daveS said: "Correction Minestos's
system has been "up and running" in the normal process of major
extended field trials, for some years now. The pace of progress is
faster than Doug implies."
***Doug Replies:
I am so grateful to have someone always there to instantly "correct"
anything I may say... You are talking about a scale prototype,
right? As an "AWE expert", can you provide any performance or
energy generation data? Continuous operation? Reliability?
daveS wrote: "Whether or not
investors make money is a separate question, but at least the principle
is sound and SAAB engineers have a long track record of successful
engineering. Minesto is no fly-by-night outfit, and there is a betting
chance that investors will be lucky, like "buying Microsoft early"*.
***Doug Repies:
So it can't "fly" after the sun goes down? Kidding. It does
seem that they have a serious effort, which may work out or not.
Not sure whether it can be characterized as "not a fly-by-night effort"
before the outcome is known. Beware of accomplishments stated
ahead of the fact in the field of clean energy. In fact one might
note that in this field, virtually ALL "accomplishments" are mere
futuristic wishful statements, framed as established fact.
Consider the odds.
daveS wrote: "Minesto
could even move into AWE and dominate, on the heels of paravane
***Doug Repies:
I think Joe has stated that Minesto is AWE.
daveS wrote:* "This is a
high-stakes game for qualified pro investors, not the place for
grandma's life savings."
*** Doug Replies: maybe we should
either invest or not, since all this chit-chat will not really do
JoeF notes:
Yes, paravanes are AWE.
The forum preamble has water as media for energy kite
systems. Jalbert is followed on this matter. My guess is that
DaveS intended to note that Minesto may enter energy kite systems where
the air is the primary media. Of course, we have many
energy kite systems that employ two media: water and air,
soil and air. And we have rehearsed how three-media energy
kite systems have a potential play: soil, water, and air ... all
employed in one energy kite systems.