
 Member-sent notes       

October 2009
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   See other months' notices 

New feature:  Send your online note now
1Oct2009 http://www.HAWPConference.com

Recent attendee adds: Dave Culp of KiteShip, Dave Santos, Wayne German, Joe Faust,  Robert Creighton of WindLift, Marc Ricketts, Dave Lang of Drachen Foundation, Grant Calverley of SkyMill Energy, Scott Webster of SkyMill Energy, Allister Furey, Corey Houle of SwissKitePower
Alexander Bormann of Aeroix

Let us know if you are attending.

Joe's  personal card for the November 5-6, 2009, event at Chico, CA 

1Oct2009 Need ground crew and talent
in Southern California

Hi everyone:                             October1, 2009                       M335
I'm based in Southern California.
I'm looking for people with trucks, tools, willing hands, computer skills (recording data and CAD including machine layout and mold design) - any of the above to help out with setups and logistics, data acquisition, an upcoming film shoot with Discovery Channel and others. There is no upper limit to where this
could go (excuse the pun) although I am also pursuing ground-based, tower-supported solutions.

The locations include my current shop location in Fullerton, near Disneyland, coastal and especially desert sites such as Palmdale, Victorville, Hesperia, Tehachapi, Boron, and Palm Springs. It can be a lot of work but is always interesting and usually fun.

Doug Selsam
Selsam Innovations / Superturbine Inc. / U.S. Windlabs
2600 Porter Ave. Unit B
Fullerton, CA 92833

1Oct2009 GWEC              Global Wind Energy Council

Will AWE industrial, regional, and association members join GWEC?

1Oct2009 AWEA     American Wind Energy Association

Will AWE industrial entities of the Americas join AWEA?


    Editors may edit your note. We won't publish your e-mail unless separate direct permission is granted. E-mail or send link to your images, drawings, photographs, plans, documents: Notes@EnergyKiteSystems.net

AWE science, physics, aerodynamics, scales, people, companies, investors, users, buyers, neighbors,  engineering, arts, technology, commerce, politics, issues, safety, lore, sport, humor, methods, history, patents, measure, energy storage, low altitude, high altitude, low wind, high wind, moored, freeflighteds, recreational, residential, utility, commercial, nomadic, miniature, micro, demographics, startups, business, products, demonstrations, experimentations, organizations, aerostats, kytoons, kites, rotors, pulleys, lines, visibility, communications, educational programs, games, meetings, governance, certifications, operating, inspecting, manufacturing, investing, management, regulations, sizing, siting, decommissioning, launching, emergencies, accidents, intellectual property, wind resources, jet stream, dynamic soaring systems, at sea, literature references, comments, cartoons, jokes, futurisms, ideas, suggestions, calendar notices, job offers, position wanteds, nominations, problems, suppliers, materials, advances, customers, installation announcements, team field experiment opportunities, tethers, controls, robotics, fatigue, wear, repair, research, terms, pricing, costing, comparisons, competitions, contests, milestones, surprises, successes, experiences, needs, illustrations, urban, rural, tug, generators, pumps, hardware, test center designs, airspace-use permits, progress in your nation, replacings over HAWT, software, self-inflating kytoons, sensors, turbulence, operating standards, system standards, safe operating procedures, procedures, wins, niche applications, net-energy-cost reports, proofing, research needs, comparisons with hard-towered wind power, milestone expressions, linear AWE and cyclic AWE, ribbon rotors, achievements, certifications, mechanical work application, IFR issues,   term or phrase explications for glossary development:
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z ,
or other AWE matters.    

1Oct2009 Certification of AWE systems?
To meet local governance standards? 
Customers want to compare various AWE systems for their applications.
Get a feel for our AWE future
by extrapolating from experiences in the hard-towered turbine world.
Insurance companies will be getting involved. Who will be advising and testing?
1Oct2009 What AWECSs need no ground-mooring siting?
Your descriptions are invited for this family of solutions.
Right now online you may send  online note now.

Notice the challenge facing the hard-tower power cousins.


Big air bladder under large mass of soil? Pump air into the bladder to store AWE gained energy?
Big air bladder at bottom of pond, lake, sea: Pump air into bladder from AWE system drive.

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== Low-altitude airborne wind energy conversion systems        LAAWECS or LA-AWECS
== Medium-altitude
airborne wind energy conversion systems   MAAWECS or MA-AWECS
== Sweet-spot
airborne wind energy conversion systems    SSAWECS or SS-AWECS
== High-altitude
airborne wind energy conversion systems      HAAWECS or HA-AWECS

A wide variety of AWE methods are being identified for low-altitude airborne wind-energy capture. Tethering between mountains, buildings, aerostats, kytoons, etc. at low-altitude mine messy winds, venturi sites, artificial streams, high-coordination with water flows, etc.  Short-tether ever-ups can move into urban spaces. Recreational-beach-visit battery-charging smallAWECS could do its magic while napping or swimming.  Much more ...

Also, a generous choice of methods for high-altitude airborne wind-energy capture present to engineers. Two large categories of methods:
     1. Mooring type:  Ground (or water) moored (fixed or mobile)       
     2. Free-flight dynamic  (no tether to ground or water)

A couple of severe types within the umbrella categories of LA, MA-, SS- or HA- regards 
     1. Gen position: position of the generator or pump: lofted gen or groundstationed gen;  and
     2. Up duration: whether or not the system is an "ever-up" or a system that frequently collapses into a non-working phase.

Control further affects design: active control (robotic or human or combination) or passive control.

Additionally, size or scale matters.

Specific application could strongly modify design choices.

Budget drives final design of AWECS. Send  online note now

2Oct2009 AWE demonstrations at
2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games?

Brazil AWE

AWE-lympics showcase various methods and sizes?
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2Oct2009 Say "kite" in various languages:

Help is wanted on expressing "airborne wind energy" or "kite energy" or related terms in each language on earth.        
Send note online now.   Corrections are invited!

So far:

  • English:     airborne wind energy, kite energy,

  • Dutch:       

  • Italian:

  • Russian:

  • Chinese:

  • Swahili:

  • Arabic:

  • German:

  • French:

  • Yoruba:       Awon ero afefelepo          (literally windpowered engines)  |
     ohun ìÿeré tí a þ fi afëfë fë ní òfúrufú

  • Hausa:

  • Zuru:


  • Send  online note now

2Oct2009 When a ship is anchored,
why not go for charging batteries
via HA-AWECS?  
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2Oct2009 M337
2Oct2009 "Kiddy kites, of all things, come with a printed warning against an ancient dread: being struck dead from the heavens; be warned all ye would-be New Prometheus, stealing Sky God electricity."  DS     Send  online note now
2Oct2009 http://www.gutenberg.org/files/18127/18127-h/images/071kite.jpg    Send  online note now
2Oct2009 Send  online note now
3Oct2009 AWE application: Saw lumber using the back-and-forth line.     Send  online note now
3Oct2009 International Filing Date: 22 September 2006 

Kite Power Generator

Kit Nicholson (GB)
Hamish Nicholson (GB)

Marc Ricketts of Portland Oregon, USA

(57) Abstract: The Kitepower Generator uses one or more kites that go through
an oscillating cycle of motion creating varying forces on their tether lines. These
varying forces are converted into rotation, using a crankshaft. The cycle of motion
may be driven by the inherent kite design or through the action of two or
more tether lines connected to a crankshaft. The pull from the lines is stronger
when they pull out and weaker when they are being pulled in. The cycle of
motion may involve flapping, swirling, waving, swooping, veering or feathering.
Several kites may be connected or combined into a single composite kite.
Efficiency is higher with three or more lines so that one is always pulling out
strongly. Various techniques keep kites aloft in still or stormy weather..

"The invention uses eight different categories of kite, each of
which involves a repeated pattern of forces on the lines
, caused by different processes. These categories are:
  1. flapping kites
  2. swirling kites
  3. waving kites
  4. spinning kites
  5. kites with changing angle of attack
  6. feathering or venting kites
  7. kites moving in a repeated path through the sky
  8. auto-gyro kites."

Airfoil shaped kite with aileron extensions

 Marc C. Ricketts

[ED: Such could become part of an AWE system.]    Send  online note now

3Oct2009 http://www.foreverflying.com/         Send  online note now

micro-scale AWE     microAWE    microAWECS     microLAAWECS   microMAAWECS    microSSAWECS   microHAAWECS      And these systems  in various realms: sport, residential, nomadic recreational, farm-commercial, farm-utility ...      And at mooring mode: Free-flight (FF), static, mobile.

Nine-dimensional AWECS:
(scale,     energy-converter position,      energy-converter type,     service quarter,     application,     altitude,       mooring mode,     control mode,     budget)
 :: (A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H, I)      Find a finite count of reasonable selections for each dimension; then generate the product ABCDEFGHI to get the number of product considerations.  Focus on one of those 9-D products and see if you could become enthusiastic about producing a fine-tuned product.

My first blush selection of size of members of the 9-D AWECS has these counts (8,2,6,10, 100, 4, 4,3,4) for 8x2x6x10x100x4 x4x3x4 =18 432 000    or about 18 million product points for consideration. Tweaks for each one of those points would be part of a maker's decision. Plenty of room for creativity!  What do you come up with?     Send  online note now

Sample 9-D AWECS: (handy-sized kites, groundstationed generator, wood-saw, residential, cut logs to flatboards, SS-AWECS, static mooring using two moored pulleys anchored, active children control left-right cycles, low-budget scavenged materials for one-season use)

Another 9-D AWECS sample: (giant, ground gen, electric generator rotary based, utility for grid supply, energize part of Los Angeles, high altitude, fixed mooring, smart robotic controls, $2 million per year total system).

...sample #18,000,000 :   ?   Send  online note now

Higher-dimension AWECS design tools very well may be useful to some groups. And many of the dimensions have more choices than hinted here; e.g. service quarter could be expanded to specific ends--hundreds are possible, e.g. agricultural, military, advertising, logging, transportation, art, etc.

Three-dimensional table
(service quarter, altitude, mooring mode)
which gives 6x4x3=72 product considerations

Sport Mooring choice:

Ockels Wubbo Johannes
Ruiterkamp Richard
Lansdorp Bas

Patent Office: European Patent Office (EPO)

Title: Kite, method of generating power using such a kite, method of providing driving force to a vehicle using such a kite, vehicle provided with such a kite, power generation assembly comprising such a kite

Application No: EP20070117133 20070925
Publication No: 1905687 (A2)
Publication Date: 2008-04-02

Kite (1) having a main body (K) provided with at least a first and a second connection cable (4,5) and at least one main pulling cable (6), the at least first and second connection cables (4,5) each having a first (4a,5a) and a second end (4b,5b), the first ends of the at least first and second connection cables being connected to the main body of the kite at different positions of the main body, the second ends of the at least first and second connection cables being connected to the main pulling cable, wherein at least one regulator (2,3) is provided between the first ends of the connection cables and the main body and/or between the second ends of the connection cables and the at least one main pulling cable, a control being provided for controlling the at least one regulator so that the kite is steerable. The invention further relates to a method of generating power using such a kite, a method of providing driving force to a vehicle using such a kite, a vehicle provided with such a kite and a power generation assembly comprising such a kite.

More info. on patent application:   http://v3.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?CC=EP&NR=1905687

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3Oct2009 Call for notes regarding:
self-reinflating LTA kytoons.
What are the potential mechanisms, chemistries, membranes, altitudes, etc. that may give ever-up LTA kytoons (EULTAK) for AWE where hydrogen loss from bladders is replenished via only-aloft mechanisms?  
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Inputs so far:

  1. Determine the ambient moisture available to the kytoon's surface at various altitudes.

  2. Determine ways to capture the moisture.

  3. Determine ways to split the water.

  4. Determine ways to feed the hydrogen to the LTA bladders as wanted.

  5. What aloft uses might there be for the oxygen? Should the oxygen be simply released?

  6. How might a lofted lighter-than-air tethered kytoon self-recharge with hydrogen from upper-air water?
    We want an ever-up kytoon for use in airborne wind energy conversion system (AWECS).

  7. http://smallblimps.lefora.com/2009/06/11/small-blimps-for-awe-during-mooring-mode/page1/

  8. Small urban EULTAK AWECS  (SUEULTAKAWECS) multiplied a billion times may make long grid electrical transmission lines unnecessary. [Call for short cool acronym:  Send note now easily online.]




Mobile moorings?   Ship is moving, raft is moving down a river, cart is sliding down a mountain incline, human-holder is running, ocean current is transporting raft, hang glider pilot  is moving through the air, railed cart, etc.      E.g.: Scene: morning with no wind; you are on a river on a raft that is going down river driven by the current of the river; the motion creates a relative wind on your kite; you have a TipBoom AWE arrangement and a passive path-control device aloft.  

Free-flight AWE:  Another kind of mobile mooring for an AWECS occurs when the mooring device is wholly flying; this occurs in several known ways among which are these:

1. When the mooring is a human body and that body is falling, perhaps even partly flying, as that body is the pilot of a hung hang glider pilot in the kite-type hang glider where the hang lines are connected to the upper kite; this kite system uses winds and gravity energies to convert those in gliding and soaring results.  Extend this sort to unmanned very-smart soaring systems that mine part of lift gains to generate electricity during the flight; use that electricity to sustain flight or for forming beams to energize remote receivers.  Also see the FFU (free-flight unit firefight AWE system note).

2. Another flying-mooring AWECS involves a mooring of an upper kite system that is itself a kite system; the dynamics of the two ends of the tether are operated to maintain the ends in different wind spaces for a result that keeps the entire AWECS aloft; part of the dynamics is mined to make electricity aloft; in one version, some of the electricity is used to generate lasers to beam to earth receivers or receivers in other aircraft

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3Oct2009 China AWE inventor mentions protecting the earth from the sun by the kite system used generate electricity. 

JINLUN HUANG [CN]   CN101368545 (A) 2009-02-18:
Integration wing power generation kite

Call for translation from anyone; thanks.

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Inventor:  BERNHOFF HANS [SE]  

Abstract of WO 2009022979 (A2)
The invention relates to a wind-power unit having a kite (1 ) having a line (3), which is connected with a generator (2) in a ground station. Control means (4, 7) are arranged to set the position of the kite (1 ) in relation to the wind (W). By coupling means (5), the generator is (2) connected with an electric mains (6). According to the invention, the coupling means (5) comprises an electrical energy converter connected with the stator of the generator (2). The invention also relates to a method for generating electrical energy, where the tensile force from a kite is utilized to drive a generator. The current from the generator is converted and is delivered to the mains. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Data supplied from the esp@cenet database — Worldwide

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3Oct2009 Self-generating kite

Abstract of CN 201182908 (Y)

The utility model relates to a self-powered kite, which belongs to the kite filed. The self-powered kite is composed of a kite body, a lighting component, a midget wind driven generator and a control circuit. The midget wind driven generator is fixed on the kite, a skying hollow space is arranged on the surface of the kite corresponding to the midget electrical generator, and a conducting wire is drawn out by the electric power of the midget wind driven generator and electrically connected with the lighting component on the kite. Because the midget wind driven generator is used on the kite, the electric power is increased, the brightness of the lighting component is enhanced, the electrical battery is cancelled, and the cost is saved. 

[ED: This a toyAWECS; the electricity is used aloft in the kite to power lights on the kite. The generator is on the kite. Extrapolation: Excess generated electricity might be converted to laser and beamed to receiver stations on ground or in other aircraft. The drawing looks like they are using a Dave Santos kitemotor on a tail with a generator in the tail line that holds the kitemotor; this is my first survey, not comprehensive. Notes are invited. ]

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3Oct2009 Not yet studied by editor:
1 Integration wing power generation kite
  Publication info: CN101368545 (A) — 2009-02-18 
  Publication info: WO2009022979 (A2) — 2009-02-19 
3 Self-generating kite   
  Publication info: CN201182908 (Y) — 2009-01-21 
4 Kite electric generator  
  Publication info: CN201144764 (Y) — 2008-11-05 
5 Kite type mobile phone charger   
  Publication info: CN201146224 (Y) — 2008-11-05 
6 Kite power generation method  
  Publication info: CN101240778 (A) — 2008-08-13 
7 Aerofoil kite wind power station   
application/pdf CN101230840B.pdf
Publication info: CN1012307770 (A) — 2008-07-30 
8 Kite Power Generator  
  Publication info: US2008231058 (A1) — 2008-09-25 
  Publication info: EP1937968 (A2) — 2008-07-02 
10 Power generation kite   by  KAI ZHAO [CN]  
  Publication info: CN201059244 (Y) — 2008-05-14 
  Publication info: JP2008095517 (A) — 2008-04-24 
  Publication info: WO2008034421 (A2) — 2008-03-27 
13 Power generator using oscillations of a kite  
  Publication info: GB2439215 (A) — 2007-12-19 
14 A shining kite  
  Publication info: TW281414 (B) — 2007-05-21 [ED: AWE gen is in kite. Micro-generator for onboard utility.]

Abstract of TW 281414 (B)
A shining kite comprises a kite body and a light emitting device located in the kite body. The light emitting device comprises a micro generator, a fan and a lamp. The fan and the lamp are connected to two ends of the micro generator respectively. The micro generator is correspondingly worked by the rotation of the fan providing electric power and effecting the lamp lighting when the kite is levitating.


15 Vertical axis wind turbine with control system steering kites  
  Publication info: EP1672214 (A1) — 2006-06-21 
  Publication info: JP2005048765 (A) — 2005-02-24 
17 Tethered kite with integral generator has a hollow support coaxial to the line and carrying a propeller and rotor to generate power for on board equipment  
  Publication info: DE10339750 (A1) — 2005-04-07 
  Publication info: WO03039949 (A2) — 2003-05-15 
19 Wind power method for generating electricity, uses kite to unwind cable in order to rotate drum  
  Publication info: NL1017171 (C1) — 2002-07-25 
  Publication info: JP62163722 (A) — 1987-07-20 
21 Wind generator kite system  

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3Oct2009 Study and translation  notes by anyone are invited       Send your  online note now
Aerofoil kite wind power station
CN101230840B Jan 22, 2007 Dec 29, 2010 黄金伦 Aerofoil kite wind power station


Aerofoil kite wind power station  

Page bookmark CN101230840  (B)  -  Aerofoil kite wind power station
Inventor(s): JINLUN HUANG +
Applicant(s): JINLUN HUANG +
- international: F03D5/00; F03D9/00
- cooperative: Y02E10/70; Y02E10/72
Application number: CN2007166816 20070122 
Priority number(s): CN2007166816 20070122
Also published as: CN101230840 (A) 


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3Oct2009 Not AWE, but spirit helpful:

Ancient power source rediscovered in African village

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Two missing AWE solutions-

A Traction Kite can sequentially pull the legs of a string tripod to generate energy with wind from any direction without resetting leg anchors.

Sequential tensioning & slacking of the legs of a string tripod can maintain a kite aloft in calm by towing it in circles. Similarly a kite can be kept aloft by towing back & forth between two anchors. 

Large expensive turrets, carousels, or circular/oval tracks are rendered unnecessary                                   
                                                          Dave Santos            May 2009 

Editorial quick illustration of Dave's note on the two-anchor stay-aloft scheme
without need for LTA kytoon:

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Historical note from June 2007:

 "After calm, a small (”toy scale”) helium lifter kite can lift a windcatcher surface to re-launch a big power kite, provided you have automated control OR a cheap sled kite lifting a high L/D pitching foil to do the pump function, without special control, at high efficiency.   No human needed to operate ~7/24.

What kite power needs is a business umbrella like, say, WindLift to gather all the DIY appropriate-tech prototype scale schemes in a collaborative push.

More later on Portland OR kitebot/autokite group & the open-source APE KiteMotor…

"                                                                          Send your  online note now


Call for "talking points"
on challenges of the hard-towered wind turbine industry that may be resolved by AWECS.
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Proof and explication of claims and statements in these talking points
form part of the work being done by researchers, developers, students, scientists,
engineers, kite labs, AWECS manufacturers, and certification labs.
Sample ground-hugging hard-towered effort: Vestas
Sample AWECS efforts

So far received:

  1. Heavy turbine blades are replaced by AWECS fabric sails.
  2. Raised generators are replaced with easy-accessed groundstationed generators and pumps.
    Costly transport of large turbine blades is replaced by compact low-cost transport of fabric sails
  3. Precision hard large towers are replaced by flexible tether lines.
  4. Low-ground-hugging sparse wind sites are replaced with upper-air steadier and stronger and more prevalent winds in many more places.
  5. Generator maintenance costs are much reduced by having the generator at the groundstation.
  6. Intermittency of the winds at the ground-hugger hard-towered turbines is more prevalent than the upper-air winds for AWECS.
  7. Visual pollution by the ground-huggers is high. AWECS can nearly be out of sight.
  8. Noise.
  9. Disturbance of local boundary-layer winds is emphatically focused by ground-hugger turbine windplants. Differently the AWECS tap high winds where the smoothing effects much less disturb local wind at boundary layer.
  10. Large ground-hugging turbines dominate and grab land very strongly.
  11. There are AWECS solutions that may use much less land.
  12. Net cost of energy available for practical work derived from large ground-hugging wind turbines at best will be heavier than that obtainable by the best of AWECS.
  13. High production costs of the ground-huggers requires incentives to support them. The AWECS will so lower costs that incentives will not be required to install.
  14. As the ground-hugging hard-towered turbine industry begins to morph into AWECS, there will be opportunities to use what has been learned in the ground-hugging efforts. The knowledge base on generators, power conversion, energy storage, interface with grids, negotiating with utilities, communicating with government, etc. will translate into gains as AWECS becomes the new face of wind energy.
  15. The large turbine supply chain might morph to supplying kitemotor blades, kytoon parts, ground anchors, and more.
  16. Can extant towered generators be lowered to the ground and brought into play for AWECS application?
  17. How to recycle decommissioned large turbine blades?
  18. Could extant towered turbine foundations be used for anchors for AWECS in place?
  19. Find ways to have extant wind workers of the hard-towered variety be placed in the new AWECS world.
  20. Give leading information to all workers of the hard-towered industry that will point to ways for them to tweak their services into the AWECS wind-energy format. Translation may be easier than remote replacement.
  21. Game: Give $100 USD to each of two engineers. One engineer does his or her best to generate useful electricity from wind via ground-hugging methods during the course of a month. The other engineer does his or her best to generate useful electricity from wind via an AWECS system during the course of a month. Neglect wages for the engineer. Have no other workers involved. Carefully observe the manufacturer and working systems. Measure carefully the energy production rates and challenges.
  22. Where to site towered wind turbines is difficult; siting AWECS is very much an easier task.
  23. Ground-hugging towered turbines have a tight operating range; AWECS have a broad operating range.
  24. Site testing is less costly in AWECS. The Hard-towered turbine siting costs are tremendous.
  25. Ever-up AWECS will permit use closer to energy consumption points.
  26. Turbine wind shadow in the nearly 2-D ground-hugging hard-towered wind farms causes land-use spread, whereas the 3-D space in AWECS compresses land-use needs.
  27. Ground-hugging hard-towered can be viewed as approximating a two-dimensional mining operation; AWECS differently can be viewed as a thick three-dimensional  mining operation where the energy-density over a land-line is far greater than the energy density in the ground-hugging realm.
  28. Grounded wind energy and airborne wind energy! 
  29. Energy consumers deserve to be given the power to choose an energy mix that includes the efficient airborne-derived energy.
  30. Get the answers to these and other questions by joining
  31. Project developers deserve to join airborne wind energy projects.
  32. Economic development groups will win with AWECS.
  33. Municipalities stand to have many gains when involving AWECS.
  34. More land owners may play when airborne wind power is involved.
  35. Wind energy manufacturers will do well to plan for the airborne wind energy needs.
  36. Wind component suppliers may begin adding AWECS components to their profile.
  37. Learning from the low-wind 2-D hard-towered dominant habit as AWE evolves? Digest all that is happening in wind power; then see how AWE may emerge from the flow.
  38. The main photo used at EWEA web shows the turbulence shadow of hard-towered turbines; the photo gives a strong press toward the 2-D-ness of ground-hugging fixed-base hard-towered windpower.
  39. Ground-hugging hard-towered turbine farms affect local downwind weather, agriculture, wind, temperature, ground-moisture content, turbulence, windspeed, agricultural interests, recreational interests, and more. How does all of that compare with MA-AWE? (mid-altitude AWE)? HA-AWE?
  40. ?

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Wind energy conversion has been occurring airborne for nearly 4000 years! 
What say you?   Yes, the dancing and tugging kite lines show the obvious mechanical energy derived from the kites' interaction with the winds of old.  That dancing and tugging kite line can be levered by the TippingBoom or TipB--and by other means too--in order to bring that mechanical energy into works: grinding, pumping, exercising arms and leg,  rotating the parts of an electrical generator, transporting vehicles, etc.  Airborne wind-energy conversion systems have a little brother where the tether became short and stiff to form the hard-towered wind-energy conversion systems operating in slow winds in constrained sites.  The tensional-towered tethered airborne kite systems tap high winds with less site costs. The ever-up AWECS will win the day for small and large installations. There are several types of ever-ups: HTA, LTA, TEWP, {FFU (free-flight unit), and FFB (free-flight binary).

"I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it."
– Pablo Picasso

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5Oct2009 "The fire-fighting kites might need no mooring but will require control similar to UAVs"      
Unsigned note input

[ ED:  This is an example of a FFU or Free-flight unit AWE system.  Might we see that the water-or-retardant-bag falling via gravity is the mooring, that the tether to the wing is the kite tether, and that the wing carrying the water is the kite wing. Together the system is a free-flying kite system.  Launch thousands of these even at night to fight fires. Launch via tow up and release or launch from mountain peak and RC guide the gliding free-flight kite system to points to fight the fire. Save on piloted aircraft and pinpoint the drops. ]

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"Kiting is fishing in the sky."   DS

[ED:  AWE is fishing for wind's energy with intent of converting that energy into useful work.]

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KiteLab Group

~~~Corporation cooperatively forwarding the interests of companies
producing, operating, designing, developing, manufacturing airborne wind energy products, intellectual property, ~~~


KiteLab Group cooperative IP disclosures:      M344,    
Send your IP disclosure for all:   ip@KiteLabGroup.com 

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Village power systems charged by AWE?                          Send your  online note now


Domestic remote power systems charged by AWE?                                               Send your  online note now


Wind turbines?
There are the low-ground huggers
and there are the higher-wind-reaching AWE types.

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5Oct2009 Wind Energy as a Significant Source of Electricity     
R. Gerald Nix                                      (1995)
National Renewable Energy Laboratory   

(ED: A major article that seems 100% blind to AWE. The sluggishness of tech communications and the momentum of the investments in low-ground-hugging hard-towered wind turbines along with its growing clout puts up quite a challenge for the AWE Industry Association (AWEIA) members. Strategy suggestions?
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Let     http://www.nrel.gov/    know of your projects and research.
http://www.nrel.gov/wind/     Let them know of your AWEsome works.

Get your AWE system faced by http://www.nrel.gov/wind/nwtc.html

Work with them: http://www.nrel.gov/wind/working_with.html  Take them up at their word: "Flexibility is the key to government-industry collaborations at NREL's National Wind Technology Center (NWTC), where companies get the support they need and can take full advantage of the center's capabilities."

Consider: Inventions and Innovations Program

Consider: http://www1.eere.energy.gov/financing/

Consider letting this company know of your AWECS: http://social.windenergyupdate.com/

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PopSci.com, September 2009
KiteGen Research update notes regards project to be completed in 2011.


Historical:   Growing KiteMotors  ...yet ongoing...

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Once a decision is made, how fast could the world install 1,000,000,000 AWECS? 
This is not a trick question!  Some support for your answering would be appreciated.

"It may be hard for an egg to turn into a bird:
 it would be a jolly sight harder for it to learn to fly while remaining an egg."
– C. S. Lewis

"Weight-to-watts in a kite-energy system counts for more than high L/D or rotor disc efficiency that drives terrestrial wind-power design. A lighter yet smaller turbine with lower L/D might easily beat a more massive rotor by flying higher, starting sooner, & finishing later."   DaveS

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40,000 ground-hugging hard-towered low-altitude wind turbines
to power up North America by 2015

[ED:  What nation will first aggressively install extensive AWECS ???]              Send your  online note now


ZBB Energy   
Store that wind! 
Use it when wanted.

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  • EU-AWECS ever-up AWECS
  • EU-TEWP   ever-up terrain enabled wing power
  • ever-up terrain enabled wing power   EU-TEWP

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PublicEnergy via AWE?     
The nonAWECS publicenergy scene is growing. The barber's red and white helix is being replaced by decorative wind-driven SpiralAirfoil-like items. What are the possibilities for AWECS in the publicenergy sector? Working TippingBoom AWECS could be sculpted to attract customers. Etc. Ideas? Installations?    For a nonAWECS lead, see http://www.blueterra.info/

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KiteLab is now a partner of GVEP, a major UK charity supporting alternative energy equity in the developing world.

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AWEIA has made an approach to Vestas.    See what Vestas today is about:
October 5, 2009  Vestas 'Business Excellence as the Next Step!'

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8Oct2009 Call for notes on the potentials of working AWECS doubling as "air capture" CO2 reduction devices and perhaps tripling as solar reflectors.    Related: 08 OCT 2009: REPORT   Pulling CO2 from the Air:   Promising Idea, Big Price Tag  

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Energy mix? Axiom: The portion of energy in nations' wind energy from AWECS will grow.     Send your online note now


On Oct 7, 2009, AWEIA applied for membership in GWEC.                    Send your online note now


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9Oct2009 http://windlift.files.wordpress.com/2007/06/hanglider-suspended-from-ae.gif     [ED: Combine pitching cycles with pendulumed boom with gen at ground-rotation axis with ratchet clutch or sprag.]

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9Oct2009 Scissoring X pendulum booms with oscillating pitching lifter-enabled pitching kite could have gen at soil level and pendulums below soil level. Upper part of X is with cable between the two top parts of booms; the cable center is base point for the the in and out main kite tether.  Booms could be from indigenous wood.

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9Oct2009 SeaAWE has many known formats.   
The current trend that portends a surge in offshore wind power using predominately hard-towered low-near-water nearly two-dimensional wind turbines will gradually morph into AWE dominated offshore wind power as efficiencies are appreciated for AWE 's three-dimensional ways. 

Prediction:   Innovative energy companies will be looking into seaAWE.    

Study of the following could advance seaAWE:

  1. Tug for transport of ships, barges, bodies, nets, cables, fishing line,
  2. Tug of hydroTurbine barge or ship where the kite system tugs and results in being prime mover for the hydroTurbines set in the ship or barge. Here energy storage can be compressed air in sea-bottom bladders. Or hydrogen could be generated with the kite energy and compressed for distribution at ports or via to-shore pipes. Electricity could be used on barge or floating village for manufacturing, living, communications, etc.
  3. Fixed-based seaAWE AWECS could transmit electricity to shore via transmission lines.
  4. Wind Topic Center    
  5. Offshore Wind - Comprehensive Initial Study is Critical, Intelligent Utility, May/June 2009
  6. Offshore Wind in Offing: LIPA Teams up with Con Edison, EnergyBiz, Jul/Aug 2009
  7. Deepwater Wind - The Next Frontier, EnergyBiz, Sept/Oct 2008
  8. The Regulation of Offshore Wind - CHALLENGES OF FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL RULES, EnergyBiz, Sep/Oct 2007

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9Oct2009 Actions that you have done for mission of AWEIA could be recorded in the transparent members-only working folder
What are members doing to advance AWE?    Send done actions to 
And send proposed To Dos.  Be part of the historical blossoming of AWE on earth and beyond!

For nearly 4000 years,  wind energy was being converted to mechanical energy by AWECS (moving kite lines, moving people's arms, tugging anchors, etc.). Following such lead, that mechanical energy is being mined to change the face of energy sourcing for the world.

9Oct2009 http://www.energycentral.com/events/by_type.cfm?etid=1&filter_sector=0&filter_topic=27

Learning from the low-wind 2-D hard-towered dominant habit
as AWE evolves?
Digest all that is happening in wind power; then see how AWE may emerge from the flow.

APW Wind Energy Conference, Investing in China    Oct 12, 2009 - Berlin Germany

AWEA Wind Power Finance & Investment Workshop  Oct 13, 2009 - Oct 14, 2009 - New York, NY - United States

8th International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems as well as on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Farms   Oct 14, 2009 - Oct 15, 2009 - Bremen Germany

AWEA Small and Community Wind Conference & Exhibition  Nov 03, 2009 - Nov 05, 2009 - Detroit, MI - United States

AWEA Supply Chain Workshop   Nov 03, 2009 - Nov 05, 2009 - Detroit, MI - United States

HAWP 2009 Conference   Nov 05, 2009-Nov 06 --Chico, CA -United States  AWEIA endorsed.

32nd World Energy Engineering Congress  Nov 04, 2009 - Nov 05, 2009 - Washington, DC - USA

5th Wind Power Development Tutorial   Nov 04, 2009 - Nov 06, 2009 - Houston, TX

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       To do
          Interested parties and active members, send new To dos to temporary coordinator JoeF  using    coordinator@aweia.org  for posting in the members' working folder To Dos.
When any member achieves an item, consider reporting actions and results for the working folder view in the Dones folder.        

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[Identifying testing and certification for AWE is a To Do process.  Learning from towered-turbine struggles? 
[ ]
    Testing facility for smallAWECS?  Certification body for smallAWECS?  Does an AWECS product perform as advertised? Are claims for a particular AWECS model accurate?  Customers will want third-party confirmations. Standardized testing of AWECS?   Standardized reporting on AWECS.

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What will it take to see a first
qualifying small wind electric system" that is an AWECS-based system? 

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Call for reports regarding
residential home net-metered to a profit via kite energy AWECS.

USA electricity costs to consumers:   http://michaelbluejay.com/electricity/cost.html

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  • [  ]    Call for  succinct milestone expressions for AWECS and ESE-AWECS, e.g.:     

    • Residential home net-metered to a profit via kite energy AWECS.

    • Off-grid home 100% operated at 1000 kWh for a month from ESE-AWECS ESE-AWECS

    • ????

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Open letter to NREL and ARPA-E by Doug Selsam

NREL        ARPA-E

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Old mantra "Achieving that vision will require turbine towers"  ???

New mantra: "Achieving that vision will require airborne tensioned tethers."

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Geoff Goeggel  used the term  "genset" in his fine proposal. (link in member group files: Wind Helix 3.pdf )


USA: Status of Electricity Restructuring by State

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Designing a wind farm  Part II   (hard tower)

[ED:   What here will apply to AWE wind farms and will not apply?
What will be unique AWE concerns in designing wind farms?]

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10Oct2009 Residential energy-production complex moving toward grid-less ways, less-wire-filled airspace:
  • EU-AWECS  (ever-up airborne wind-energy conversion system) working 24/7/365
  • Solar energy collection-conversion on surfaces: paths, exterior walls, roof, transport vehicle exterior surfaces, street, hats,
  • Physical exercise conversions (keep fit, reduce obesity, live longer, convert the work into stored energy)
  • Night-day temperature difference mined
  • Passive solar space heating
  • Excellent insulation
  • Compost gases
  • Efficiency advances
  • Simplifications
  • Wafting fence
  • Excellent energy storage
  • Smart reporting of total home-energy environment leading to enabling smart decisions
  • Strong closure of unneeded energy consumptions
  • For health, choose manual actions over many energy-consuming machine actions
  • ?

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Origin of AWE Species by AWEIA members and associates is being written
in the working folder of the association. All historical notes are invited: 
Your notes and research are invited for the project:      

Timeline, history, literature, publications, periodicals, newspapers, patents, references,
qualification of an airborne wind energy species, claims, proofing, illustrations, links,

  • Effects of windpower systems on wind patterns and climate?
    • How do hard-towered windpower turbines in windfarms alter local wind patterns and climate?
    • How would AWE windfarms alter local wind patterns and climate?
    • Could non-jet-stream AWE supply all energy needs of humans?
    • How would a massive AWE windfarm set in a jet stream alter wind and climate?
    • Could MA-AWE (middle-altitude AWE) be more friendly on local climate than ground-hugging hard towers?
    • Will seaAWE be wholly acceptable as to weather effects?
    • What could be the effect of have the upper surfaces of kites in AWECS be solar reflective so help send some of the sun's radiation packing back out to space in order to keep the earth a bit cooler?
    • If we learn enough, perhaps MA-AWE could be doubly used to cause some local climate changes that are wanted.
    • What % of available wind would supply the our energy need?   Ask of Cristina Archer and Ken Caldeira: If you tapped into 1 percent of the power in high-altitude winds, that would be enough to continuously power all civilization,”
    • Some authors have brought up the Butterfly Effect from chaos theory to question what might occur when mining wind for its energy.
    • Every energy sourcing will have costs and effects. Comparing results is part of the large process of choosing. When we obtain energy from AWECS to reduce getting energy from coal, oil, or natural gas, then a trade of effects occurs; how will the trade go?

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Some possibly related articles on the web:


Ever wonder what  www     means?

  • Wind will work.

  • Win with wind.

  • Wind will win.

  • Wind wins well.

  • Wind well wins.

  • World winds win.

  • Winning with wind.

  • What wins: wind.

  • Wind watts win.

  • Wind watts work.

  • Well, wind watts!

  • Want watts: wind.

  • Wanted: wind watts.

  • Wonderful wind watts.

  • Wrangling wind watts.

  • Wind's wonder works.

  • Wind works wonders.


  • W?? w?? w??.

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  • AWE could take thousands of lessons from the world of sailing.

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12Oct2009 KiteLab Disclosure; yet another scandalous AWE reality-

Tropopausal Stagnation Zones

Here's the true science- High Altitude Wind Power is a technical myth. It is the earth's rotational/flywheel energy that counts & global wind is mostly air dragging along at a slower speed. Wind actually flows backwards relative to the ground . The jet streams are worst of all & are more aptly named "Tropopausal Stagnation Zones" .

The secret to AWE is to tether the rapidly moving earth to rags dipped into the most stagnant air.


[ED:   Tropopause  |   The tropopause is the atmospheric boundary between the troposphere and the stratosphere. |    ]

12Oct2009  Google meter on October 12, 2009.   Note: Quotation marks maintain the phrase as the target. Second term is acronym and causes intersection report:   The running ratio is 13::1
  • "airborne wind energy" AWE                   2,220
  • "high altitude wind power" HAWP              170

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14Oct2009 Call for notes regarding:
  • raw materials outlook for the magnets in AWECS generators.
  • morphing hard-towered turbine companies into  AWECS companies.
  • the challenge of getting electrical safety in toyAWE, sportAWE, smallAWE, nomadicAWE, or residentialAWE.
  • first ready AWECS for small rural home.
  • how to convert trash small fan motors into generators for experimental smallAWE.
  • state of the art in aloft-hydrogen formation from atmospheric moisture for recharging LTA-lifter kytoons for AWECS.  (Note: Kytoons could be HTA or LTA; there are uses for both types.)
  • keeping ever-up AWECS aloft during storms. What extremes might be be tolerated for some niche applications?
  • using AWECS in conjunction with a health-and-fitness exercise program.
  • building a library of solutions for challenges that occur in AWE.  How to _________.
    • How to repair frayed tethers
    • How to repair bladder leaks in kytoons or kite airbeams used in AWE
    • How to effectively use soap bubbles in mapping local sites for smallAWE niche applications. How to make those bubbles.
    • How to use microAWE for lighting an AWECS tether for night visibility.
    • How to give day visibility to an AWECS tether.

  • calculating the potential of LA-AWE versus MA-AWE versus HA-AWE. Notice the multiplicity opportunity in LA-AWE.  Notice time costs, safety-assurance costs, etc.
  • niche applications for AWECS?   Target: comprehensive list of niche applications.
  • working life of a particular AWECS?  Maintenance, repair, de-commissioning?
  • mining messy flows with AWECS.  Where are those messy flows?
  • jerking-tether AWECS. How to convert jerks to electricity or pumping water or both?
  • keeping hydrogen bladdered with low leak rate.
  • on-shoreAWE.
  • off-shoreAWE.   SeaAWE.
  • projects seeking funding.       Page to be started soon.    Getting project birds to the top of slopes for glide initiation ...     E.g.
    • Our bodies' double-helix DNA inspired SpiralAirfoil Airborne is destined to beautify and energize human environments!.   Funds sought.   Contact Dan Parker.  Be part of a significant project.  $5000 lift sought.
    • Value this site. 

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15Oct2009 Falcon is not in flying saucer.   Where is the boy? He was not in the landed flying-saucer balloon.   He was found alive elsewhere hiding.  The boy is fine (well.... is he?)
 Incident might bring up serious problem solving concerning rescue of maintenance worker on runaway AWECS.     Ideas? 
15Oct2009 Welcome to Presto Wind!
15Oct2009 Airborne Wind Energy for Nomads

Dear Dr. Ismail Iro,
Your piece on Nomadic Education and Education for Nomadic Fulani make an interesting read. http://www.gamji.com/fulani7.htm
I am the African Regional Co-coordinator for the Airborne Wind Energy Industry Association (AWEIA) and a director of the KiteLab Group. The KiteLab Group headed by David Santos is an R&D firm in the field of Energy Kite Systems. http://www.energykitesystems.net 

Given the potential applications of Energy Kite Systems in the Nomadic World ranging from transportation, electricity generation, water-pumping and plain fun, you will agree with me that the Airborne Wind Energy Conversion Systems should interest relevant governments National & States, communities and other stake-holders in the migrants world which includes all who depend on the meat from the pastoral nomads' cattle.

I will be delighted if you would please link me with the National Commission for Nomadic Education in Nigeria for a possible partnership for the development of appropriate energy kite systems for the Mobile Schools that would save much on fuel costs and is safer given risks of transporting petrol for generator running.
Thank you for your kind favourable disposition.
Sincere regards.
John Oyebanji
Hardensoft International Limited

[ ED: See also Nomadic AWE  ]


15Oct2009 Nice clear distinction, Pierre Benhaïem:  linearAWE and cyclicAWE.      Great.   Indeed there are many linear AWECS methods and many oscillatory AWECS methods.  Linear via traction and tug; linear via reel-in-and-out method.    Cyclic: TipBoom, RockerArm, Eights galore, OrthoKiteBunch,  etc.      And there seems to by a kind of combine that is linear and cyclic with pulsations linearly on tether.  
15Oct2009 Wanted in nations: AWE-charged unmanned electric vehicle recharge stations.  Let the people circulate.

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Wind Energy Integration Into Power Grids 
October 29 - October 30, Chicago, IL USA 

utilityAWE will be facing the challenge of integration of  electricity into power grids.

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Energy Storage Summit 
October 27 - October 29, Washington, DC USA 
In many AWE scales, energy storage may be an important system aspect.

Storage of energy gains.            Energy storage notes are welcome.          Send your online note now

16Oct2009 Pierre Benhaïem of France,  as a non-enterprise contributing national team reporting representative in AWEIA,  officially entered his application for AWEIA membership as a founding member.   In agreement with the founding circle he envisions synergy under his following expressions:
              Possible actions:
                    -develop my projects.
                    -enter ideas for a classification of AWE.
                    -report related information in France.
                    -have contacts with eventual economic, politic, or industrial actors
                     to raise an interest for AWE in France.           Pierre Benhaïem

Pierre Benhaïem has joined other national and regional AWEIA reporting representatives.
If you wish to join the France team, please contact Pierre and AWEIA.  Nominations are open for other nation teams.          
16Oct2009 Kiting Regimes?           

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Energy Central Glossary  has been added
Kite-Energy Glossary set.

          Want to have some fun?           Provide a definition for a naked term in the AWE glossary.  

All are invited to enter definitions, related links, explanatory paragraphs, etc. for terms for the working-growing AWE glossary : 

    A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M 

    N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z

Welcomed for any term: 

     historical notes,     
     current uses of a term,
     and potential uses of a term.  

Neologisms  formed in an effort to express novelty, introduce innovation, display visions, advance an AWE-related product, support an AWE-niche application, make clear distinctions, forward a classification scheme, represent various technical cultural perspectives, etc. are welcome. 

 Rule:  Have fun making your contributions.  Soak in the joy of advancing the AWEsome era. 
         We have hundreds of naked terms; 

           dress them up to serve AWE !  
Make action over a term once a week or month ... to fit your interest.
Send edits as you wish.  
Your entries may be posted via e-mail at Notes   at    EnergyKiteSystems.net  

How high is the sky? 

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16Oct2009 [ED:     urban wind energy, urbanWE, urban AWE, urbanAWE, urban wind power, urbanWP, TEWP, TEAWECS.      Distinguish between airborne wind energy conversion systems and the various species of terrain-enabled wind energy conversion systems. Some TEWP are airborne devices that sustain themselves; some are airborne at calm and also upon wind reaction; some become airborne under wind while resting on ground in calm; etc.]

A subject extending TEWP subject.    What are possibilities for AWE as UWE?

Here is the first installed UWE in France (Calais), by WindWall, Dutch company. The structure of this horizontal axis of type Darrieus is next to Darrieus between buildings  which the great difference is no specific supports at the two ends of axis (supports are houses themselves), and its place between two houses (or mounts, as shown on TEWP topic). 

Urban Wind Energy  shows different UWE.

Pierre Benhaïem

[ED:  The title is very interesting. Of course nonAWE solutions in urbanWP have niche-application importance that is being broadly developed.   However, there remains the question of urbanAWECS where the systems are sustained by interaction with the air via buoyancy or aerodynamics with wind or a combination of both. There are innovations occurring in urbanWP in nonAWE as well as urbanAWE. Of course, during the development of AWE in any environment, there well may be hybrid schemes that remain interesting to AWE developers and nonAWE wind power developers. It is neat that centers of innovation are occurring in both nonAWE and AWE. EnergyKiteSystems has a core focus on kite- and kytoon-involved wind energy conversion systems; this focus is advantaged by studying the boundaries of the airborne focus.  That is, keeping the airborne focus while looking at near-AWE systems has proven to be beneficial to the AWE aims. For instance, consider the Darrieus beads of Darin Selby that could be kited in several ways fully airborne; consider the Selsam multi-rotors in their non-AWE formats and their airborne formats; consider the Dan Parker SpiralAirfoil in both the non-AWE and the AWE schemes. Lofting by kite systems all kinds of turbines are the eye of many AWECS developers. ]

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[ED:   AWE challenges in the urban environment
will be in addition to nonAWE WP solutions in the urban setting. ]

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17Oct2009 The drawing posted is meant as an invitation for others to send in fan-belted arrangements for airborning working tri-blades, di-blades, and uni-blades for pumping fluids or generating electricity with generator on the ground. All those hard-towered ground-hugging blades might be lofted sky high via tensional schemes.  Small or large blades.  Consider both upwind and downwind settings. Consider singlie blade or uni-blade. Consider double-blade, triple blade. Consider inflated blades under the airbeam tech including tensairity embeddings.



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Wind energy: fundamentals, resource analysis and economics, Volume 1    <Partial preview>

 By Sathyajith Mathew

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          Dave Culp is with extensive water-world and air space experience and is included here.  Dave Santos has been enhancing his various assets with several water-focused cultures (sailing, boating, fishing, ..).  Dave Lang has been leading kite energy in many essential ways and is copied herein. 

airKite, air kite, kite.                  
 See for water foils:   hydrofoil, waterKite, hapa, paravane.

Many terms have yet fuzzy definitions to be sharpened in time.
Have a go at the wiki for paravane that has been warmed by at least two of us.

         Thanks for questions to us.  

You are invited to four dynamic spaces: 

1, underwater-kite energy-production systems. 

2. energy-production systems that use both water kites and air kites in some cooperative arrangement; this would be a hybrid AWECS that involves water kiting and air kiting.

3. AWECS that are used in combination with water turbines which turbines are not kites. 

4. AWECS:  onshoreAWE or offshoreAWE (SeaAWE) or systems that at once have parts onshore and offshore.          

Some waterKite items and AWE

  • Kite pulls hydro-turbined barge. The hydro turbines make electricity. Perhaps the barge is also a surface for solar-cells. Perhaps the barge uses the electricity to make hydrogen and perhaps compress that hydrogen to be delivered at various ports or at-sea structures or ships.  
  • AWECS pumps water into a raised reservoir or tank or pond; the water is let out to drive water turbines. 
  • AirKite drags waterKite; the dynamics are smartly controlled to effect both transport and some mined electricity for use in the traveling system.   KitVes approaches a hybrid of this.
  • Cable anchored in sea at two points provides a path for a hydro-turbine driven left and right by airKite. 
  • AirKite AWECS at sea pumps air into deep-sea bladder to store energy; release of the compressed air drives electricity-generating turbines. 
  • Traction kite pulls hydrofoil with varied hulls or no hull for transport. 
  • Air-kite driven boats and ships dip water-turbines to generate electricity. 
  • The practice of bi-fluid two-kite systems (air and water) provide some practice for far-term dual-kite AWECS having no groundstation. 
  • Kite fishing has potential of saving the use of fuels.
  • Some confusions are possible; say "water-kite" to many water-using groups and they will think power kite that operates in the air.  
  • The large use of air kites in reducing use of other fuels in freighter-tugging are free to "fly" water kites for various uses: turbine-laden for energy production, mine clearing, cable lowering, underwater camera placement, etc.
  • Waterborne devices (hulls, boats, waterChute, waterDrogue, raft) in flow with the water stream; tether an airKite to the waterborne object; have lofted air turbines in the airKite system that generate electricity. 

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Just putting out here:  Chico, CA, sponsored a large 2009 Yo-Yo championships. The Yo-yo term has already entered AWECS. The yo-yo is a little tethered two-sided reeling dynamic flywheel. Modern materials and daring designing keeps adding new tactics to yo-yo handling.  What tech and perhaps other interface might the Yo-yo world bring to AWE?     
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The era of AWE will deeply involve a binary aura in more ways than one.
As you design AWECS, consider
these binary ways
And then in your joy, consider adding a note toward these binary ways.

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18Oct2009 A kiting solution to global warming, energy, obesity, health, fitness:  everyone each day goes out to fly an AWECS sport-scale kite system. Exercise, store the energy in one of several green ways, and assist one-another. 

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18Oct2009 AWECS Decathlon, AWECS contests with events in novelty, green storage, beauty, efficiency on various parameters,  etc.   Send in your ideas about events, programs, etc. to advance the awareness and culture of the new aviation.

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18Oct2009 Yes, I see. He even took a hit at "dipping boom" which is close to my "tipping boom" that he and I collaborated on. He is positioning and practicing for being clear.  He is racing ahead for specific practical achievement goals. He is aware of vast nich variations of methods, but is pressing for efficient watts/kilogram and safety for large systems practiced first in handy sizes.

Different goals, different parameters, different settings, meeting different requirements, fulfilling different qualities, etc. bring a vast opportunity for alternative solutions. The AWE community has yet to have a handsome classification system for method options. It is not time to toss any method aside.



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given to Xerces Blue, non-profit AWE org.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-TCW1zJ7GWQ  by  G.G.

18Oct2009 Historical progress
October 18, 2009:

Beloved Pastor sir,
Permit me some of your time to drag you for at least a peep into a new world God just brought me into and has so swiftly lifted me up (I did share with you briefly) therein that I will really appreciate supportive prayers of all I know for His divine sustenance and further lift here.

AWE is an acronym for Airborne Wind Energy. Airborne Wind Energy Technology is just about market ready and is in reality an extension of Wind Energy Conversion Systems from the old hard Towers for WindMills to the more powerful and more consistent winds higher up by means of 'Kites' or other unmanned aerial vehicles. Kites can now power/tug sea vessels, pump water, and generate electricity at costs possibly cheaper than fossil fuels.

Please take a look for yourself at http://www.energykitesystems.net
The industry association Airborne Wind Industry Association AWEIA has a website at http://www.aweia.org

Yours truly is the pioneer African Continental Regional Coordinator for AWEIA.
A man named Dave Santos noticed my efforts in a mutual internet based organization we both belonged and introduced me to AWE; and he has also asked me to come on board as a Director in his KiteLab Group (under formation). KiteLab is a leading R&D firm in Energy Kite Systems.

John Oyebanji   of   Hardensoft International Limited


SpiralAirfoil Airborne Division

[ED: The airborne division might historically be the first
or one of the first hard-towered ground-hugging wind power firms
to open an airborne division for their turbines.
This leadership action models a key reformation possible for many hard-towered firms.
We have invited
Vestas to do similarly.]

    I just noticed that your leadership forms an historical crossing that spearheads reformation of hard-towered ground-hugging firms into airborne wind energy conversion systems.    Actual first is a fuzzy question; I do not have clear what has happened in the Netherlands and Italy, etc. Perhaps an AWECS player is launching from a hard-towered firm; full historical view is not yet available to me.  JoeF

Anyone have facts on some hard-towered turbine firm
adding an airborne wind energy conversion system division or department?
  Send your online note now


Wind Turbines and the Energy in Wind


Joseph A. DiPalo
consultant for EnergyKiteSystems.net

19Oct2009  Feel free to send detail study notes regarding this patent. Notes can be short or long. If you wish to illustrate something, send illustration via e-mail for all. Benoit had filed a patent in 1980 and then some improvements two years later. See both patents for detail comments. Click this image  for first patent:

Click this second image for second patent:







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19Oct2009 Domina Jalbert advanced his mastery over kite balloon into a later 1945 patent that instructs many details that remain classic for those aiming at using kytoons in various AWECS schemes, especially as materials keep advancing for us today.  Click image for your copy:

And then a year or so later he continued with some
further instructions. Click here for the next kite balloon
patented instruction.

Then 15 years later he patents an instruction about kite balloon fin attaching.

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19Oct2009 Historical crossing today October 19, 2009:   

The Global Wind Energy Council GWEC now has
an airborne wind energy industry member.  
An era has opened; a marriage  is born. Celebrate!
Airborne Wind Energy Industry Association              AWEIA

The GWEC board members:
Acciona Energia
Alstom Wind/Ecotècnia
Gamesa Energia
Garrad Hassan and Partners
GE Energy
Hansen Transmissions Int.
LM Glasfiber
NRG Systems
Renewable Energy Systems
REpower Systems
Siemens Wind Power
Suzlon Energy
Vestas Wind System

19Oct2009 Scene: Small thirsty dam where there is just some water, but not sufficient to continuously operate water-through let for hydro power. What to do?  Drop the water through the hydro turbine and generate electricity, but catch the water just below the dam and pump that water back up into the reservoir via AWECS. The reservoir keeps its water and acts as a rectifying smoothing battery to give electricity whether the wind is blowing or not. Notice that there might be some options to consider. The AWECS pumping of water involves mechanics different from direct electrical generation. Using the AWECS during wind to drive the generator incorporated with the dam's hydro turbines instead of dropping water to the below-dam catch would be a consideration.    JF
Note- It may make sense to drive the hydro-generators in "dry mode" by kite, saving the water (without pumping it) when wind blows. DS.

Related with these matters is a closed-water system where a flat region of land allows the digging of a hole; use the soil to form an above-ground reservoir which gives head to held water. Drop the water through a hydro-generator into the dug hole. Use AWECS to pump the water out of the hole water back into the above-ground reservoir. Line both reservoir and dug hole with impervious material to stop soil-loss of water; float evaporation stoppers on both water holds. The hydro-turbine provides electricity night and day as needed whether or not the wind blows. For the minimal system there is a water pump and an electrical generator. At some times, it might be advantageous to dry-run the electric generator by the airborne prime mover.  JF

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New folder open for all to develop for the benefit of AWE:   Drag

20Oct2009 Use kite energy or kitricity to condense water from airs (ambient air, air over damp soils, airs humidified with plant pruning, etc.). There are yet places on earth where this application might be important.                         

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So far:


[ED: We welcome your AWE insights related to these articles.
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   An A++ article has been posted:  Gigawatt COTS, Geophysical Flow Energy  M434

Following Domina Jalbert's lead of breathing water as air for kiting, see the rapid development that can happen immediately for air and water using kiting AWE methods.  Both hydro side-planers and inverted AWE underwater paravane schemes need no breakthroughs to obtain gigawatt operations. Attention national decision makers!


Have you charged your batteries today with your energy kites?
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Does your city's annual kite festival have an energy-kite event?
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Have your local politicians observed a an energy-kite system charging the batteries of an electric car?
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Have you yet "flown" a side-planer paravane in your local river?
Then have you figured ways to energy-produce using river side-planer paravanes?

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How is your energy-kite firm training and certifying AWECS installation and maintenance technicians?
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Wanted: AWECS that morph to stay aloft working during wind range from 5 mph to 300 mph.
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Do Lightships have something to say to AWE?
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 Joined AWEIA and KiteLab Group: ZapKites    


Joined AWEIA and KiteLab Group: KiteSA: KiteSA       

  • KITESA,   KiteSA, K.I.T.E.S.A.,
    Kite Information and Technology Exchange Society of America since 1960s has served kiting, manned kiting, hang gliding, and airborne wind energy systems since the 1960. Founding member of AWEIA, founding member of KiteLab Group, founded United States Hang Glider Association, founded Low & Slow periodical, founded Hang Glider magazine as a weekly, founded HangGliderHistory.com  with its timeline, founded Self-Soar Association, operates KiteLab Los Angeles.
                Any innovation in kiting and hang gliding that stems from KiteSA are placed freely into public domain for anyone to use personally or commercially without reference or attribution. Temporary coordinator for AWEIA during its current founding process in 2009..  
                 KiteSA identified an early instance residing in the year 1908 in the territory of Breslau of the free-flight pilot-control mechanical construct of the cable-stayed triangle control frame (TCF) with hang glider pilot tethered behind the TCF; in each decade since the TCF was used in aviation in various ways; the TCF secured a sector of hang gliders as true free-flight kite systems with the pilot being the moving mooring base of the kite's tether during the gliding and soaring operations. 
                 KiteSA founded EnergyKiteSystems.net , energykitesystems.net , KiteEnergySystems.net , CupKites.com , StyroFoamKites.com , group AirborneWindEnergy  . and HGAusa.com      Current strong focus of KITESA regards bringing AWECS into rapid development and acceptance in both water and air.  AWECS is airborne wind energy conversion systems where methodology has clear mechanical similitude in water dynamics and water-air dynamics.
    refers to Rapid AWE development, Rapid AWECS Development. 
    refers to Rapid AWECS Acceptance.
              Donations are needed and welcome; such may easily and securely be sent via the PayPal button at joefaust.org   Glass pockets is logged at
    Donations and advertising income log
          An occasional-e-mail news list on energy kiting is maintained; you may place your e-mail on the KiteEnergy list by noting such in an e-mail  using the following e-mail.   Join in these KiteSA movements, projects, and programs via e-mail: Notes@energykitesystems.net  
21Oct2009   WindLift's Robert Creighton has been added to the speaker list at the Nov. 5-6 conference in Chico, CA.  See his summary.

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21Oct2009 Easy market take-off ?   
RAA  Rapid AWECS Acceptance.   In which way will society grow in its awareness of AWECS assests?

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21Oct2009                  Whale Flipper Rotor    Frank E. Fish                        

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21Oct2009 Test one variDrogue oscillator of  1 meter diameter for energy extraction from the wind.

Report results. Describe how you oscillated the variDrogue from full drag to minimum drag.  Then add behind the first variDrogue another variDrogue at your chosen separated distance on the same axial varying control line. Test and report extracted energy of the two variDrogue arrangements.  Then have a chain of three variDrogues with separation you choose.  Test the triple.  Analyze the experience.  Loft the three tests using a major stable lifter kite and run the variDrogue drive line through a pulley to a groundstationed pump or electric generator.   Photos?  Measuring? Analysis?  Photos and drawings may be entered via direct e-mail for publication.  Separation distance will matter.  

In typed symbols:




A fabric variDrogue might be the least expensive type of variDrogue, but others are welcome. Some might even respect a traditional bladed thin-winged rotor with variable pitch as an instance of a variDrogue.

Preamble notes sharpening this experimentation are invited:  Send your online note now


21Oct2009 Flapping-tail AWECS.

Kytoon with flapping tails.

Kytoon with tail rotor.

Kite with rotor-saturated tail.


...all generating electricity sent to ground

wither by conductive tether or conversion to laser beam with beams directed to ground receivers or airborne receivers for doing work.



AWEIA National Progress


Skyhooked tether-mounted rotors
drive groundstationed generator.
Use that tether twist to advantage!

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Dyneema ®       versus       this?     

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Sweeping kite breaks sound barrier?

Assume a fixed ground anchor for a kite at sea level on earth. Assume smooth wind stream. Assume a tether length of 100 meters. What is the maximum apparent airspeed that may be experienced at a given kite's wing?  Assume ambient wind to be 100 mph for one case. Then consider ambient wind to be 200 mph.  Then consider ambient wind of 300 mph.
Note: This exploration  is not the kite-traction speed-record or the speed-sailing challenge.

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23Oct2009 AWEIA National Progress     (8 to date)  Reporting reps are invited for the teams in nations. Send national progress notes.           
23Oct2009 American Wind Energy Association conference on small and community wind conference and exhibition,
November 3 - 5, 2009
Cobo Center Detroit, MI

Exhibitor list  [Ed: Will the same entities open a department to serve airborne wind?]

Your ideas that relate to AWECS are invited. Send your online note now on this topic

23Oct2009 Call for AWE directory entities from all:     Global AWE Directory      

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renewable energy resellers, renewable energy retailers, renewable energy brokers  
The extant and growing set of brokers may carry AWECS along with their other carried products.

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24Oct2009 China, Japan, India, Korea, and Russia may blossom with airborne wind energy innovation and installation.   Access to the intellectual property evolution is challenging for those not having mastery over the these languages.       Help is invited for AWEIA awareness for this sector of energy kite systems.  Here is a start of a growing awareness for this effort:

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Highest Wind
Highest Wind engineering partners made public.

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Kinetic Sculpture

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$30 USD?  Scalable.     See competition video below:

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  Kite Simulation Toolbox    by  Jeroen Breukels  of TU Delft      

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Store AWECS energy gains to cover needs when the wind is less than wanted.

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Calendar-specific AWE events  versus calendar-opportunistic AWE events!
Seed AWE by demo at kite festivals, beach piers, seashores, open fields. Plant seedAWE.

  • public acceptance of AWE

  • public awareness of AWE

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25Oct2009 High cable with cable-rider driven back-and-forth by radio-controlled  kite. The cable is over other ground operations, houses, huts, etc.  What opportunities are here?  

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25Oct2009 AWEIA is extending the reach for wind power to higher winds aloft by means of kites and other unmanned aerial vehicles.

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25Oct2009 Call for AWECS icon from artists.     Logo for AWEIA?   The three-blade turbine has its meaning; what icon will AWECS have?

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Power-to-cost ratio an for a particular AWECS? 
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25Oct2009 Two directions:
  1. Have a need and aim to fulfill that need with an AWECS.
  2. Have specific AWECS and find a place in the world for that AWECS.

Described needs that might be resolved by an AWECS are invited.

Differently: described AWECS are invited ... any and all; help find fitting places for each AWECS.

So far, there is a very incomplete presentation of needs potentially resolvable by AWECS. And likewise there is a very incomplete presentation of AWECS species--let alone specific formulations for working systems.

Suggest places for a specific AWECS.
        So far, entered by members:

  • Historical document words only. Internet saved for all to review forever. Value: education, entertainment, awareness in order to appreciate innovation, perhaps to avoid repetition, etc.
  • Historical document words and drawings only.
  • Historical document with words, drawings, and photographs.
  • Historical document with words, drawings, photographs, observations, analysis, measurements, comparisons, use history, predictions, opinions.
  • Miniature model and full description held in AWECS museum.
  • At a site fulfilling a described need.  Observations, cost profile, operational history, analysis, opinion, etc.

What might seem a "disadvantage" in a design could be an asset when the siting or application is altered.

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25Oct2009 "Broom of God" AWE?     Air and water.... ?       Patagonia wind lore ...

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conductive tether, conductive kite line   M474

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Note from member Pierre Benhaïem from France, AWEIA team reporting rep for France:

By Pierre Benhaïem:

I am happy to join the following notes and the above image.

AWE traction kites like those used in kitesurfing or KiteShip boat traction or SkySails cargo-ship tugging do work perfectly.   Rotation for AWE kite generators raises different problems with identical aerodynamic features from the kites.

From linear AWE: good transmission between tether and generator, but dispersed swept area. So its economical interest is limited because of the too important ratio used aerial space/power.

From cyclic AWE with kites: low ratio used ground and aerial space/power,  but problems of transmission: the useful tangential force (which creates torque) is limited and there are important axial and radial forces (which do not creates torque, but damages to the structure).

Mechanical characteristics are the base of OrthoKite system studying.

Double lever systems' theoreticals allow use of the complete flight window, left and right. However, on known devices left-and-right levers like Fig.1b on Payne's 1975 shown patent, Text not available simultaneously are pulled, that to assure left and right motion. So radial force is high, since transmission is + - 180°:    Radial force is necessary to put the device in oscillating power motion: so tangential force is low. The benefit of lever demultiplication* is weak (perhaps it is the reason why there are few descriptions of this point). OrthoKite system transmission is about 90°, so radial force is low, and tangential force is high.

Axial force is a common problem for all vertical axis. It is the reason why a OrthoKite variant describes jacks under the swiveling tray for an adapted oblique axis. With such a device,  trajectories of kites are light curves on a vertical plan (instead horizontal trajectories).

On OrthoKite system demultiplication* is such that the length of its radius corresponds to power/radians/second, and is dependent on the ratio L/D of the kites.

The first easy experiment (without kite) with a salad spinner with a scotched ruler: Pull on the tether on one end = high torque. Pull on tether on two ends = high radial force (high traction, low torque).

The next experiment with a kite: An OrthoKite variant with a wagon putting in motion the two lines of the kite--one end to the other end of the double lever.

Furthering this, here are some steps: A complete prototype with a storing device smoothing generator production, sensors, automation. The storing device is an hydraulic installation with hydraulic actuating, hydro-pneumatic accumulator, hydraulic motor. For this step,  at least a funded firm is necessary.

I would be happy these matters are scientifically developed and points made precise on tangential, axial, radial forces. This furthering process is one key for AWE projects.


Pierre Benhaïem

[*    ED:  Usage for the offered "demultiplication" is requested.   :"démultiplication du levier"    reduction?   multiplication?     Pierre offered:    "démultiplication du levier" good sense of translate is magnitude of the torque of the lever arm.     
Also, we have linearAWE, cyclicAWE. 
Corrections on the text are still invited.              

http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Levier_(mecanique)        )

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AWE Tako kichi               Ref1     M480 

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25Oct2009  Flying AWECS from towers?      Explore this extensively.

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  • So far:
    • From skyscraper (they are towers) roof tops.
    • From top of de-commissioned tri-blade towers have AWECS line go out the top of tower. Line would go to ground through interior of the tower to generator on the ground level for better maintenance access
    • Cable between two de-commissioned tri-blade towers; use that cable as a way for a going generator rider that is drive by a traction kite controlled for the left-to-right pathing.
    • Cable AWECS between two de-commissioned tri-blade towers for playing an ever-up AWECS that is yet HTA type; use the Santos ever-up energy-in-at-calm method, if appropriate.
    • Raise tower that is a actually a ballasted tipping boom driving by kites; the oscillation drives a sprag clutch gen.
    • Have two towers on a small residential property. String a kite with two lines between the two towers; have the lines go through the interior of the towers to a sprag clutched generator
    • On a 100 m tower: Hang a kite that droops in full calm to be 10 m from the ground.  At wind: The kite self-starts and triggers boom-sway driven generator; boom sway is driven by kite sweeps via smart-reading sensors and fly program.

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  1.   Let's Go Phi a Kite!

  2. Darin Selby folder at EnergyKiteSystems

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Wind Power Africa 2010   Conference and Renewable Energy Exhibition    Cape Town, 12-14 May 2010
There may be some presence of airborne wind energy conversion systems,
at least by the leadership of AWEIA's regional Africa rep
John Oyebanji  of  Hardensoft International Limited

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26Oct2009 Former intern: Alexander Cosic, past intern at Makani Power
June 2008  September 2008 (4 months)]. 
He is involved in ESMO project.
26Oct2009 Selsam is asking for cooperative combine at Chico conference:  Lifter kites assisting the top end of multi-rotor flex-shaft torque electricity generating system.   Will there be any lifter-kite cooperative offers?   Will there be enough wind?  A train of lifter kites might do the trick.     
See some new artist drawings and other actual hardware:

Lifter kites invited for conference cooperative?  Low-wind site may add to the challenge.
April 1977  Selsam conceived  and ...notarized claim in 1979 http://www.speakerfactory.net/kitewindmill1sm.jpg  where lifter kite supported upper end of double fanBelt laddermill arrangement.

Selsam is asking for cooperative combine at Chico conference:  Lifter kites assisting the top end of multi-rotor flex-shaft torque electricity generating system.   Will there be any lifter-kite cooperative offers?   Will there be enough wind?  A train of lifter kites might do the trick.     
See some new artist drawings and other actual hardware:


*Emerging eagle:  AWEIA

*Phrase credited to our AWEIA team captain for Africa. I like the phrase. Find out why at the HAWP 2009 conference; look for the 10th bird (hint). However, the bird "kite"might fit most of AWE. Emerging energetic kite: AWEIA.     AWEIA is dedicated to world service for the airborne sector of wind power.   What do you think?       Send your online note now on this topic


The Fire Age is ending. 
AWE will fly its part in the cleantech age.

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       Large file.      Language used in video: Italian:  film (394 MB, approximately 52 minutes, Italian)
of the presentation (Italian) (PDF document) of the KiteGen project, held in Naples on 15th May 2008,
during "Solar Days 2008" (organized by the Province of Naples). 
WOW is buying shares in KiteGen Research in respect of the high altitude eolian power plants

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  Collegiate Energy Association (CEA)
How aware are its members of AWE?  

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Ordinary: single tether for lifter. 
Alternative for various reasons: split tether. 
Welcome: reasons for splitting tether.
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Illuminating the Future of Energy

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Making AWECS visible to other aircraft, birds, bats?    One possible partner: FlashTechnology
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How to make wind power less visible to neighbors on the ground?
Consider making the groundstation of AWECS invisible.
Consider AWECS replacing all those visible hard-towered ground huggers.
Eventually consider the 10th AWE solution (hint relative to coming conference talk).
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How to bring AWE into the awareness of the public and public officials?
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So far entered:

  • School textbook images and paragraphs on AWECS
  • Science class  build and observe projects
  • Public art depicting working AWECS
  • Prize-based competitive AWE contests
  • Some headlines in public media
  • Letters with facts and images of working AWECS sent to leaders
  • Public-square demonstrations of working AWECS

supply chain       AWECS have parts that will be made by other than the parent company.   
Notes on AWECS supply chain are invited.  
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Entered notes, so far:

  •  As AWE grows, professional management of supply chain matters will be needed; supply-chain issues will arrive and need resolution. Most extant professionals working in the ground-hugging wind power sector will be able transfer their attention to AWECS. Because AWECS promises more site options, there is the possibility of AWE finally producing much more total energy than the ground huggers. JoeF]
27Oct2009 Self-re-launch strategies? AWE kites systems that are not ever-ups may be self-launched in various ways. Welcomed are your found strategies. See elsewhere for growing the very different ever-up methods (EU-AWECS).

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So far:

  • Reel in the tether and have a kite-parking scheme that is robotize; when sensors note adequate wind, start groundstation blower to inflate and raise the kite to a starting format; let the wind do the rest in coordination with programmed winch.
  • Have a field space that allows un-snaggy relaxation of the full kite and tether. Have the kite shape be such that it catches breeze and rises on its own.
  • Have a small He or H2 balloon that teases the calmed kite to catch first breeze. (Someone might find a niche application for a hot-air or solar balloon for self re-launching assisting of an AWE kite)
  • Have kite land leeward of a high cable. The becalmed kite hangs leeward of the cable and remains dangling until the breeze returns. This is mostly for where wind is in one directions (tight constraint!).
27Oct2009 Ribbon rotors come in more than one variety.

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So far:

  • Roeseler, W. G., The Effect of Ribbon Rotor Geometry on Blade Response and Stability," Masters thesis, Massachusetts Institute of
    Technology, May 1966.
  • Works of William Gene Roeseler, Jayant Sirohi, Anubhav Datta, and others. See bibliography in this paper.  W.G. Roeseler
  • Ribbon rotor where rotation disk faces ambient wind. Rotation is accessed by spinning tip kites.
  • Ribbon rotor driven by a hub which hub is driven by a kite-derived energy. Rotor-tip mass and some strategic stiffness enhances the ribbon's performance.
  • Rotating ribbon bow kite.     This is a Magnus-effect kite. Some mining of energy can occur for secondary work  SkyBow
  • Ribbon mono-turbines of many scales.   KiteLab Group.  Oscillations in conjunction with lifter kites can form a strong scalable AWECS.
  • Vibrating ribbon direct generator.
  • Long playSail ribbon

For all to develop: Ribbon Rotors

27Oct2009 Store that AWECS gain:      AQUABANK at RiverBankPower by Riverbank Power Corporation.  (large-scale hydro water movement from high to low to high again with good timing in conjunction with renewable intermittent resources.  Small versions have been simply called water-battery in the AWECS community.  See the small urban flat region instance of such technology with AWECS serving even small home away from rivers or away from oceans; a closed set of water holds set at distinct heads provides a "water-battery" to hold AWECS-gained energy in upper water-hold; drop water through a small hydro generator to lower water-hold; pump the water back up with AWECS. This mimics natural processes in preamble to traditional dam hydro power where  air-carried water rains and fills dam; drop water to get hydroelectric power; sun gets the water again and drops the cloud squeeze back to the dam.

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27Oct2009 Viktor Schauberger

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27Oct2009 From the SkySails calculation page: "The SkySails-System can only be used when the vessel is underway."  And in their calculations they take 210 days as a working figure for "underway."  That leaves 155 days with non-working kite.   What if they figured a neat way to use the kite during those 155 days (or a good portion of that time) by well-anchoring ship and flying the kite at a bit higher altitude in reel-out-reel-in dynamic pitch-control to generate electricity stored at port or onboard or both directly or as a conversion into compressed hydrogen. Then sell or use that energy. This might make the SkySails system even more valuable for the ship industry.   Just a thought. What do you think?

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28Oct2009 http://www.docstoc.com/docs/13890150/Wind-Power-From-Kites

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Filing date
: Dec 11, 1978
Conception dates?
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In 1975 filing:
Filing date: Jan 28, 1975   Conception date? _____


29Oct2009 Corey Houle of SwissKitePower

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29Oct2009 Alexander Bormann of Aeroix                       LinkedIn

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The key to energy independence: Go fly a kite!

Big Wind          similar to Big Oil or Big Coal.    Big Wind is the playground for AWECS. Indeed, some are aiming some AWECS for mining the energy in hurricanes.

Renewistan :: This is the high altitude wind space where AWECS live and work.  Coining term: Saul Griffith of Makani Power, Inc..

kite turbine technology

The writer noted wing-mounted turbines. This seems to be an application of  , at least in part. But we have not facts about what Makani has actually done.

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29Oct2009 Millions of specific circumstantial needs have a paramount AWECS solution written in the Erdős-type Book.

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29Oct2009 Some sectors of AWECS will indeed be indebted to Montgolfier brothers

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29Oct2009 Hydrogen as the conveyor of the AWECS harvested energy

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30Oct2009 Pasadena Star-News headline on October 28, 2009, regarding high winds::

High winds down power lines, pick up ash

One day a correct spelling will be:

High winds power down lines using up AWE.

30Oct2009 NEWS: Winner: http://highestwindnews.blogspot.com/    CONGRATULATIONS, DIMITRI... 

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Fresh Air, Vol. 1, No. 1

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gets all thumbs up.

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Kite Wind Generator®        of the KitVes project

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Sequoia Automation

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Part of the wide legacy of David H. Shepard


31Oct2009                                  Charles Max Fry      and   Henry W. Hise
Are these two inventors still with us? What is the status of the works? When did they conceive of their claims? Discuss their claims. Does this relate to the lifted multi-rotor Selsam? To the Darin Selby cabled beads? To EU-AWECS challenges?

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Wind-Powered Kite Ship Plans To Change The World, One Knot At A Time

Posted on April 12, 2009 - Categories: Green News

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Modular Pumped Storage                                      Send your online note now on this topic


"Do you have ready systems to demonstrate this capability?"

Reports are invited regarding any ready AWECS system that satisfies a specified need.
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31Oct2009 Model: 
"The below could be a strategic forum to partner the  __________World with relevant AWE schemes."

So far, what "worlds" on might benefit from our interface and communications? (This is incomplete; all are invited to make the list more complete.)

  • Pond owners
  • Reservoir owners
  • Hydro-power operators
  • Wind-break owners and planners (farmers, airports, windy homes, ...)
  • Off-grid villages
  • Hard-towered turbine supply-chain entities
  • Government energy ministers
  • Transportation leaders
  • Air-traffic managers
  • Agricultural managers
  • Irrigation specialists
  • Fire-fighters
  • Education world. AWE will need trained people.
  • Festivals
  • Generator manufacturers
  • Kite manufacturers and kite-supply chain
  • Winch manufacturers
  • Soil anchor engineers
  • City leaders for understanding the differences between hard-towers and tethered towers.
  • Energy planners
  • Rural off-grid projects, homes, commerce, foresters, hikers, recreationists,

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31Oct2009 AWE scheme:

Airborne-Driven Scalable Encased-Bi-tank Hydroelectric Power

  • Method can be emboldened at most AWE scales
  • In one application: Whenever water is dropped from a tank for drinking, washing, irrigating, etc. hydro-electric generation might be in-line in front of the final catch. The banked water head is maintained by influx from wind energy, perhaps AWECS.
  • The closed-cycle versions may be at many scales. A nomadic installment might be a high tank and a low tank; charge the high tank via AWECS from initial rain, creek, ground, river, ocean waters. Then upon drop of water have in-line hydro-electric generator. Aft of the electric generation either use the water for several end uses or have the water ponded or tanked ready for the kite systems to pump back into the high tank. Consider at wind using the kite system for direct electric production solely or in combination with filling the upper tank.
  • The lower tank is exemplified in large scale by the forwarding of the company AquaBank where the lower tank is far underground; their upper tank is ambient river. But upper tanks may take many forms: pond, bottle, ocean, creek, reservoir, truck tank, local water tower, etc.

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Power curves
for well-specified and functioning AWECS
within any AWE scale

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31Oct2009     The Seventh Asia-Pacific Conference on
Wind Engineering, November 8-12, 2009,
Taipei, Taiwan


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