

AWECS Applications

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  • Webmaster Testing   Tuesday, 02 February 2010  M1048

My notes:

Message in group on 2Feb2010   M1048

Shake, rattle, roll, etc. Then what?
First level. Secondary levels. Applications

Dave Culp suggested  by careful estimating that 20% of world-energy from wind could be
obtained by installing smartly traction by AWECS  of the kite type into marine-vehicle movement sector. 
He indicated that the fastest way to impact energy savings in the world by AWECS is to use
the first-level mechanical energy for direct tugging of marine vehicles to save on fossil-fuel consumption. 
That is, first put up an AWECS to gain mechanical energy from the wind;next: use that mechanical energy in another choice:
tug a boat.

Dave Santos has a deep text tending to usher an age of tethered aviation
and perhaps living in the sky via AWECS. In the text are scores of specialized applications.

Probably each member of this forum has a list of uses of the mined mechanical energy from AWECS
that might even be guarded or kept under wraps for one reason or another. Let's get all such into
a list for all.

Trans-fusion AWECS applicaitons may have long-term potenial impact on life on earth.


AWECS convert wind energy to mechanical energy. Include the hydro analogues in paravane systems.  
That is first level activity.  The first level shows itself in the parts of the AWECS system being
shaken, vibrated, stretched, pulled, turned, rotated, compressed, expanded, rattled, tensed, etc.

What to do with that mechanical energy? 
There are choices in the second level of activity.
It may well be valuable to have a comprehensive list of second-tier activity choices.  And third-level, fourth level, etc.
At each conversion there is some cost, but it all may serve well for niche needs.  
Some examples: 

Post your ideas  in forum an/or send to Notes@energykitesystems.net   

or in AWE Sector: Use the data-entry form configured for direct web posting at
where a collection is being amassed in preparation for forming
an individual design-development-and-tracking file for each application.
Applications receiving most interest will be given first attention.

One objective is to capture potential game changer applicaitons where the game
may be in  nomadic, individual, micro-to-free-flight, or world-surrounding sectors.