

 Two-kite solutions (TKS) and Morphs to OKSs

Two-Kite Solution (TKS)     The kites talk to each other robotically; one is in strong pull while the other is in low-pull; the strong pull kite pulls the driving line through generator on the ground; then reverse is triggered and the kites morph so the other kite becomes the driver. Smart and robotic. 

  • Non-RC variants:
    • On-line triggering stops on line that operates an angle-of-attack line.
    • Aloft in kites have oscillating spiral-spring motors that wind up and then release; consider having one kite fixed for lower power gain, if only one kite has the trigger oscillating mechanical device.
    • : ) Marry the two kites to be one kite at the peak of a triangled loop line so that the TKS morphs to the One-Kite-Solution (OKS) with an onboard automatic figure-of-eight controller that powers left and right to draw the drive line.
    • Two-kite solution evolves to One-kite solution (OKS) without radio-controlling (RC)--- a bow to DaveS' drive to avoid RC.
      Updated drawing             [Ballast the boom in TipB]
      Of course, the OKS  has been patented and is in public domain now.
      Patent number
      : 3987987
      Filing date: Jan 28, 1975
      Issue date: Oct 26, 1976
      Inventors: Peter R. Payne, Charles McCutchen
      OKS demos at all high schools of the world might help to change the future game.
      Charge E-bicycle batteries or ultracaps with OKS.   Use wheels of bicycle for the pulleys anchored with ambient sand/rock/tree tie outs. Infinite e-travel from OKS; and when conditions permit, just tug bicycle or cart with the kite.
      Ode to Eight
  • The two kites may be LTAKs for a practical never-down solution.
  •  Spread two-pulley ground feed of drive line through generator. 
  • The  two mooring pulleys may be left and right or they may be upwind and downwind.
  • The spread of the mooring pulleys may assure non-interference of lines.
  • Generator is at one of the pulleys or both or between...several options.