the cooperative would remain a handsome profit.
NTS demonstration plant (Copyright: NTS)
NTS demonstration plant (Copyright: NTS)
What hurdles Ahrens for his project still looks? "The bureaucracy," he says. Only for the current test track NTS has negotiated over five years with 14 different authorities until all necessary licenses have been issued. The problem is that power kites are considered "aviation obstacle" - so they must be entered in flight maps and well equipped with warning lights.
Popular protests against his technique Ahrens not expect, however, despite the rails that must be installed. "Within the circular course farmers can easily continue to farm," he says. A tunnel under the railway provides access.
If the first round course firstonce done, NTS will organize a visiting day. Then everyone will see: Dragon Energy Made in Germany works.

More about

Sweden startup: Kites are under water to generate electricity w 13

Mobility: Researchers want to create the fuel of the future with bacteria w 1

Crowdfunding record attempt: Berlin-based startup wants to collect 3.5 million euros w 0

Heating: A Berlin-based startup wants to cut costs w 1

Energy Transition: Berlin-based startup is planning large batteries in Germany w 18

  1. It is fascinating to some people invest in the projects.
    The weather is not nice to technology. A dragon is wind gusts, the UV radiation, possibly exposed to rain. It must be easy, which in turn means that the material strength is limited. Due to the low energy density of the wind, the materials should not be too expensive. That is the life of the dragon is limited.
    As regards investment, the rail system is probably the main cost driver. The costs mentioned you can certainly doubt. It would be interesting calculation one can criticize. Elegant would be a system that works without a rail system.
    A large dragon can tear loss and endanger the crash person and property. Even if you "Renewable energy" to carry significant risks is available in Germany for, you will probably make the operators to require that the area should be deserted.
    The wind blows unstable, rain or snow you will seek the Dragon. By analogy with the known wind power is the power in the network and the system is completely worthless to the state subsidy system, or the Geduldigkeit of people in Germany an enormous amount of money for "renewable energy" to pay instructed.
    • Dear Mr Narrog, 
      thanks for your comment. You are absolutely right, nature is not always friendly to us, see flood and wind disasters. Whether they are man-made or not is still disputed extensive, but at least it is at least 9: 1 for the page, there are the greenhouse gases produced by the people to blame for the misery. And now to your observations in detail. 
      Yes, it's fascinating where money is invested. I for one am extremely grateful to have spent over 30 years ago for wind turbines money people. This technique shows today that nearly CO2 can produce free energy on an economic basis, if one would expect in the climate impact costs in fossil fuels. Nuclear power is not better off, if you would Around the disaster and the subsequent costs Endlagerungsaufwände on the price of energy. 
      And you are correct, even our power kites are exposed to wind and weather. But for that matter have already been tested. Starting with the great sailing ships, over the roofs of beer tents (which hold at least up to 500kg / m) to the big ship drives the company Skysails. This is A) Proven technology and B) resource-saving technology. The rotor of a conventional wind turbine requires approximately 180t fiber composite engineering plastics. NTS power kites must currently still after about 6 months (Source: Skysails Head of Technology Dr. P. Brabeck and growing) to be replaced. A dragon weighs approximately 300 kg of recyclable plastic.Let us start from a lifetime of a plant of 20 years, needs our technology so in the worst case (no improvement of the material) about 12t material. Since we are ever in well under 10% of the raw material consumption of a rotor blade. And - fiber composite construction materials are very difficult to recycle. 
      A scientific note on the energy density: the physical limit in photovoltaics is 1.3 kW / m² ([1]). The physical limit in kite is eg 10 m / sec. Wind speed at 38kW / m² ([2]). 
      The-noted you invest in the rails are comparatively low. With € per well below 100T power kites they are far removed from the cost of the Tower. And - above all already from a short distance no longer perceptible in the landscape. 
      Your Comment: A great dragon can break loose! The probability is as big as an elevator ropes to break away from all at the same time. A NTS power kite is held by 4 ropes. If even a crack, a dragon falls like a big sheets to the ground. Rather harmless. And one more little heretical note, an A380 can also be a fall on your head! We therefore prohibit the fly? The risk for possession may I certainly do not matter. 
      The wind is blowing in the heights of 200m to 500m precisely not fickle. According to the data available to us, there are only 4% of the year with a lack of wind for kite flying.Unfortunately, these are not predictable. As well as exactly is yes to our patent. If too little wind blows, we can let our power units (electric locomotives) just go (as we come through the headwind curve and can even in windy location near the ground start).Comparable to a child running to get the kite into the air, where it flies by itself. 
      And here also a note: conventional wind turbines can not cower when the wind is too strong. You must be switched off. We can produce energy levels in such cases, strong winds in the lower (weaker wind). Only in extreme storms we have to shut down (land).
      One last note: What is expensive here, I see a little different. If, for example, would be allocated for the last hundred year flood on the fossil power 12 billion. Euro, would not be renewable, the price drivers! Few people are aware that with only one degree higher air temperature about 5% more water will be stored in the air. There are two floods of the century is not so terribly surprising for me in ten years. But I promise you, in the not too distant future, fossil fuels are also no real cost calculations expensive than energy from wind. 
      I am happy for other questions.
      Kind regards 
      Uwe Ahrens 
      Managing NTS 
      [1] (Wikipedia, 2013) 
      [2] (Miles Loyd L. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, Calif., 1980)
    • Dear Mr Ahrens,
      neither the article nor in its commentary I find any drawbacks, challenges and risks of the concept. It is a very selective communication.
      Additionally, selective communication applies to "renewable energy", the CO2 climate hell, various investment products and many other wonders. This is successful.Many people appreciate this, save yourself the thought and then believe this to ...
      As something more critical man I analyze then the other side itself. In the past, I'm so rarely located too wrong.
      A few years ago it has in the media propagates a dragon drive system for yachts with similar arguments. It has (financed by research funds?) A prototype of the Beluga shipping company sent on their way.
      Why did the ship owners and shipyards could not warm up to this system so far?
      Best regards

    • Benjamin Reuter
      The Hamburg-based company Skysails you raise is quite successful in development and will soon equip a large tanker with its sails.Then the concept is also ripe for practical use - that "the shipowner" can not heat it, so not true. We will only see yet, if the concept is really ready for the market. Which is correct: Developments of this kind need time (Skysails in 2001 gergündet), but this is not surprising.

  2. Richard S.
    This could even be a promising technique steadily low and mainly decentralized (no concentration on regional windy regions) to generate electricity. 
    Only in the case of life I am still skeptical because wind turbines can hold 25-35 years. On the other hand, the service runs with this solution here completely on the ground and thus easier. Whether the overall control of this system can automatically run out onto the whole year or for the operation you must still expect a lot of work time here?
  3. Dear Mr Narrog, 
    if man would only follow his caution, we were sitting certainly still on the trees. 
    But skepticism is at a new technology always a sensible counselor.If we had been skeptical of some developments that we have of mankind certainly have spared much suffering and costs (nuclear power is the easiest to designate as an example). 
    But with the X-wind technology I want (and I have personally been more than a 7-digit amount invested) partout get anything negative in your head. 
    Let's look at the components of our high-altitude wind power plants from the bottom up to: 
    . A) The rails have been more than 100 years of proven technology 
    B) The generator and engine technology has been used for well over 30 years used in the form of electric locomotives for generating electrical or kinetic energy. 
    C) The necessary servo motors for steering power kites are also for well over 30 years used in machine tools. 
    D) The cables for transmission of wind power are on land to anchoring drilling rigs used. 
    e) The power kites are made ​​of materials that are used for the production of paragliders with which people move in the air. 
    For all components, people may be at risk, thus they are also monitored or corresponding test methods are subjected , . That reminds me of the best of intentions of anything, what could argue against this technology 
    on the pro side but I see the following: 
    Creating jobs 
    CO2 free electricity for almost the entire year produce (power supply up to about 90% of the year) 
    For reduction network expansion contribute (X-Wind plants can be built there, where the current is required) 
    X-wind power plants to fuel that are nearly invisible in each landform 
    generate energy from fossil fuels such as uranium, oil, coal or gas is competitive 
    to produce electricity without important raw materials to waste 
    to produce electricity without much agricultural land to destroy 
    The risk to birds and bats minimize 
    Doing good and earn money 
    to topic Skysails yes Mr. Reuter replied. I can not emphasize only but also point out once again clear that the success of the marine propulsion will be with power kites not be stopped. It is also there at the end of a question of money. If the bunker oil prices rise, will be achieved in the foreseeable future, the break-even point. If the shipping would be subjected to the subsequent costs of air pollution today, we have reached this point many years ago. 
    And now a note to Mr. Richard S. 
    Their skepticism about the durability I had already mentioned yesterday. I can assure you, however, the technique rail, electric locomotive and servo motors is at least 30 years durable. 
    The ropes are estimated in durability with 3 years of conservative (is ultimately due to low increase in diameter scalable). 
    The power kites are so far in the shipping industry has not requested a larger scale. So I am very sure that there enormous progress in durability when only the demand is sufficiently large. 
    Kind regards 
    Uwe Ahrens 
    founder and managing partner 
    NTS GmbH Berlin and Friedland (MV)
  4. Interesting! But, unfortunately, is not always a good idea sufficient.This has been our experience as a communications consultancy.Especially young start-ups need a lot of external knowledge in order to achieve sustainable success. In addition to capital brand awareness is a building block. May I suggest to you, for example, this article for
    You continued success!

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16504 From: benhaiemp Date: 1/9/2015
Subject: Re: Wing Construction Economics //Re: [AWES] ROI and lifetime
Peter Lynn Kites » Peter Lynn Newsletter – January 2010


 About lifetime of fabric.


Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16505 From: dave santos Date: 1/9/2015
Subject: Re: Wing Construction Economics //Re: [AWES] ROI and lifetime
It seems that super-fabrics now exceed our instinctive expectations. The Peter Lynn Sky Silk case was referenced before on the Forum, when Pierre was arguing that the lifetime of fabric was inadequate for AWES. Other fabric supporting cases were also featured- That traditional fabric-covered aircraft can endure ten or more years outdoors and still fly safely at greater-than hurricane velocity; and Brabeck's wing economics conclusion, as SkySail's expereinced CTO, that kitemakers would simply "sell a lot of kites", rather than cheap fabric wings losing the race.

KiteLab has closely analysed fabric economics, and estimates a probable range of time-to-payback, in good wind and median energy pricing, from two-weeks, in the case of tarp pricing, to a couple of months, in the case of high quality kite fabric like Sky Silk. kPower is still trying to wear out kites, for full lifecycle data, but even our 2007 wings just keep on going (we fly many of the same kites almost daily, and do intensive flight sessions of days to weeks). The old wings do not look new, but fly the same as ever. The only exception seems to be fabrics from the 80's and 90's where most kites are sound, but others do disintegrate, by a seeming lack of fabric quality (lack of UV protection and inferior polymers suspected).

My best lifecycle cases are how my 90's thin-nylon expedition-style short pants have lasted me over a decade of abrasive use (perhaps a year's continuous wear) in Texas-Mexican sun, with many daily washings, before finally wearing out, and a North Face mountain tent we set up at our Austin eco-village that lasted about three years exposed to Texas sun and storm.  A kite floating in air within its working load should endure as well or better. Ongoing improvements in polymers, UV protection and so on, will further exceed our instincts about thin fabrics.

kPower has its own kite 30m high in a tree on the US NW Coast, battered by frequent gales. Someday a climber will bring it down, and it is expected to fly again, just as Peter Lynn's did.

On Friday, January 9, 2015 2:27 AM, " [AirborneWindEnergy]" <
Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16506 From: Pierre BENHAIEM Date: 1/9/2015
Subject: Re: Wing Construction Economics //Re: [AWES] ROI and lifetime

From :" Unfortunately, traction kites and sports kites do not perform well when built from stretchy materials.  This is because, as for yacht sails, any wind or pressure induced shape change will generally make aerodynamic performance worse.  Stretchiness isn’t a problem for theme type single line kites though- or for relatively low L/D kites like Pilots."

It is also possible cyclic changes of flight (power, depower) distort qualities of kite. So lifetime and performances should be estimated according to the way of use.





Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16507 From: dave santos Date: 1/9/2015
Subject: BHWE announces AWEC 2015 (and discloses Rod is Irish)
BHWE's announcement for AWEC 2015, with a surprise mention of Pierre, Ed, and Rod-the-Irishman, at AWEC 2015, representing tiny-AWE (see bottom of linked page).

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16508 From: benhaiemp Date: 1/10/2015
Subject: Re: Wing Construction Economics //Re: [AWES] ROI and lifetime

Rigid wings have a high ratio L/D, good possibilities for control, a presumed long lifetime if they don't crash, but are heavy (problem for automatic launching for groundgen) and don't scale well by cubic law. for the whole structure.

Soft wings can scale but...

An intermediate solution is a semi-rigid kite like a hang glider. Enerkite seems envisage this possibility : see  EK200-7.5 and EK1M-8.5 on . Cubic law is only for spars but not the whole area. Automatic launching seems easier, and L/D ratio good enough . Note my opinion is that  a high L/D is not always a main factor, the main factor being filling the space with useful swept area (swept area linked in kite possibilities). There is no utility for a kite with high L/D ratio and sweeping 20 times the useful needed area.


Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16509 From: dave santos Date: 1/10/2015
Subject: German Language Wikipedia AWE page
A bit dated and cryptic, but reads picturesquely in English machine translation as a fantasy/sci-fi account of "dragons" in our time. The Zedler Medal refers to some sort of page contest, with misc topics selected. Link and translation-

Wikipedia: Zedler Price / Zedler Medal 2010 / flight wind power plants

This page is part of Wikipedia archive .
The content of this page is out of date. But it will not be deleted, so that the history of Wikipedia is not lost. If it is a working document, it was probably replaced by other sites.Existing redirects to this page to enable the retrieval.
If you think this page is still of current importance, should be used and its function would not be better integrated into existing pages, then please take care of their update.

Airborne wind turbine Edit ]

An Airborne wind turbine is a wind power plant, which is not anchored in contrast to a conventional wind turbine on a tower, but only by a guy on the ground and otherwise flying in the air. Flight wind power plants can thereby be similar to a balloon lighter than air and float freely, or be like a dragon or Surfkite heavier than air and will be held by the buoyancy of the wind in the air. Flight wind power plants can advance to higher altitudes than conventional wind turbines. Winds at these altitudes of several hundred meters to several kilometers are stronger and more constant and the energy content is many times that of near-surface winds. The upper-level winds are the most concentrated form of worldwide availability of renewable energy. [I] The existing Aviation wind turbines wind resource could theoretically sufficient to satisfy the total primary energy demand of humanity more than a hundred times. [Ii] Due to the high winds and large wind potential that can be developed with flight wind power plants, wind power plants flight should be able to produce considerably less power than other renewable energy sources, according to some views, also cheaper than fossil energy sources. Flight wind power plants are built from lightweight materials and can be realized compared to conventional wind power plants with much less material per unit. In addition, many types of aircraft wind power plants are inherently scalable, so that the size limitations of conventional wind turbines of a few megawatts not apply. Flight wind power plants can therefore in principle advance in power units of fossil large power plants of several hundred megawatts. Despite these advantages, and the associated potential flight wind power plants in 2010, there are only a few experimental prototypes. In particular, the problems of automatic control in flight and during takeoff and landing have prevented mass production of airplane wind power plants. In addition, there is uncertainty regarding the optimal type of flight wind power plants and the materials to be used. Worldwide, however, employ a growing number of research groups and companies to resolve these issues and the development of aircraft wind power plants. It should be pointed out that the realization of flight wind power plants, a variety of practical issues to be resolved, but there are no fundamental technical or physical obstacles.

From the Dragon to the Airborne wind turbine - History of Flight wind power plants Edit ]

Already in early times winds aloft were isolated by dragons used to lifting process. The dragon was developed according to our findings in Asia. This also people were lifted with dragons. This was done as entertainment, but also for military observations. [Iii] Only about Marco Polo was the principle of the kite to Europe. [Iv] Leonardo DaVinci beat a dragon before to cross a river to pull vehicles and the energy of dissipate lightning. Before the invention of the automobile kites were used for pulling carriages, as Benjamin Franklin, the drive also boats with the help of dragons. [V] The dragon pioneer Samuel F. Cody crossed 1903 one of a dragon-drawn boat the English Channel and set in the same year a record for the highest kite flying at 14,000 feet (approx 4200 m). [vi] With the inventions of powered flight and the use of fossil fuels waned, interest in high-altitude wind utilization to the oil crises of the 70s, the led to a renewed interest and various research projects. For example, the engineer ML Loyd has the energy studied in detail by kites. [Vii] Due to the decline in the 80s and 90s oil prices these projects, however, were jointly with other research projects in the field of alternative energy, such as solar thermal power plants, experimental wind generators as the GROWIAN etc. largely abandoned. From the 90s of the 20th century, the research and development focused on conventional wind turbines. It was not until the turn of the millennium, there was a renewed interest in flight wind power plants. Achievements have here is the German Skysails AG, which has developed since the turn of the millennium with considerable effort, a system to save fuel on ships using self-sufficient maneuvering flight mats. This system was installed to date (2010) to approximately 10 boats and is located in a very advanced trial stage, without the production stage would have been achieved so far. [Viii] From about 2005 shows from various quarters increased interest in flight wind power plants to electricity generation. The reasons for this seem to be the one the emerging limitations of conventional wind turbines. Thus, in countries such as Germany prime areas for wind power plants are scarce. In addition, the size and power growth pushes conventional wind turbines limits. With a capacity of 5-7.5 MW a technical and economical limit seems to be reached. On the other missing until recently, various technologies for the development of flight wind power plants. Only by developments in the field of sensors, materials, computerized autopilot etc. of the construction and operation of flight wind power plants appear to be feasible. [Ix] A variety of university research groups and non-university start-ups have been dealing this time with the development of flight wind power plants. It also increased private lenders are aware of the potential of these technologies. So the company Makani has been able to collect about $ 30 million by a subsidiary of Google Group to develop a flight wind power plant. [X] In addition to a large number of patents [xi] and publications in the field are held from 2009 annual international conferences on flight wind power plants . [xii] It was also established with the Airborne Wind Energy Consortium, an international organization of enterprises operating in this area. Despite these efforts and success until 2009, the fully autonomous flight operation of an aircraft wind power plant over several days with autonomous takeoff and landing failed. [Xiii]

Potential of flight wind power plants Edit ]

Conventional wind power plants are limited to the use of near-ground wind, the hub height of the wind turbine, and the rotor diameter limits the maximum amount of usable wind.Existing in 2010 conventional wind power plants can use up to a maximum of 200 m above the surface winds (largest wind turbine Enercon E-126 with a hub height of 135 m rotor diameter of 63.5 m, total height 198.5 m). The average wind speed increases with the distance from the ground. Due to the ground friction of the wind is slowed down near the ground. On rough floor surfaces such as hills, woods or tall buildings, the braking effect is stronger than on smooth floor surfaces (lake, sea, plains with low vegetation). The influence of this braking effect of the ground surface on the wind decreases with the distance from the soil surface. This wind speed increases with height up to about 10 km altitude. At this height, the so-called jet streams occur with peak wind speeds of up to several hundred km / h in temperate latitudes. The average wind speed at the bottom is about 5 m / s, while it is 40 m / s in the jet stream. [Xiv] eightfold in a tripling of wind speed it takes around 27 times to. The average energy density in the jet stream at 40 m / s wind speed is not only eight times as high as at the bottom with 5 m / s wind speed, but is 512 times the energy density of near-ground wind. This potential can be gauged well with the help of a recent global atlas to the energy density of the upper winds at different altitudes between 80 m and 12,000 m. [Xvi] Flight wind power plants can also be operated within their maximum design maximum height in different varying heights. As a result, the height can be changed at low wind at a certain height. In addition, can be used from one place to wind energy from different heights, so that the usable as opposed to conventional wind turbines wind energy per unit area multiplied. This could be achieved on a small floor space significantly higher amounts of energy, land use, and the impact on the landscape would thus be reduced. The higher the wind speed at higher altitudes also means less downtime of the wind turbines. To produce conventional wind turbines by wind, depending on location, on average, only 30-40% of their rated power. [Xvii] In contrast, projected to high altitude wind turbines of up to 80% capacity utilization. [Xviii] This effect would improve the consistency of wind energy and thus mitigate a significant problem of wind energy. The associated rise to the Provision of alternative power sources, mostly from fossil fuels such as coal or gas would be eased. In addition, the electricity price drops due to the higher utilization of power plants. Due to the higher average wind speeds and lower depending on the soil conditions and the strength of the surface winds altitude wind power plants can also unsuitable for conventional wind turbines locations, such as in low-wind inland operate. Locations for wind power plants could thus depend on the power consumption in the region and less by the wind speed on the ground. As a result, the space required for the conversion of wind energy on energy consumption for network expansion itself could decrease. This requires about Germany in the transportation of wind power from the wind strong producing areas in the north to the consumption centers in the central and southern Germany. Assessments by various assume that the producer price of less than 1 Euro cent per kWh of electricity could be realistic up to 2 cents per kWh of electricity. [Xix] This means that flight wind power plants could produce up to 10-20 times cheaper electricity than conventional wind turbines. [xx] Should this view be correct, flight wind power plants would not only be by far the cheapest source of renewable energy, but also at least as favorable as fossil fuel power plants, even without taking into account externalities such as CO2 pollution. [xxi] For the use of wind energy is the Winds of fundamental importance. The usable energy increases not only linearly with wind speed, but decreases with the cube of the wind speed. [Xv] This means that if you double the wind speed, the energy contained in the wind

Design principles of flight wind power plants Edit ]

To achieve the winds aloft the Airborne wind turbine is not fixed, unlike conventional wind turbine on a tower or mast. Buildings with a height of several hundred meters or even kilometers are not or not created with reasonable effort. Flight wind power plants based on the fact that the wing is only held by a rope or cable. The Airborne wind turbine flying on this cable because it is lighter than air or held by the buoyancy of the wind in the air. This is a task to distinguish between the balloon-like, filled with light gases and thus suspended without dynamic lift flight wind power plants, which are lighter than air. An example of such an approach is the flight wind turbine from Magenn. This is a rotatably mounted about the longitudinal axis of elongated balloon like an anemometer or a Savoniusrotor rotates thanks mounted on the longitudinal side curved slats around the longitudinal axis and so drives a generator. The alternative is flight wind power plants, which are heavier than air. These convert a portion of the wind energy into dynamic buoyancy that keeps the Airborne wind turbine like a kite or kite sailing in the air. These systems provide a considerably higher demands on the control as a control error usually results in a crash. The proposed systems further differ in whether the electricity in the air takes place and is then transmitted via cable or wirelessly to the ground or if the power is mechanically transmitted to the generator at the ground station. Other types derive the kinetic energy about on ropes or chains to the floor. The generator produces electricity then on the ground. Furthermore, a distinction between power plants, flying or hovering stationary over a place, as well as between power plants, thereby increasing the energy efficiency, they quickly crosswind fly (Cross-Wind Power), such as in a circular motion or in the form of a. 8 These maneuvers, which are also used in kitesurfing, increase the swept from the wing surface, the relative wind speed on the wing and usable by the power plant wind energy. The principle behind it can be explained well by comparison with conventional wind turbines. In these, the tips of the wind turbine produce a large part of the total energy of a wind turbine. This is because these peaks extremely fast spin in a circle, and thus sweep over a large area. The wind is decelerated to the total swept area and not only on the circle cutout on which the wing is straight. Designers such fast-flying airplane wind power plants have the goal of reducing the wind power plant on these effective, then flying parts, and sacrificing the heavy and expensive remaining structural components such as the leaf centers, the hub and the mast.

Structural differences of Flight wind power plants to conventional wind power plants Edit ]

Design and materials Edit ]

The flying part of a flight wind power plant to be built easily. To make this addition to the choice of textile and flexible materials are to choose designs that strain the material in its most advantageous way. This means that as only tensile and compressive forces but hardly gravitational forces should act on the individual components as possible. In conventional wind turbines, but just these lateral forces prevail, so that the towers, blades, etc. have to be extremely stable dimensioned to withstand these lateral forces can.Thus, the required mass of these components increased many times over. Gravitational forces may anchoring ropes, as is the case with kites, be almost completely avoided.Increase bracing However, the air resistance significantly. As far as fast flight, the power output is to be increased, however, you have to keep a low drag at high buoyancy of a high glide ratio. Therefore, one of the challenges of the construction is to achieve sufficient stability for the structure of the supporting surface with a low weight and yet a low air resistance. For about inflatable structures with internal tension cables such as Tensairity® can be used. [Xxii] However, even with commercial Surfkites that are not aerodynamically optimal remarkable achievements of 30 [xxiii] and 40 kw [xxiv] calculated or have been achieved , Dyneema® is mostly used [xxv] for the ropes, with new materials such as nanotubes, could dramatically increase the performance and capabilities of flight wind power plants.

Command and control Edit ]

The autonomous control of the flight wind power plants and the fact that they fly in contrast to conventional wind power plants anywhere in the room, represents a key challenge in the development of flight wind power plants. [Xxvi] Previous developments are primarily failed because of this problem. A variety of sensors to measure as many parameters (wind speed and direction, position, velocity relative and absolute, direction of movement, rope tension, vibration, etc.) must be forwarded to an autopilot, which then control software performs the correct steering maneuvers. The software must be such that it allows a safe flight as possible, whilst promoting the greatest possible energy. In this case, make sudden and unexpected changes in wind speed and direction is a particular problem. Challenges also exist in the takeoff and landing phase, possibly an entirely different aircraft movement to normal operation is required. Lack of opportunities in the field of sensors and computational resources presented in earlier times one of the biggest obstacles on airport wind power plants. In recent years, a variety of progress has been made in this field, however, so that appropriate sensors are now available at low cost.Meanwhile, mobile phones are equipped as standard GPS sensors or even position sensors (such as iPhone and Wii controller) itself. The actual flight control is performed either as a plane through various attached to the Airborne wind turbine (elevator, rudder, aileron) Rowing, or according to the control with kites and kite by shortening the steering cords and ropes, and thus by a change in employment of wing or the kite. In the latter variant in each case all control cables can either be performed from the wing to the ground station, which is then to be expected with appropriate cable length with increased air resistance and for delayed response and less precise steering instructions. As an alternative, in itself, to bring together the steering parts in a steering module under the wing. The further connection to the ground station would then take place over a single cable. The steering module would then have to perform the steering movements but have a source of energy. This takes about using batteries in a built-in the cable power cable [xxvii] or by small wind turbines on the wing, which generate the operating current, done.

Electricity generation Edit ]

Basically, the power generation can be carried out in the air or at the ground station.

Electricity in the air Edit ]

To generate electricity in the air basically the potentially serious power generators shall be carried in the air. Secondly, current leakage to the ground station must be done.Usually via a cable incorporated in the power line occurs. It is also conceivable that transmission without power line would be approximately over microwave etc. conceivable power generation would be flying in the air by wind turbines. The lack of anchorage can be replaced by two counter-rotating wind turbines on a shaft or for example by a plurality of smaller wind turbines that are held by a frame. The latter approach is taken by Skywindpower whose prototype has four helicopter-like rotors. The electricity in the air can alternatively be carried out by a small, vertically mounted like an airplane wing propeller connected to the generator. The wing while flying fast circular movements and is decelerated by the drive of propeller and generator. This concept corresponds largely to the implementation of autonomous leaf tips of a conventional wind turbine. Only the braking is not performed by driving the central hub of a wind turbine, but by the small propeller on the wing. Both Makani and Joby Energy follow this principle. An advantage of most of these designs is that the generator during a lull, and for launching and landings can be used as a motor. The proposal of Makani and Joby Energy looks like before takeoff and landing in a helicopter, with energy being expended. With this option, the start and the safe landing during a lull is self-sufficient in these possible variations. In addition, an increased maneuverability increases in some variants by the possibility of controlling various motors similar to a mehrrotorigen helicopter. In the air, the described circular movement is then performed to generate electricity. Through the power line to the ground also the energy supply of the sensors and control of the wing is secured.

Power generation at the bottom Edit ]

When electricity is generated at the bottom of the generator is in the ground station. The energy is mechanically, usually by means of cables, transmitted from the airfoil to the ground station. The most favored variant is the so-called Jo-Jo configuration. In this case, the lift generated by the wing is used to pull the tether. The tether is released slowly and thereby drives the base station via a cable drum a generator. Once the end position is reached, the rope under expenditure of energy must be recovered. In this case, the wing is found to have a very low wind resistance and minimal time and energy required for recovering the rope. Then the cycle starts all over again. Other alternatives provide that the kinetic energy is transferred by a rapidly rotating tether, which thus serves as a wave, to the ground. The laddermill [xxviii] referred to the proposal of the former space shuttle astronaut Wubbo Ockels, provides for a power transmission similar to a bicycle chain, a circular tether ago in which several wings are evenly distributed. While located on the windward side of the rope wings are made so that they generate lift and pull one end of the rope to the top, the other wings are neutral set so that they produce the least possible resistance in the fall. At the ground station said apparatus, the ever-churning rope in turn drives a generator. The advantages of the power generation at the bottom are the potentially lower weight and potentially lower the complexity and cost of the airfoil. Crashes and wear would thus are less expensive. The ground station with the generator of a yo-yo configuration could be used for new technologies in Tragflügelbau. Possibly would also be possible, depending on the wind situation hydrofoil to use with different sizes or aerodynamic properties or to drive the generator with several wings at low wind. The disadvantages are seen in the need for the supporting surface energy supply as well as the inability of the autonomous takeoff and landing by helicopter principle.

Challenges in the development and operation of aircraft wind power plants Edit ]

In addition to the mentioned currently unresolved technical issues, there are also other areas of conflict for the realization of flight wind power plants.

Airspace and collision hazards to aircraft Edit ]

Flight wind power plants can be operated beyond the airspace of 100m height addition, for there is competition and risk of collision with aircraft. It is primarily a competition with the private flying for the use of up to 1000 m. To ensure the security of private flying should be set to the location of wind farms flight fly zones to ensure, as they now exist already on nuclear power plants and other built-up areas. In the relatively low service life of the installed Skysail drives a near-collision has taken place with a helicopter. [Xxix]

Lightning and extreme weather conditions Edit ]

The long tethers are excellent conductors, is likely to result in increased thunderstorm with lightning strikes. In this case, however, there appears to be sufficient to allow appropriate insulation of the wing and the ground station against lightning. Furthermore, flight wind power plants can be landed in appropriate weather conditions. This raises the question remains whether in cold weather the wing icing is a major problem. Furthermore, the question arises how quickly the materials as well as the cables used in continuous operation wear out and must be replaced.

Crashes Edit ]

It is difficult to calculate due to the complex control of the flight of wind power plants as air, at least in the test phase with increased crash. Even with sophisticated systems, crashes can probably not be excluded with certainty. Therefore Flight wind power plants should only come into question in such locations where a risk to humans is excluded. [Xxx]

Legal and operating license Edit ]

Exist for the construction and operation of aircraft wind power plants in 2010 for Germany as yet no specific regulations. Construction (planungs) legal and aviation law permits should be obtained only with considerable effort by individual decisions. Flight wind power plants should, however, not unlike conventional wind power plants, the feed-in tariff according to the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) was obtained.

Interesting links: Edit ]

  • Congress flight Wind Power Plants 2010 ( 
Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16510 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 1/10/2015
Subject: Re: Wing Construction Economics //Re: [AWES] ROI and lifetime

It was just posted: (italics just added; bold just added)

 "There is no utility for a kite with high L/D ratio and sweeping 20 times the useful needed area."

Maybe the above statement counters itself; the trick would be to sweep the area that is useful and needed. So, the following counters may not be needed.  

So a theorem proposal might be: Sweep the area that is useful.

There is for me a fuzziness about phrase "useful needed area."  If  an area is needed to do the sweeping, then such area would seemingly be "useful."

We need only one counterexample to the far-above statement, perhaps respecting that the fuzziness of "useful  needed area" phrase is resolved,  in order to bring back the potential utility of having a high L/D wing sweeping 20 times an area which would otherwise be used by a non-sweeping wing of high L/D. I hold out that my wrestling might be taking the subject statement somewhat out of context or intent of he original statement.

First counterexample: 

When ambient wind in not adequate for keep a wing flying, then sweeping the high L/D wing in figures will provide an apparent wind to keep the wing flying kitingly.

Second counterexample: 

In "pick-and-place" sweeping may well be the direct working mode; sweep to pick and then return to another point to place.

Third counterexample:  

Consider niche spaces where area is superabundant. Have a large-figure path of sweeping for a large flygen; sweep to increase the apparent wind for the flygen drivers.

I am streaming with other examples where high amount of sweeping of a high L/D kited wing would be useful and needed.

~ JoeF

Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16511 From: joe_f_90032 Date: 1/10/2015
Subject: Re: German Language Wikipedia AWE page


Flugwindkraftwerk – Wikipedia


Group: AirborneWindEnergy Message: 16512 From: Pierre BENHAIEM Date: 1/10/2015
Subject: Re: Wing Construction Economics //Re: [AWES] ROI and lifetime

For conventional HAWT swept area is determined by the size of the rotor, and efficiency by solidity among other factors. The outer part of blades sweeps more area , solidity being something like 1 % . And solidity increases by getting closer of the root.

For AWES where "crosswind" kites are used it is the reverse: the size and the features of kite should determine swept area. Of course flying involves additional parameters to be considered within useful area. So useful area can be a compromise between different parameters of which maximization of space and flying requirements.

