Automated Line Handling  
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April 6, 2020, post by Dave Santos
Automated Line Handling  

Winching and reeling are complex line operations by themselves, but automated rigging is the most complex line-handling challenge. For now, ordinary winches and pullies tend to require two hands setting-up lines, but we hardly notice the dexterity required. 

As AWES lines are replaced relentlessly over time, at dangerous scale, no doubt "sailing in the sky" will come to feature highly automated line-handling, much as film projectors and tape recorders evolved mechanically to thread themselves. Complex line-feed art is well understood in many trades, ready for AWE engineering reuse. Sewing machines are full of clever thread-handling. Self-tailing winches have long added useful line-handling capability in yachting, but mechanical knotting in agriculture is a truly advanced similarity case-